+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
1. Tull Ödön: Régi házak Angliában [Old Houses in England]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
I. Terem [I. Hall]
2. Tull Ödön: Molo Velencében [Pier in Venice]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Robert Wellmann(view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
3. Wellmann Róbert: Kállay Albert kegy. úr arcképe [Portrait of Patron Albert Kállay]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
4. Tull Ödön: Nyári éjszaka [Summer Night]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Mariska Augustin Grüngasse 16, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
5. Augustin Mariska: Két kutya [Two Dogs]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Stetka Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
6. Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-László Mednyánszky(view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
7. Mednyánszky László báró: Zivatar [Thunderstorm]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Stetka Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
8. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Luma Csúzy Pettenkoferstrasse 31, Munich (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
9. Brunningeni Flesch L.: Kigyóvarázs [Snake Magic]
painting: oil
+-Ede Balló Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
10. Férfi arckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
I. Terem [I. Hall]
11. Báró Dóczy Lajos arcképe [Portrait of Baron Lajos Dóczy]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
12. Mihalik Dániel: Kóróhordás [Carrying Weed]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Ede Balló Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
13. Mihalovich Ödön arcképe [Portrait of Ödön Mihalovich]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Aréna-út 19; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
14. Pentelei Molnár J.: Merengő [Daydreamer]
painting: oil
I. Terem [I. Hall]
15. Pentelei Molnár J.: Jób [Job]
painting: oil
I. Terem [I. Hall]
16. Pentelei Molnár J.: Pieta [Pieta]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
I. Terem [I. Hall]
17. Pentelei Molnár J.: Partszakadás [Shore Landslide]
painting: oil
I. Terem [I. Hall]
18. Pentelei Molnár J.: Téli nap [Winter Day [or: Winter Sun]]
painting: oil
I. Terem [I. Hall]
19. Pentelei Molnár J.: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-László Mednyánszky(view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
20. Mednyánszky László báró: Eső [Rain]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Gyula Benczúr Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
21. Szalay Péter államtitkár arcképe [Portrait of State Secretary Péter Szalay]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-László Mednyánszky(view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
22. Mednyánszky László báró: Reggel [Morning]
painting: oil
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
23. Tull Ödön: A megszokott ebéd [The Regular Lunch]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Istvan Bosznay Bethlen-utca 61, Debrecen (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
24. Bosznay István: Télen [In the Winter]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Ferencz Paczka Lützowstrasse 60 a; W, Berlin (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
25. Paczka Ferenc: Női akt (Kutyával) [Female Nude (With Dog)]
painting: oil
+-Margit Pogány Bálvány-utca 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
26. Arcképtanulmány [Study of a Portrait]
painting: oil
+-Istvan Bosznay Bethlen-utca 61, Debrecen (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
27. Tavaszelő [Early Spring]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
28. Vihar a vár körül [Storm Around the Castle]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
29. Cyprusok alatt [Under the Cypresses]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
II. Terem [II. Hall]
30. Bújdosó hold [Hidden Moon]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Szilárd Kővári Kurta-utca, Košice (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
31. Kővári Szilárd: Házak télen [Houses in the Winter]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
32. Kialvó lámpa [The Lamp is Burning Out]
painting: oil
+-Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
33. Mihalik Dániel: Októberi verőfény [Bright Sunshine in October]
painting: tempera
II. Terem [II. Hall]
34. Mihalik Dániel: Rózsacsoport [Group of Roses]
painting: tempera
Dr. Kohner Adolf [Dr. Adolf Kohner]
II. Terem [II. Hall]
35. Mihalik Dániel: Kukoricatarló [Corn Stubble]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
36. Mihalik Dániel: Országút mellett [Next to the Highway]
painting: oil
Andrássy Géza gróf [Count Géza Andrássy]
+- | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
other medium, Tempera-olajf. [tempera and oil painting]
+-Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
38. Mihalik Dániel: Nyári áradás [Summer Flood]
painting: oil
Dr. Majoyszky Pál [Dr. Pál Majovszky [m]]
II. Terem [II. Hall]
39. Mihalik Dániel: Rózsák [Roses]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
40. Mihalik Dániel: Telelő hajók a Tiszán [Wintering Ships on the Tisza]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
41. Mihalik Dániel: Tavasz [Spring]
painting: tempera
+-Olga Hadzsy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
42. Hadzsy Olga: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Szilárd Kővári Kurta-utca, Košice (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
43. Kővári Szilárd: Dési templom délután [Church of Dés in the Afternoon]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
44. Kővári Szilárd: Téli délután [Winter Afternoon]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
45. Kővári Szilárd: Műterem modellel [Studio with Model]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
46. Kővári Szilárd: Spanyol leány maszkkal [Spanish Girl with Mask]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
47. Kővári Szilárd: Téli napfény délután [Winter Sunshine in the Afternoon]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
II. Terem [II. Hall]
48. Kővári Szilárd: Spanyol nő zöld székkel [Spanish Woman with Green Chair]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Bruck Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
49. Konyha [Kitchen]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
50. Az én 3 modellem [My 3 Models]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
51. Interieur-vázlat [Interior-Sketch]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
52. Bártfai utcarész [Scene of a Street in Bártfa]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
53. Interieur [Interieur]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
54. Szepes-Bélai utcarész [Scene of a Street in Szepes-Béla]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
III. Terem [III. Hall]
55. Elhagyatott [Abandoned]
painting: oil
+-József Koszta Corso Italia 139, Rome (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
56. Tájkép alakkal [Landscape with Figure]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
57. Öreg asszony [Old Woman]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
58. Tanyai táj [Farm Landscape]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
III. Terem [III. Hall]
59. Erdő szélén [On the Edge of the Forest]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
60. Nagy Vilmos: A kis kiváncsi [The Little Curious One]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
III. Terem [III. Hall]
61. Nagy Vilmos: Aggódás [Worrying]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
62. Nagy Vilmos: Pihenő modellek [Resting Models]
painting: oil
+-Pál Jávor Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
63. Jávor Pál: Vörös [Red]
painting: tempera
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
III. Terem [III. Hall]
64. Jávor Pál: Női fej vörös kendők között [Woman's Head Among Red Scarves]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
65. Jávor Pál: Ilus [Ilus]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
66. Jávor Pál: Ifjú szobrász feje [Head of a Young Sculptor]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
67. Jávor Pál: Szolnoki fiú feje [Head of a Boy from Szolnok]
+-Géza Udvary Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
68. Udvary Géza: Esti sugár [Evening Sunbeam]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
69. Udvary Géza: Feketeruhás nő [Woman in Black Dress]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Deák-Ébner Fő-utca 49; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
70. Deák-Ebner Lajos: Száraz galyat gyűjtő leány [Girl Gathering Dry Twigs]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Bruck Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
71. Szepes-Szombati házak [Houses of Szepes-Szombat]
painting: oil
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
72. Hangulat Quarneroban [Mood in Quarnero]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
73. Holdvilágos tenger (Pornoli) [Moonlit Sea (Pornoli)]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
74. Impresszió [Impression]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
75. Virágzó gyöümölcsös [Blooming Orchard]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
76. Konyhakertészet hóban [Kitchen Garden in Snow]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
77. Tél [Winter]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
78. Karsztban [In the Karst Region]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
79. Nyires ősszel [Birch Forest in Autumn]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
80. Olasz táj [Italian Landscape]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
81. Olasz táj [Italian Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
82. Pongrácz Károly: Falu télen [Village in the Winter]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
83. Pongrácz Károly: Napsütés [Sunshine]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
84. Pongrácz Károly: Mosogató asszonyok [Women Washing Up]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
85. Pongrácz Károly: Jéghordás a Nyitrán [Transporting Ice on the Nitra]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
86. Pongrácz Károly: Parkrészlet [Scene of a Park]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
87. Pongrácz Károly: Híd a Zsitván [Bridge on tha Zsitva]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
88. Pongrácz Károly: Kazlak [Stacks]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
89. Pongrácz Károly: Szentmihályúrfalva [Szentmihályúrfalva]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
90. Pongrácz Károly: Ősszel [In Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Laszlo Hegedus Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
91. Hegedűs László: Éhes cica [Hungry Cat]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
92. Hegedűs László: Boszorkány [Witch]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
93. Hegedűs László: Imádkozó asszonyok [Praying Woman]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
94. Hegedűs László: Téli tájkép [Winter Landscape]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
95. Hegedűs László: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
96. Hegedűs László: Városmajori rész [Scene of the Városmajor]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
97. Szlányi Lajos: Lajtaparti kávéház M.-Óváron [Coffeehouse on the Shore of the Lajta in M.-Óvár]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
98. Szlányi Lajos: Nyári délután [Summer Afternoon]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
99. Szlányi Lajos: Virágos rét [Fowery Field]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
100. Szlányi Lajos: Jéghordás [Transporting Ice]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
101. Szlányi Lajos: Szolnoki templom [Church in Szolnok]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
102. Szlányi Lajos: Éjjel [At Night]
painting: oil
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
103. Esti hangulat Voloskán [Evening Moon in Voloska]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
104. Esti hangulat (Quarnero) [Evening Mood (Quarnero)]
painting: oil
IV.Terem [IV. Hall]
105. Nyires ősszel [Birch Forest in Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Celestin Mato Medović Ilica 85, Zagreb (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
106. Medović Celestin: Tájkép Dél-Dalmáciából I. [Landscape from South-Dalmatia I.]
painting: oil
+-Dome Skutezky Banská Bystrica (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
107. Skutezky Döme: Rézhámorból [From the Copper Works]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Nándor Katona Zakopane, [Galicia] (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
108. Katona Nándor: Egy novemberi nap [A Day in November]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Oscar Mendlick Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
109. Mendlik Oszkár: Őszi délután Scheweningennél [Autumn Afternoon at Scheweningen]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-César María Herrer Marcher Villa-sor 12; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
110. Herrer César: Olvasó nő [Reading Woman]
painting: oil
+-Ritta Boemm Döbrentey-tér 5; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
111. Interieur III. [Interieur III.]
painting: oil
V.Terem [V. Hall]
112. Interieur I. [Interieur I.]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Leopold Horovitz Magdalenenstr. 36-38; 1060, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
113. Horovitz Lipót: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-César María Herrer Marcher Villa-sor 12; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
114. Herrer César: A toiletteszobában [In the Dressing Room]
painting: oil
V.Terem [V. Hall]
115. Herrer César: Siesta [Siesta]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Dome Skutezky Banská Bystrica (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
116. Skutezky Döme: A nagy tűznél [At the Big Fire]
painting: oil
+-Ritta Boemm Döbrentey-tér 5; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
117. Interieur II. [Interieur II.]
painting: oil
+-Arthur Coulin Fekete-utca 6, Brașov (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
118. A hegedülő [The Violin Player]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Celesztin Pallya Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
119. Pállya Celestin: Eke elé fogott ökrök [Oxen Yoked to the Plough]
painting: oil
V.Terem [V. Hall]
120. Pállya Celestin: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
V.Terem [V. Hall]
121. Pállya Celestin: Nagy vásár [Big Market]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
V.Terem [V. Hall]
122. Pállya Celestin: Hazatérő csorda [Returning Herd]
painting: oil
V.Terem [V. Hall]
123. Pállya Celestin: Alkudozás [Haggling]
painting: oil
+-Celestin Mato Medović Ilica 85, Zagreb (view artist profile) | ||||
V.Terem [V. Hall]
124. Medović Celestin: Tájkép Dél-Dalmáciából II. [Landscape from South-Dalmatia II.]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Imre Károly Simay Heumühlgasse 4; 1040, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
125. Simay Imre: Kentaurszerelem [Centaur Love]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
126. Simay Imre: Vallomás [Confession]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
127. Simay Imre: Dal [Song]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
128. Simay Imre: Kutyatanulmány, Pepi [Study of a Dog, Pepi]
drawing: chalk
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
129. Simay Imre: Hattyúcsalád [Swan Family]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
131. Simay Imre: Engesztelés [Atonement]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
132. Simay Imre: Kutyatanulmány, Hanzi [Study of a Dog, Hanzi]
drawing: chalk
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
133. Simay Imre: Ismerkedés [Getting to Know One Another]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
134. Simay Imre: Királynő [Queen]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
+-János Kedvek Birsalma-utcza 38, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
135. Kedvek János: Női tanulmányfej [Female Head Study]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Gyula Conrad Váci-körút 61; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
139. Conrad Gyula: Kora tavasz [Early Spring]
drawing: charcoal
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
+-Ede Rinyi Soroksár, Budapest, [Parkettgyár] (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
142. Delelő gulya a Tiszaparton [Herd of Cattle Resting at Midday on the Shore of the Tisza]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
143. Fortuna háza Ozaljban (Horvátország) [The House of Fortuna in Ozalj (Croatia)]
painting: aquarelle, Decor. vizf [decor. watercolour painting]
+-Ferenc Krutsay Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
144. Krutsay Ferenc: Festő [Painter]
painting: oil
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Emil Sarkadi Szondi-utca 96; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
146. Sarkadi Emil: Salome [Salome]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-József Torbágyi Novák Erzsébet-körút 43; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
147. Novák József Lajos: Szövegdíszitések [Text Decorations]
drawing: pen and ink, Tussrajzok [ink drawings]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
148. Novák József Lajos: Rosmersholm [Rosmersholm]
drawing: pen and ink, Színes tussrajz [coloured ink drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
149. Novák József Lajos: Dekorativ tájkép [Decorative Landscape]
drawing: pen and ink, Színes tussrajz [coloured ink drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
150. Novák József Lajos: Gynthiana [Gynthiana]
drawing: pen and ink, Színes tussrajz [coloured ink drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
151. Novák József Lajos: Patak partja [Shore of the Brook]
drawing: pen and ink, Színes tussrajz [coloured ink drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
152. Novák József Lajos: Szövegdíszitések [Text Decorations]
drawing: pen and ink, Tussrajzok [ink drawings]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
153. Novák József Lajos: Szövegdíszitések [Text Decorations]
drawing: pen and ink, Tussrajzok [ink drawings]
+-Emil Sarkadi Szondi-utca 96; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
154. Sarkadi Emil: Salome [Salome]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Arnold Gara Szűz-utca 3; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
155. Tanulmány [Study]
+-Mariska Undi Margit-körút 40, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
156. Undi S. Mariska: Friss hó a vérmezőn [Fresh Snow in Vérmező]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Arthur Heyer Villa-sor 13; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
157. Hóolvadás [Snow Melting]
+-Emil Sarkadi Szondi-utca 96; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
158. Sarkadi Emil: Salome [Salome]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
159. Sarkadi Emil: Salome [Salome]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
160. Sarkadi Emil: Salome [Salome]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Mariska Undi Margit-körút 40, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
162 a. Undi S. Mariska: Szabólegények [Tailor's Sssistants]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "162 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) Szabólegények; b) Cicaebéd; c) Az elhanyagolt babák; d) Jön a Toti; e) Mica baba menyasszony [Headers of a Storybook: a) Tailor's Assistants; b) Cat's Lunch; c) The Neglected Dolls; d) Toti Is Coming; e) Mica Doll the Bride]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
162 b. Undi S. Mariska: Cicaebéd [Cat's Lunch]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "162 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) Szabólegények; b) Cicaebéd; c) Az elhanyagolt babák; d) Jön a Toti; e) Mica baba menyasszony [Headers of a Storybook: a) Tailor's Assistants; b) Cat's Lunch; c) The Neglected Dolls; d) Toti Is Coming; e) Mica Doll the Bride]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
162 c. Undi S. Mariska: Az elhanyagolt babák [The Neglected Dolls]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "162 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) Szabólegények; b) Cicaebéd; c) Az elhanyagolt babák; d) Jön a Toti; e) Mica baba menyasszony [Headers of a Storybook: a) Tailor's Assistants; b) Cat's Lunch; c) The Neglected Dolls; d) Toti Is Coming; e) Mica Doll the Bride]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
162 d. Undi S. Mariska: Jön a Toti [Toti Is Coming]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "162 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) Szabólegények; b) Cicaebéd; c) Az elhanyagolt babák; d) Jön a Toti; e) Mica baba menyasszony [Headers of a Storybook: a) Tailor's Assistants; b) Cat's Lunch; c) The Neglected Dolls; d) Toti Is Coming; e) Mica Doll the Bride]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
162 e. Undi S. Mariska: Mica baba menyasszony [Mica Doll the Bride]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "162 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) Szabólegények; b) Cicaebéd; c) Az elhanyagolt babák; d) Jön a Toti; e) Mica baba menyasszony [Headers of a Storybook: a) Tailor's Assistants; b) Cat's Lunch; c) The Neglected Dolls; d) Toti Is Coming; e) Mica Doll the Bride]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
163. Undi S. Mariska: Csöng-csöng gyűrű [Clink Clink Ring]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
164. Undi S. Mariska: Hová mén a festőkisasszony? [Where Is the Painter Lady Going?]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
165 a. Undi S. Mariska: A cicakirály meg a családja [The Cat King and His Family]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "165 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) A cicakirály meg a családja; b) Mikulás a zsákkal; c) Dani fürdik; d) Toti lesi a tyúkokat; e) Mikulás püsüpök [Headers of a Storybook: a) The Cat King and His Family; b) Santa Claus with Sack; c) Dani Is Bathing; d) Tot Watching the Chickens; e) Bishop Nicholas]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
165 b. Undi S. Mariska: Mikulás a zsákkal [Santa Claus with Sack]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "165 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) A cicakirály meg a családja; b) Mikulás a zsákkal; c) Dani fürdik; d) Toti lesi a tyúkokat; e) Mikulás püsüpök [Headers of a Storybook: a) The Cat King and His Family; b) Santa Claus with Sack; c) Dani Is Bathing; d) Tot Watching the Chickens; e) Bishop Nicholas]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
165 c. Undi S. Mariska: Dani fürdik [Dani Is Bathing]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "165 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) A cicakirály meg a családja; b) Mikulás a zsákkal; c) Dani fürdik; d) Toti lesi a tyúkokat; e) Mikulás püsüpök [Headers of a Storybook: a) The Cat King and His Family; b) Santa Claus with Sack; c) Dani Is Bathing; d) Tot Watching the Chickens; e) Bishop Nicholas]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
165 d. Undi S. Mariska: Toti lesi a tyúkokat [Toti Watching the Chickens]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "165 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) A cicakirály meg a családja; b) Mikulás a zsákkal; c) Dani fürdik; d) Toti lesi a tyúkokat; e) Mikulás püsüpök [Headers of a Storybook: a) The Cat King and His Family; b) Santa Claus with Sack; c) Dani Is Bathing; d) Tot Watching the Chickens; e) Bishop Nicholas]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
165 e. Undi S. Mariska: Mikulás püspök [Bishop Nicholas]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "165 [cat. no.] Egy meséskönyv fejlécei: a) A cicakirály meg a családja; b) Mikulás a zsákkal; c) Dani fürdik; d) Toti lesi a tyúkokat; e) Mikulás püsüpök [Headers of a Storybook: a) The Cat King and His Family; b) Santa Claus with Sack; c) Dani Is Bathing; d) Tot Watching the Chickens; e) Bishop Nicholas]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
166. Undi S. Mariska: Paradicsomvásár [Tomato Market]
drawing, Színes rajz [coloured drawing]
-"Ételsornak szánt színes rajz [Coloured Drawing for a Menu]".
-"Sokszorosítási joga eladó [The right of reproduction is for sale]". |
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
167. Undi S. Mariska: Piros alma [Red Apple]
-"Ételsornak szánt színes rajz [Coloured Drawing for a Menu]".
-"Sokszorosítási joga eladó [The right of reproduction is for sale]". |
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
168. Undi S. Mariska: Kicsi ember nagy kanál [Small Man Big Spoon]
-"Ételsornak szánt színes rajz [Coloured Drawing for a Menu]".
-"Sokszorosítási joga eladó [The right of reproduction is for sale]". |
+-Berthold Garzó Andrássi-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
169. Garzó Berthold: Csöndes órák [Quiet Hours]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Mariska Undi Margit-körút 40, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
170 a. Undi S. Mariska: Gyi te lovam [Gee My Horse]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "170 [cat. no.] Egy mesekönyv fejlécei: a) Gyi te lovam; b) Kínai jó reggelt; c) A kevély Klári; d) Békacsalád pihenője; e) A rendetlenség gnómjai [Headers of a Storybook: a) Gee My Horse; b) Chinese Good Morning; c) Arrogant Klári; d) The Respite of the Frog Family; e) The Gnomes of the Mess]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
170 b. Undi S. Mariska: Kínai jó reggelt [Chinese Good Morning]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "170 [cat. no.] Egy mesekönyv fejlécei: a) Gyi te lovam; b) Kínai jó reggelt; c) A kevély Klári; d) Békacsalád pihenője; e) A rendetlenség gnómjai [Headers of a Storybook: a) Gee My Horse; b) Chinese Good Morning; c) Arrogant Klári; d) The Respite of the Frog Family; e) The Gnomes of the Mess]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
170 c. Undi S. Mariska: A kevély Klári [Arrogant Klári]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "170 [cat. no.] Egy mesekönyv fejlécei: a) Gyi te lovam; b) Kínai jó reggelt; c) A kevély Klári; d) Békacsalád pihenője; e) A rendetlenség gnómjai [Headers of a Storybook: a) Gee My Horse; b) Chinese Good Morning; c) Arrogant Klári; d) The Respite of the Frog Family; e) The Gnomes of the Mess]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
170 d. Undi S. Mariska: Békacsalád pihenője [The Respite of the Frog Family]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "170 [cat. no.] Egy mesekönyv fejlécei: a) Gyi te lovam; b) Kínai jó reggelt; c) A kevély Klári; d) Békacsalád pihenője; e) A rendetlenség gnómjai [Headers of a Storybook: a) Gee My Horse; b) Chinese Good Morning; c) Arrogant Klári; d) The Respite of the Frog Family; e) The Gnomes of the Mess]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
170 e. Undi S. Mariska: A rendetlenség gnómjai [The Gnomes of the Mess]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Original entry: "170 [cat. no.] Egy mesekönyv fejlécei: a) Gyi te lovam; b) Kínai jó reggelt; c) A kevély Klári; d) Békacsalád pihenője; e) A rendetlenség gnómjai [Headers of a Storybook: a) Gee My Horse; b) Chinese Good Morning; c) Arrogant Klári; d) The Respite of the Frog Family; e) The Gnomes of the Mess]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
171. Undi S. Mariska: Kis szorgalmasok [Little Hard-Workers]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
172. Undi S. Mariska: Lapdázás [Playing Ball]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
173. Undi S. Mariska: Mezőkövesdi vásár [Market in Mezőkövesd]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
+-János Kedvek Birsalma-utcza 38, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI.Terem [VI. Hall]
174. Kedvek János: Női tanulmányfej [Female Head Study]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-László Kézdi Kovács Török-utca 8; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
178. Kézdi-Kovács László: Záporban [In the Shower]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Éder Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
179. Éder Gyuéa: A molnár és fia (Aesop mese) [The Miller and His Son (Aesop Fairy Tale)]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-László Kézdi Kovács Török-utca 8; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
180. Kézdi-Kovács László: Kilátás a Zugligetből [View from Zugliget]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Béla Spanyi Mozdony-utca 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
181. K. Spányi Béla: Téli est [Winter Evening]
painting: oil
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
182. K. Spányi Béla: Téli reggel [Winter Morning]
painting: oil
+-Bela Juszko Külső Kerepesi-út 1. V-ház; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
183. Juszkó Béla: Lóra csikós, lóra, elszaladt a ménes [On the Horse Wrangler, On the Horse, the Stud Ran Away]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Béla Spanyi Mozdony-utca 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
184. K. Spányi Béla: Naplemente [Sunset]
painting: oil
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
185. K. Spányi Béla: Tél [Winter]
painting: oil
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Hugó Löschinger Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
193. Tehenek a Balatonban [Cows in the Lake Balaton]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
194. Esti itatáshoz (Balatonvidék) [For the Watering in the Evening (Region of the Lake Balaton)]
painting: oil
+-Béla Spanyi Mozdony-utca 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
195. K. Spányi Béla: Alkony [Dusk]
painting: oil
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
196. K. Spányi Béla: Fogyó hold [Waning Moon]
painting: oil
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
197. K. Spányi Béla: Dér és hó [Frost and Snow]
painting: oil
+-László Mednyánszky(view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
198. Mednyánszky László báró: Hajnalcsillag [Morning Star]
painting: oil
+-Béla Spanyi Mozdony-utca 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII.Terem [VII. Hall]
199. K. Spányi Béla: Hold feljötte [The Rising Moon]
painting: oil
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Gyula Haasz Rottenbiller-utca 62; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII.Terem [VIII. Hall]
212. Málnai Béla: Beregszászi törvénykezési épület homlokzata [The Facade of the Courthouse in Beregszász]
drawing, Építészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
+-Ernő Foerk Toldy Ferenc-utca 20; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII.Terem [VIII. Hall]
213. Sándy Gyula: A Rudasfürdő pályaterve [Architectural Drawing Submitted for the Competiton of the Rudas Bath]
drawing, Építészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators
+-József Rajk Kruckenbergstr. 28, Halle (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII.Terem [VIII. Hall]
214. Rajk (Reich) József: Urasági istálló es kocsiszín terve [Plans for a Grand Stall and the Colour of the Carriage]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+- | ||||
other medium
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other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
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other medium
other medium
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other medium
+-Géza Kiss Óvoda-utca 51; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII.Terem [VIII. Hall]
236. Kiss Géza: K. J. festőművész műterme Szt-Mihályon [The Studio of the Painter K. J. in Szt-Mihály]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Gyula Haasz Rottenbiller-utca 62; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII.Terem [VIII. Hall]
237. Málnai Béla: Törvénykezési palota bejárója [The Entry of the Palace of Justice]
drawing, Építészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
+-István Nagy(view artist profile) | ||||
VIII.Terem [VIII. Hall]
238. Ifj. Nagy István: Berényi villa [Villa Berényi]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Miklós Scheiber József-körút 10; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII.Terem [VIII. Hall]
239. Scheiber Miklós: Villa-tanulmány [Study of a Villa]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
VIII.Terem [VIII. Hall]
240. Scheiber Miklós: Egyleti ház [Clubhouse]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
241. Nádler Róbert: Falakközti út [Street Between Walls]
painting: oil
-This catalogue number is presumed to be an error. It is situated between cat. no. 340 and 342.
+- | ||||
other medium
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other medium
other medium
other medium
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other medium
other medium
other medium
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other medium
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other medium
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other medium
+-Lajos Csordák Nagy- Szalánc, Slanec (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
259. Csordák Lajos: Falusi viskók télen [Village Huts in the Winter]
painting: oil
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
260. Csordák Lajos: Szalánci falurészlet [Scene of the Village of Szalánc]
painting: oil
+-Antal Szirmai Fürj-utca 32 (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
261. Szimatoló tacskó [Sniffing Dachshund]
painting: oil
+-Károly Reinhard Jászberény (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
262. Reinhard Károly: Utcarészlet Jászberényben [Scene of a Street in Jászberény]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ödön Miklósi-Mutsenbacher Andrássy-út 71, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
263. Miklósi Mutschenbacher Ödön: Egyedül [Alone]
painting: oil
+-William Darling Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
264. Sándorházi V. Béla: Szénakazal télen [Haystack in the Winter]
painting: oil
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
265. Sándorházi V. Béla: Hóolvadás [Snow Melting]
painting: oil
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
266. Sándorházi V. Béla: Téli nap [Winter Day [or: Winter Sun]]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Gillemot Szemere, Győrszemere, [Győrmegye] (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
267. Tajnai (Gillemot) Ödön: Legelőn [On the Pasture]
painting: oil
+-Elemér Halász-Hradil József-utca 26, Košice (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
268. Halász Hradil Elemér: Tanyai ház napnyugta előtt [Farmhouse Before Sunset]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Gulácsy Rigó-utca 14; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
269. Varázslat [Magic]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Miklósi-Mutsenbacher Andrássy-út 71, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
270. Miklósi Mutschenbacher Ödön: ... és add meg a mi mindennapi kenyerünket... [... Give Us Our Daily Bread...]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Kúnffy 41, rue Bayen, Paris (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
271. Kúnfy Lajos: Zoltán [Zoltán]
painting: oil
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
272. Kúnfy Lajos: Női arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study of a Woman]
+- | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
other medium, Tempera vízf. [tempera watercolour]
+-Andor Boruth Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
274. Borúth Andor: Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-József Mányai Budapest, [Orient-szálloda] (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
275. Mányai József: Kora tavasz [Early Spring]
painting: oil
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
276. Mányai József: Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
+-Rezső Sándor Cserna Nádor-utca 20; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
277. Cserna Rezső S.: A festő [The Painter]
painting: oil
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
278. Cserna Rezső S.: Tanulmány [Study]
+-Elisabeth Weber-Fülöp Elisabethstr. 47, Baden bei Wien (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
279. Fülöp Erzsi: Udvar [Yard]
painting: oil
+-Janka Keszler Mozdony-utca 4 (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
280. Keszler Janka: Csendes karácsony [Quiet Christmas]
painting: oil
+-Viktor Olgyai Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
281. Olgyai Viktor: Part mentén [Along the Shore]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Móric Gábor Murányi-utca 30; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
282. Gábor Mór: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Valéria Telkessy Dísz-tér 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
283. Telkessy Valér: Arckép. T. U. [Portrait. T. U.]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Kálmán Kató-Krisztanics István-út 32; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
284. Krisztanics Kálmán: Gellérthegyi utca [Street on the Gellért Hill]
painting: oil
+-Viktor Olgyai Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
285. Olgyai Viktor: A tisztás [The Glade]
+-Rezső Kiss Óvoda-utca 51; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
286. Kiss Rezső: Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
+-Elemér Halász-Hradil József-utca 26, Košice (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
287. Halász Hradil Elemér: Délelötti napsütés [Sunshine in the Morning]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Károlyi Róka-utca 24, Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
288. Károlyi Lajos: Önarckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Valéria Telkessy Dísz-tér 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
289. Telkessy Valér: Rózsák [Roses]
painting: oil
+-Elemér Halász-Hradil József-utca 26, Košice (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
290. Halász Hradil Elemér: Tanyai ház napnyugta előtt [Farmhouse Before Sunset]
painting: oil
+-Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
291. Aggházy Gyula: Patak partján (Genre) [On the Shore of the Brook (Genre)]
painting: oil
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
292. Aggházy Gyula: Holdvilágos éj a Tisza partján [Moonlit Night on the Shore of the Tisza]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Krutsay Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX.Terem [IX. Hall]
293. Krutsay Ferenc: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Timár-Thein Vörösmarthy-utca 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
294. Thein Miksa: Józsi [Józsi]
painting: oil
Fábry S. igazgató [Director S. Fábry]
+-József Egry Rózsa-utca 75; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
295. Ablakban [At the Window]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
296. Szajna rakodópart [Quay on the Seine]
painting: oil
+-Mozart Rottmann Városligeti-fasor 33/b; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
297. Rottmán Mozárt: Sári tréfál [Sári Is Joking]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
298. Rottmán Mozárt: Varrásnál [While Sewing]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Kúnffy 41, rue Bayen, Paris (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
299. Kúnfy Lajos: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Pravotinszky Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
300. Pravotinszky Lajos: Műtermem ablakából [From the Window of My Studio]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Timár-Thein Vörösmarthy-utca 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
301. Thein Miksa: Hedda [Hedda]
painting: oil
+-Frigyes Miess Czenkalja 12 a, Brașov (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
302. Miess Frigyes: Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
+-Géza Vastagh Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
303. Oroszlánok [Lions]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
304. Utonállók [Highwaymen]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
305. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
X.Terem [X. Hall]
306. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
307. Komáromi Kacz Endre: A bohém [The Bohemian]
painting: oil
+-Erno Marko(view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
308. Markó Ernő: Kora tavaszszal [In Early Spring]
painting: oil
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
309. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Műteremben [In the Studio]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
X.Terem [X. Hall]
310. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Tanulmányfej [Study of a Head]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
311. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Jenő Kuszka Hernád-utca 30; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
312. Olvadó hó (Vág völgye) [Melting Snow (Vág Valley)]
painting: oil
+-Elemér Halász-Hradil József-utca 26, Košice (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
313. Az öreg sánta modell [The Old Limping Model]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
314. Suhancgyerek [Teenage Boy]
painting: oil
+-Antal Berkes Peterdy-utca 4; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
315. A műtermem [My Studio]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
316. Artézi ivócsarnok az Aréna-úton [Artesian Drinking Hall on the Aréna Street]
painting: oil
+-Artur Tölgyessy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X.Terem [X. Hall]
317. Tölgyessy Arthur: Est a pusztán [Evening in the Puszta]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
318. Tölgyessy Arthur: A taligás [The Carter]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
319. Tölgyessy Arthur: Holdkelte [Moonrise]
painting: oil
X.Terem [X. Hall]
320. Tölgyessy Arthur: Nyárfaerdő [Poplar Forest]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Jenő Keményffy Sziget-utca 4-6; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
321. Keményffy Jenő: Kilátás az ablakomból [View from My Window]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
322. Keményffy Jenő: Dr. Szele Róbert főigazgató arcképe [Portrait of Director-General Dr. Róber Szele]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Imre Greguss Koszorú-utca 27; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
323. Gyümölcs csendélet (Supraport) [Still Life with Fruit (Supraport)]
painting: oil
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
324. Déry Béla: Januári délután [Afternoon in January]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Ferenc Krutsay Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
325. Krutsay Ferenc: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
326. Déry Béla: Kacsadúcok Hollandiában [Duck Cotes in Holland]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Márffy Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
327. Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
328. A Cremerie-ben [At the Cremerie]
painting: tempera
Magánt. [Private Collection]
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
329. Rakodópart [Quay]
painting: oil
+-Imre Greguss Koszorú-utca 27; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
330. Vadcsendélet (Supraport) [Still Life with Wild Animals (Supraport)]
painting: oil
+-Aladár Edvi Illés Külső Kerepesi-út 1; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
331. Alföldi táj [Landscape of Alföld]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
332. Nádler Róbert: Sziklafalak [Cliffs]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
333. Nádler Róbert: Maroni-fák árnyékában [In the Shade of Chestnut Trees]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
334. Nádler Róbert: Szellő [Breeze]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
335. Nádler Róbert: Csendes sarok [Quiet Corner]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
336. Nádler Róbert: Malfi Dalmáciában [Malfi in Dalmatia]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
337. Nádler Róbert: A nyilt tenger [The Open Sea]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
338. Nádler Róbert: Csend [Silence]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
339. Nádler Róbert: Bóra [Bora]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
340. Nádler Róbert: Ruhaszárítás a Szepességben [Drying Clothes in Szepes County]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
342. Nádler Róbert: Nagy eső után [After a Big Rain]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
343. Nádler Róbert: Árnyékos hely [Shady Place]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
344. Nádler Róbert: Kilátás a csöndes tengerre [View onto the Quiet Sea]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
345. Nádler Róbert: Színes sziklák [Colourful Cliffs]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
346. Nádler Róbert: Szakadék [Gorge]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
347. Nádler Róbert: Utca Travnikban [Street in Travnik]
painting: oil
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
348. Nádler Róbert: L' Assiotat mellett a francia Riviérán [By L' Assiotat on the French Riviera]
painting: oil
+-Sándor Endrey Alkotmány-utca 27; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
349. Endrey Sándor: Veneziai csatornarészlet [Scene of a Canal in Venice]
painting: oil
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
350. Nádler Róbert: Est a Quarneron [Evening on the Quarnero]
painting: oil
+-Sándor Endrey Alkotmány-utca 27; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
351. Endrey Sándor: Gerliczy Elsi bárónő [Baroness Elsi Gerliczy]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
352. Endrey Sándor: Gerliczy Ferenc báróné [Countess Ferenc Gerliczy]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
XI.Terem [XI. Hall]
353. Endrey Sándor: Gerliczy Margit bárónő [Countess Margit Gerliczy]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Dezső Czigány Dohány-utca 74; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
354. Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
355. Tanulmány egy kettős arcképhez [Study for a Double Portrait]
painting: oil
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
356. Cocotte [Cocotte]
painting: oil
+-Mariska Klammer Kmetty-utca 19; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
357. Klammer Mariska: Ősz [Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Geza Peske(view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
358. Peske Géza: Ez már megvolna [Now this Would Be Done!]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Samu Börtsök Izabella-utca 65; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
359. Tájkép boglyával [Landscape with Stack]
painting: oil
+-Elemér Horvát Handel(view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
360. Horvát Handel Elemér: Férfiarckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Geza Peske(view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
361. Peske Géza: Vasárnap reggel [Sunday Morning]
painting: oil
+-Béla Gross(view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
362. Gross Béla: Olasz munkás [Italian Worker]
painting: oil
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
363. Gross Béla: Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
+-József Egry Rózsa-utca 75; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
364. Menhely előtt [In Front of the Shelter]
painting: oil
+-Nándor Kemény Aggteleki-utca 2. III. 15; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
365. Kemény Nándor: Dr. Erdélyi Miklós [Dr. Miklós Erdélyi]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-József Egry Rózsa-utca 75; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
366. Szobában [In the Room]
painting: oil
+-Béla Erdőssy József-körút 77; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
367. Tavaszi olvadás [Spring Thaw]
painting: oil
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
368. Jég közt [Among Ice]
painting: oil
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
369. Magyar zarándoklat Velencében Szent Gellért ereklyéihez, 1900 szept. 24-én [Hungarian Pilgrimage in Venice to to Relics of St.Gerard, on 24 September 1900]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
+-Antal Neogrady Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
370. Neogrády Antal: Harapjunk egyet [Let's Grab a Bite]
painting: oil
+-Margit Pogány Bálvány-utca 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
371. Csendélet bazsarózsákkal [Still Life with Peony]
painting: oil
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
372. Csendélet rézedényekkel [Still Life with Copper Pots]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Vajda Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
373. Vajda Zsigmond: Dunapart [Danube Shore]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
374. Vajda Zsigmond: Fürdő [Bath]
painting: oil
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
375. Vajda Zsigmond: Házi szent [Patron Saint]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Bruck Döbrentei-utca 14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII.Terem [XII. Hall]
376. Kutatás az irattárban [Research in the Archive]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Most of the entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
Catalogue Entry | Artist | Room | Type | Additional | Owner | For Sale | Price |
1. Tull Ödön: Régi házak Angliában [Old Houses in England] | Edmund Tull | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: aquarelle | Vízf. [watercolour painting] | ? | Y | |
2. Tull Ödön: Molo Velencében [Pier in Venice] | Edmund Tull | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
3. Wellmann Róbert: Kállay Albert kegy. úr arcképe [Portrait of Patron Albert Kállay] | Robert Wellmann | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
4. Tull Ödön: Nyári éjszaka [Summer Night] | Edmund Tull | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: aquarelle | Vízf. [watercolour painting] | ? | Y | |
5. Augustin Mariska: Két kutya [Two Dogs] | Mariska Augustin | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
6. Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman] | Gyula Stetka | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
7. Mednyánszky László báró: Zivatar [Thunderstorm] | László Mednyánszky | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
8. Arckép [Portrait] | Gyula Stetka | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
9. Brunningeni Flesch L.: Kigyóvarázs [Snake Magic] | Luma Csúzy | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
10. Férfi arckép [Portrait of a Man] | Ede Balló | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
11. Báró Dóczy Lajos arcképe [Portrait of Baron Lajos Dóczy] | Ede Balló | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
12. Mihalik Dániel: Kóróhordás [Carrying Weed] | Daniel Mihalik | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
13. Mihalovich Ödön arcképe [Portrait of Ödön Mihalovich] | Ede Balló | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
14. Pentelei Molnár J.: Merengő [Daydreamer] | Janos Pentelei-Molnar | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
15. Pentelei Molnár J.: Jób [Job] | Janos Pentelei-Molnar | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
16. Pentelei Molnár J.: Pieta [Pieta] | Janos Pentelei-Molnar | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
17. Pentelei Molnár J.: Partszakadás [Shore Landslide] | Janos Pentelei-Molnar | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
18. Pentelei Molnár J.: Téli nap [Winter Day [or: Winter Sun]] | Janos Pentelei-Molnar | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
19. Pentelei Molnár J.: Csendélet [Still Life] | Janos Pentelei-Molnar | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
20. Mednyánszky László báró: Eső [Rain] | László Mednyánszky | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
21. Szalay Péter államtitkár arcképe [Portrait of State Secretary Péter Szalay] | Gyula Benczúr | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
22. Mednyánszky László báró: Reggel [Morning] | László Mednyánszky | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
23. Tull Ödön: A megszokott ebéd [The Regular Lunch] | Edmund Tull | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: aquarelle | Vízf. [watercolour painting] | ? | Y | |
24. Bosznay István: Télen [In the Winter] | Istvan Bosznay | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
25. Paczka Ferenc: Női akt (Kutyával) [Female Nude (With Dog)] | Ferencz Paczka | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y |
Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Nationality | # of Cat. Entries |
Julius Agghazy | 1850 | 1919 | HU | 2 |
Mariska Augustin | 1880 | 1949 | HU | 1 |
Ede Balló | 1859 | 1936 | HU | 3 |
Gyula Benczúr | 1844 | 1920 | HU | 1 |
Antal Berkes | 1874 | 1938 | HU | 2 |
Ritta Boemm | 1868 | 1948 | HU | 3 |
Andor Boruth | 1873 | 1955 | HU | 1 |
Istvan Bosznay | 1868 | 1944 | HU | 2 |
Lajos Bruck | 1846 | 1910 | HU | 1 |
Miksa Bruck | 1863 | 1920 | HU | 8 |
Samu Börtsök | 1881 | 1931 | HU | 1 |
Gyula Conrad | 1877 | 1959 | HU | 1 |
Arthur Coulin | 1869 | 1912 | HU | 1 |
Rezső Sándor Cserna | 1882 | HU | 2 | |
Lajos Csordák | 1864 | 1937 | SK | 2 |
Luma Csúzy | 1856 | 1934 | DE | 1 |
Dezső Czigány | 1883 | 1937 | HU | 3 |
William Darling | 1882 | 1963 | HU | 3 |
Béla Dery | 1870 | 1932 | HU | 2 |
Lajos Deák-Ébner | 1850 | 1934 | HU | 1 |
Aladár Edvi Illés | 1870 | 1958 | HU | 1 |
József Egry | 1883 | 1951 | HU | 4 |
Sándor Endrey | 1867 | 1940 | HU | 4 |
Béla Erdőssy | 1871 | 1928 | HU | 3 |
Ernő Foerk | 1868 | 1934 | HU | 1 |