I. Terem [I. Hall]
1. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Csendélet kendővel [Still Life with Scarf]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
2. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Kert részlet [Scene of a Garden]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
3. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Csendélet muskátlival [Still Life with Pelargonium]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
4. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Csendélet sárga virággal [Still Life with Yellow Flower]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
5. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Budai tájkép [Landscape of Buda]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
6. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Alvó nő [Sleeping Woman]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
7. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Budai rész [Buda Side]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
8. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Tájkép [Landscape]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
9. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Budáról [From Buda]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
10. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Három szál rózsa [Three Roses]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
11. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Két rózsatő [Two Rose-Bushes]
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
12. Egri részlet [Scene of Eger]
János Pécsi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
13. Buzakeresztel [Wheat Sheaves]
János Pécsi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
14. Domboldal ősszel [Hillside in Autumn]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
János Pécsi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
15. Az egri érsekkertből ősszel [From the Archbishop's Garden in Eger in Autumn]
János Pécsi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
16. Hegyoldal [Mountainside]
János Pécsi |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
17. Szentgyörgyi Király Jenő: Utca télen [Street in Winter]
Jenő Király |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
18. Lamperth József: Csendélet [Still Life]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
József Nemes Lampérth |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
19. Utca napsütésben [Street in Sunshine]
Miklós Némethy |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
20. Állatvásár folyó parton [Animal Market on the River Bank]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Miklós Némethy |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
21. Tél a tanyán [Winter at the Farm]
Miklós Némethy |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
22. Téli csend [Winter Silence]
Miklós Némethy |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
23. Falu reggel [Village in the Morning]
Miklós Némethy |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
25. Fanta Alkony István: Téli délután [Winter Afternoon]
István Fanta-Alkony |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
26. Fanta Alkony István: Hóolvadás [Snow Melting]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
István Fanta-Alkony |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
27. Napfény [Sunshine]
István Kálmán |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
28. Piros muskátli [Red Pelargonium]
Lajos Petrovits |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
29. Tavasz [Spring]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Géza Záhonyi |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
30. Szentgyörgyi Király Jenő: Tarka kendő [Colourful Scarf]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Jenő Király |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
31. Kőrőspartfalán dolgozó munkások [Workers Working on the Kőrős River Wall]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Ernő Tibor |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
32. Szentgyörgyi Király Jenő: Rózsás kendő [Scarf with Roses]
Jenő Király |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
33. Rekontra [Rekontra]
Móricz Sándor |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
34. Csendélet [Still Life]
Arthur Podolini Volkmann |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
35. Gyermekkor [Childhood]
Móricz Sándor |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
36. Ács Ferencz: Falusi utca [Street in a Village]
Ferenc Ács |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
37. Ács Ferencz: Czigány leány [Gypsy Girl]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Ferenc Ács |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
38. Fanta Alkony Istv.: Csendélet [Still Life]
István Fanta-Alkony |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
39. Borosnnyay Szeréna: Csendélet [Still Life]
Szeréna Borosnyoi Borosnyay |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
40. Kofák a Dunaparton [Vendors on the Shore of the Danube]
Gyula Pogány |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
41. Május [May]
Gyula Pogány |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
42. Tó részlet [Scene of a Lake]
Gyula Pogány |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
43. Napsűtéses csendélet [Still Life in Sunshine]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Jenő Szigeti |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
44. Hegyoldal [Mountainside]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
János Krizsán |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
45. Ziffer Sándor: Parkrészlet Nagybányáról [Scene of a Park in Nagybánya]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Sandor Ziffer |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
46. Ziffer Sándor: Szeneskocsik a Szajnaparton Párisban [Coal Wagons on the Shore of the Seine in Paris]
Sandor Ziffer |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
47. Napsütéses tájkép [Sunlit Landscape]
Jenő Szigeti |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
48. Alkony a Diósgyőri templom felett [Dusk Over the Church of Diósgyőr]
János Kossin |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
49. Kollaritsné Iker Anna: Kató [Kató]
Anna Iker |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
50. Tóvárosi öreg híd [Old Bridge in Tóváros]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Miksa Keitner |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
51. Emelő munkások [Lifting Workers]
Ernő Tibor |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
52. Falu részlet [Scene of a Village]
Géza Záhonyi |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
53. Nagyladna borulatban [Clouded Nagyladna]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Szilárd Kővári |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
54. Az Arno partján Firenzében [On the Shore of the Arno in Florence]
Valér Ferenczy |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
55. Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Ervin Raáb |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
55a. Nagybányai vásár [Market in Nagybánya]
János Péchy |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
56. Szieszta [Siesta]
Gyula Kővári |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
57. Esős táj [Rainy Landscape]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Valér Ferenczy |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
58. Fáy Dezső: XVI. Lajos fia [Son of Louis XVI]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Desider von Fáy |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
59. Borosnyay Szeréna: Olvasó leány [Reading Girl]
Szeréna Borosnyoi Borosnyay |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
60. Nővérem [My Older Sister]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Móricz Sándor |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
61. Arckép [Portrait]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Frigyes Borszéky |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
62. Istállóban [In the Stall]
Móricz Sándor |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
63. Nyaralás [Summer Holiday]
Károly Kotász |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
64. Sassyné Farkas Ibolyka: Muskátlik [Pelargoniums]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Ibolya S.-né Farkas |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
65. Nagykunsági tájkép [Landscape of Nagykunság]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Farkas Szunyoghy |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
66. Turmayer Sándor: Tanulmányfej [Study of a Head]
magt. [Private Collection]
Sandor Turmayer |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
68. Pogány Cyula: Lelátás a műteremből [Looking Down from the Studio]
- "Cyula" is considered to be a spelling error.
- This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]." |
Gyula Pogány |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
69. Tájkép [Landscape]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
József Nagel |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
70. Tengerpart [Seashore]
Alfréd Feiks |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
71. Mosónők [Washerwomen]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Alfréd Feiks |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
72. Falun [In the Village]
Alfréd Feiks |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
73. Esthangulat [Evening Mood]
Alfréd Feiks |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
74. Esti napsütés [Evening Sunshine]
János Mirkva-Halász |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
75. Arckép [Portrait]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
István Szigethy |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
76. Tanulmány [Study]
Hugó Scheiber |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
77. Szentgyörgyi Király Jenő: Napos oldal [Sunny Side]
Jenő Király |
other medium
III. Terem [III. Hall]
79. Park részlet téli reggel [Scene of a Park on a Winter Morning]
Iván Markovich |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
80. Csendélet a műterem sarkában [Still Life in the Corner of the Studio]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Imre Bácskai |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
81. Dr. Nagy Béláné: Azália [Azalea]
Béláné Nagy |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
82. Szeretlek [I Love You]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Jenő Pálla |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
83. Dr. Popper Samu: Erdei lak [Cabin in the Woods]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Samu Popper |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
84. Tóparti részlet [Scene of a Lakeside]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Iván Markovich |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
85. Városligeti részlet [Scene of Városliget]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Hugó Scheiber |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
86. Tanulmány kövesdi leányfej [Study, Head of a Girl from Kövesd]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
József Balogh |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
87. Kollaritsné Iker Anna: Madonna tanulmány [Madonna Study]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Anna Iker |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
88. Házi zene [House Concert]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Károly Dunkel |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
89. Moussong J. Tivadar: Halászó leány a Laborcán [Fishing Girl on the Laborec]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Tivadar Mousson |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
90. Wersele Mária bárónő: Urnap [Feast of Corpus Christi]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Maria Versebe |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
91. ifj. Slakta János: Erdei-út [Forest-Road]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
János Slakta |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
92. Borosnyay Szeréna: Orgonák [Lilacs]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Szeréna Borosnyoi Borosnyay |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
93. Pozsonyi J. Lajos: Csendélet [Still Life]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Jenő Pozsonyi |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
94. S. Hilbert Irén: Otthon [Home]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Irén Lámné Hilberth |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
95. Rácz Kovách Margit: Leány és varottas [Girl and Embroidery]
Margit Rácz-Kovách |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
96. Varjasi rákászó [Crab Fishing in Varjas]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Atala Barabás |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
97. Rácz-Kovách Margit: A verandán [On the Porch]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Margit Rácz-Kovách |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
98. Domboldalon [On the Hillside]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Sándor Kolbay |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
99. Beregi S.: A nehéz lecke [The Hard Lesson]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Sándor Beregi |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
100. Régiségek [Antiquities]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
József Völkel |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
101. Reinerné Istvánffy Gabriella: Vörös reflex [Red Reflex]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Gabriella Rainerné Istvánffy |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
102. Rónay Mártha: Nyiló mákvirágok [Blooming Poppies]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Márta Aranyosmaróthi Rónay |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
103. Beregi S.: Érdekes olvasmány [Interesting Reading]
Sándor Beregi |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
104. Templom belseje [Interior of a Church]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
János Mirkva-Halász |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
105. A tanyán [On the Farm]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Aurél Náray |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
106. Szobasarok [Corner of a Room]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Gyula Conrad |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
107. Reggeli idill egy kertben [Morning Idyll in a Garden]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Sándor Tüzes |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
108. Fraenkelné Vozáb Ilka: Eső és sár [Rain and Mud]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Ilka Frankelné Vozáb |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
109. Csendélet [Still Life]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Mariska Bükkerti |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
110. Turmayer Sándor: Dusika [Dusika]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Sandor Turmayer |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
111. Hazatérés [Homecoming]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Jenő Szalay |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
112. Gyermek tanulmányfej [Study of a Child's Head]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Böske Pünkösty |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
113. Tehenek napsütésben [Cows in Sunshine]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Jenő Csapó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
114. Libák a tarlón [Geese on the Stubble-Field]
Ferencz Csányi |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
115. Fischer Edvin: Olajvázlat [Oil Sketch]
painting: oil
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
116. Fischer Edvin: Téli táj [Winter Landscape]
drawing, szinezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
121. A virág regékből. Az orgona [From the Flower Legends. The Lilac]
Álmos Jaschik |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
122. A zátony [The Reef]
Álmos Jaschik |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
123. A virág regékből. A fehér rózsák [From the Flower Legends. The White Roses]
Álmos Jaschik |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
124. Peer Gynt [Peer Gynt]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Álmos Jaschik |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
125. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Két térdepelő akt [Two Kneeling Nudes]
mural painting: fresco, eredeti freskó [original fresco]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
126. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Freskó fej [Fresco Head]
mural painting: fresco
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
127. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Két akt [Two Nudes]
mural painting: fresco, eredeti freskó [original fresco]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
128. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Két álló akt [Two Standing Nudes]
mural painting: fresco, eredeti freskó [original fresco]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
129. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Amphora [Amphora]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
130. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Karra támaszkodó nő [Woman Leaning on Her Arm]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
131. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Hátrajz [Back Drawing]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
132. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Genovéva [Genovéva]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
133. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Torzó [Torso]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
134. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Porcellánfej [Porcelain Head]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
135. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Szürke és barna [Grey and Brown]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
136. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Csipőre tett kéz [Hand Put on the Hips]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
137. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Rózsaszinü torzó [Pink Torso]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
138. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Két fáradt nő [Two Tired Women]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
139. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Csáky [Csáky]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
140. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Piroson fekvő nő [Woman Reclining on Red]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
141. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Halvány portrait [Pale Portrait]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
142. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Demirée [Demirée]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
143. Hindi-Szabó Kata: A finn leány [The Finnish Girl]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
144. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Függő test [Pendant Body]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
145. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Kis leány háta [The Back of a Little Girl]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
146. Hindi-Szabó Kata: Egyptomi hangulat [Egyptian Mood]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
147. Alföldi részlet [Scene of Alföld]
Jenő Szalay |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
148. Kaitner Miksa: Magányos lak [Lonely Home]
Miksa Keitner |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
149. Szinház [Theatre]
Sándor Kolbay |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
150. Szemere Miklós: Rajz [Drawing]
Miklós M. Szemere |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
151. Az Angol Parkban [In the English Park]
painting: tempera
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Márton Tuszkay |
other medium
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
153. Sassyné Farkas Ibolyka: Keleti világ [Eastern World]
Ibolya S.-né Farkas |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
154. Sassyné Farkas Ibolyka: Tavasz [Spring]
Ibolya S.-né Farkas |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
155. Vázlatkönyvemből [From My Sketchbook]
Sándor Kolbay |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
156. Falurészlet [Scene of a Village]
Ervin Raáb |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
157. S. A. Silvio: Canale della Guidecca [Canale della Guidecca]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Silvio S. A. |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
158. Szemere Miklós: Egy legtisztességesebb ember [An Honourable Person]
Miklós M. Szemere |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
159. Csendélet [Still Life]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Antonia Vighné |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
160. Fischer Edvin: Este [Evening]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
161. Sassy Attila (Aiglon): Az ölelés [The Hug]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Attila Sassy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
162. Munkában [At Work]
Béla Kádár |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
163. Tanulmány [Study]
Béla Kádár |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
164. Talyigások [Carters]
Béla Kádár |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
165. Tanulmány [Study]
Béla Kádár |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
166. Este [Evening]
Béla Kádár |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
167. Párviadal [Duel]
Béla Kádár |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
168. Firenzei tájkép [Landscape of Florence]
Zoltán Páldy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
169. Firenzei tájkép [Landscape of Florence]
Zoltán Páldy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
170. Szent család [Holy Family]
Zoltán Páldy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
171. Mária a bambinoval [Mary with the Bambino]
Zoltán Páldy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
172. Léda [Leda]
Zoltán Páldy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
173. Mária [Mary]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Zoltán Páldy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
173a. Mária és a gyermek Jézus [Mary with the Jesus Child]
Zoltán Páldy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
174. Teplánszky Sándor: Hó [Snow]
Sándor Teplánszky |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
175. Hegyoldal [Mountainside]
Hugó Scheiber |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
176. Városligeti részlet [Scene of a Városliget]
Hugó Scheiber |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
177. Régi temető [Old Cemetery]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Károly Kotász |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
178. Virágzó orgonák [Blooming Lilacs]
Zoltán Páldy |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
179. Favágó [Lumberjacks]
Géza Záhonyi |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
180. Erdő részlet [Scene of a Forest]
Géza Záhonyi |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
181. Szinház [Theatre]
Ede Bohacsek |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
182. Körszl Antal: Dante képmás [Portrait of Dante]
Antal Kröszl |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
183. Remsey Zolt.: Anyám arcképe [Portrait of My Mother]
Zoltán Remsey |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
184. Remsey Zolt.: Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
Zoltán Remsey |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
185. Remsey Zolt.: Érzékiség [Sensuality]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Zoltán Remsey |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
186. Öreg asszony képmása [Portrait of an Old Woman]
Antal Kröszl |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
187. Az én virágom [My Flower]
Antal Kröszl |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
190. Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
György Dettár |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
191. Sárga kalapos fej [Head with a Yellow Hat]
Zoltán Remsey |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
192. Gondolkodó román paraszt [Romanian Peasant Thinking]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Antal Kröszl |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
193. W. Gyenes Gitta: Petrozsényi táj [Landscape of Petrozsény]
Gitta Gyenes |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
194. W. Gyenes Gitta: Hegyoldál [Mountainside]
Gitta Gyenes |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
195. W. Gyenes Gitta: Tanulmány [Study]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Gitta Gyenes |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
196. W. Gyenes Gitta: Ágnes [Ágnes]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Gitta Gyenes |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
197. Ülő akt [Sitting Nude]
magántulajd. [Private Collection]
This work is marked with a star in the catalogue: selected by the artist himself, without a jury.
Ágnes Kalmár |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
198. Mátyástemplom [Matthias Church]
Arthur Podolini Volkmann |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
199. Elhagyatva [Abandoned]
Móricz Sándor |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
200. Sass Ferencz: És mindent el fog önteni a szenyes ár... [Everything Will Be Washed Away by the Muddy Flood...]
Ferenc Sass |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
201. Rákosi Ernő: Falu vége [The End of the Village]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Ernö Rakosi |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
202. Lamperth József: Czigányfiu [Gypsy Boy]
József Nemes Lampérth |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
203. Wörsching N. János: Lágymányosi környék [The Area of Lágymányos]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
János Wörsching |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
204. Parkrészlet [Scene of a Park]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Emil Lajos Barabás |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
205. J. v. Tcharner: Télen [In Winter]
Johann von Tscharner |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
206. Kovács Gina: Arckép tanulmány [Portrait Study]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "* A csillaggal jelzett művek zsűrimentesen állítattak ki [* The art works marked with a star were exhibited without a jury involved]."
Gina Kovács |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
207. Tájkép [Landscape]
Armand Schönberger |