
Exhibition of Work by Modern Belgian Artists

ID: 1041, Status: proof read
Exhibition period:
Apr 26‒Jul 1915
Organizing Bodies:
Public Art Galleries
s (Great Britain Pound (in Shilling))
Ticket Price:
0.50 [during the first month]
Catalogue Entries: 170
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 51, other medium: 65, unknown: 54
Artists: 43
Gender: female: 4, male: 39
Nationalities: 3
collapse all Catalogue View List View
Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Mar 1914 Sonderausstellung der Belgischen Kunstvereinigung L'Art Contemporain Cologne Gemäldegalerie des Kölnischen Kunstvereins 13 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 1, 1908 Ausstellung Belgischer Kunst Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 23 artists
Jul‒Sep 1907 Salon des Beaux-Arts d'Ostende Ostend Casino Kursaal Oostende 9 artists
1908 Ausstellung Belgischer Kunst unter den Auspicien der Gesellschaft L'Art Contemporain d'Anvers Vienna Galerie Arnot 5 artists
Mar 1‒Apr 5, 1908 La Libre Esthétique, Salon Jubilaire Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 8 artists
Jan 25‒Feb 27, 1908 Pour l'Art. XVIe Exposition Annuelle Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 4 artists
Mar 12‒Apr 17, 1910 La Libre Esthétique. L'Évolution du Paysage Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 5 artists
Nov 1908‒1909 Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] Budapest Műcsarnok 13 artists
May 9‒Nov 2, 1914 Exposition Générale des Beaux-Arts / Salon Triennale Brussels Palais du Cinquantenaire 23 artists
Mar 9‒Apr 14, 1912 La Libre Esthétique. La dix-neuvième Exposition à Bruxelles Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Mar 18‒Apr 23, 1911 La Libre Esthétique, dix-huitième Exposition à Bruxelles Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Oct 4‒27, 1913 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art Xme Salon Annuel Brussels Hedendaagsche Museum - Musée Moderne 4 artists
Jun 6‒28, 1908 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art. Ve Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
1913 Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Gand en 1913: Groupe II. Beaux-Arts: Œuvres modernes. Ghent Exposition universelle de Gand 30 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1912 X. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 17 artists
Feb 21‒Mar 23, 1905 La Libre Esthétique. La douzième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Mar 7‒Apr 12, 1909 La Libre Esthétique. Seizième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Mar 7‒Apr 13, 1914 La Libre Esthétique. Hommage à Dario de Regoyos Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Aug 5‒29, 1905 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art. Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 16 artists
Jul 10‒Aug 1, 1909 Doe Stil Voort. IIIe Jaarlijksche Tentoonstelling. IIIe Exposition Annuelle Brussels Hedendaagsche Museum - Musée Moderne 2 artists
Mar 3‒Apr 3, 1907 La Libre Esthétique. Quatorzième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Jul 2‒25, 1910 Les Indépendants. Cercle d'Art. VIIe Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
1906 Elfte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 4 artists
Jun 12‒Jul 4, 1909 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art / VIe Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Oct‒Nov 1912 Sammlungen Richard Muther, Ludwig Hevesi Vienna Galerie Miethke 2 artists
Jun 10‒Jul 3, 1911 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art / VIIIme Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Jun 1‒23, 1912 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art / IX. Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1909 VIII. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 10 artists
Feb 8‒Mar 9, 1908 Exposition inaugurale de la Salle des Fêtes de la Ville, sous les auspices de l'Administration Communale. [Inhuldigingstentoonstelling der Stadsfeestzaal, met de ondersteuning van het Gemeentebestuur.] Antwerp [Salle des Fêtes de la Ville Anvers] 5 artists
Apr 25‒Jun 30, 1912 Sixteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 5 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 9 artists
Nov‒Dec 1911 Exposition Internationale de l'Art Chrétien Moderne / Organisée par la Société de Saint-Jean Paris Palais du Louvre - Pavillon de Marsan 2 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1905 VI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 6 artists
May 1‒Oct 20, 1907 Internationale Kunstausstellung Mannheim Mannheim Kunsthalle Mannheim 4 artists
1912 Sommaire des Peintures et Sculptures de l'École Contemporaine exposées dans les Galeries du Musée National du Luxembourg Paris Musée National du Luxembourg 6 artists
Apr 13‒Jul 1912 Stedelijke Internationale Tentoonstelling Van Kunstwerken Van Levende Meesters Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 9 artists
Jul 15‒Aug 28, 1905 Gemeentelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters. [Municipal Exhibition of Works of Art of Living Masters.] Arnhem Musis Sacrum 3 artists
Nov‒Dec 1910 XXXVII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
May 2‒Jun 30, 1910 Fourteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 2 artists
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 10 artists
Sep 7, 1907 Stedelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters [Urban Exhibition of Works of Art of Living Masters] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artists
Oct 18‒Nov 25, 1905 Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 2 artists
Jul‒Aug 8, 1908 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year London Royal Albert Hall 2 artists
Organizing Committee
"Fine Arts Sub-Committee:
Chairman: C. H. H. Burleigh, R.O.I.
His Worship the Mayor (Alderman J. L. Otter, J.P.); Alderman Wilson; Councillor Bartlett; Councillor Fiarfax-Cholmeley; Councillor Poole; Councillor Southall; Councillor Wellman; Mrs. Jennings; Miss Savill; Colonel R. Goff, R.P.E.; W. B. Chamberlin;
F. Davey; A. F. Graves; A. J. Mavrogordato; W. Clarkson Wallis.

Honorary President of the Exhibition: M. Paul Lambotte, Directeur des Beaux-Arts au Ministère des Sciences et des Arts de Belgique.

Henry D. Roberts, Director.", n.p. [p. 2]
Exhibition of Work by Modern Belgian Artists. 1915.
Nr. of pages: 44.
Holding Institutions: Victoria & Albert National Art Library, online: archive.org
Catalogue Price
Roberts, Henry D.: Notice, p. 3-4

"The sixth of the series of exhibitions of modern foreign art to be held in these Galleries has been arranged under circumstances very different from others previously held. Usually I have visited the capital of the country whose artists have been invited to exhibit, and have been able to form there a strong and representative Committee, which has undertaken the selection of the pictures, &c. For obvious reasons this has not been possible on the present occasion, and it may be wondered how a Belgian exhibition could be secured at all. Neither would it have been if it had not been for the valuable cooperation and assistance of M. Paul Lambotte, the Director of Fine Arts in the Belgian Ministry of Science and Arts. By his aid an exhibition, which he himself says is quite representative, has been arranged.

At the outbreak of war exhibitions of Belgian pictures, which were afterwards sent to England, were on view at Venice, Florence, Lyons, &c. In this country, too, there was a considerable quantity of excellent statuary on exhibition. It is from these exhibitions that the majority of pictures and statuary have been selected. There are, of course, many gaps, and it is to be regretted that some of the more prominent Belgian artists are not exhibitors. M. Lambotte’s own words in the preface of the catalogue of another exhibition recently held in Cardiff may be quoted here with some effect:--

‘In the collection here exhibited may be perceived the chief characteristic qualities of Belgian painting, power and brilliance of colouring in fresh healthy pigment, with the strength and solid feeling of life making its appeal everywhere. In the sculpture, and even in the works in black and white, there may be observed a similar impression of plasticity and sensibility of touch. Beligan art is quite different from British, and retains throughout its significance and its native flavour. At first sight it may disconcert the spectator, but longer and more careful study will discover its real and serious attraction in spite of its foreign appearance.’

We have been fortunate in securing the patronage of H.M. the King of the Belgians, who, in spite of the distractions of the war, has been graciously pleased to take an interest in the exhibition, and to send his best wishes for its success.

We have been further privileged in having a promise to open the exhibition from Princess Napoleon, until recently known as Princess Clémentine of Belgium, a cousin of H.M. King Albert and a daughter of the late King Leopold.

The biographical notes in the index to the catalogue (many of which appeared in the catalogue of the exhibition recently held at Cardiff) have in the main been supplied by M. Richard Dupierreux and M. Paul Lambotte, and the Committee are extremely obliged to them.

M. Lambotte has placed us under further obligations by giving me permission to translate his extremely valuable and informative lecture on the evolution of the Belgian School of Painting during the last 70 years of the 19th century. It is a felicitous and poetic language. M. Lambotte, I may add, was good enough to accept from the Committee the position of Honorary President of the Exhibition.

Those in whom an interest in Belgian art may be roused through the exhibition will benefit by a study of the books and magazine articles contained in the Library on this subject, a list of which is given in the catalogue.

In order to assist the local committee which is maintaining many Belgian refugees in Brighton and Hove, it has been decided to make a charge of 6d. for admission during the first month, the proceeds being given to their fund.

Practically all the exhibits are for sale, and it is to be hoped that many will find purchasers. A deposit of 10 per cent, must be made at the time of purchase. Any pictures, &c., sold at the exhibition cannot be delivered until its close, and must be removed at the expense of the purchaser. Copyright of all the pictures, &c., in the exhibition is reserved by the artists. Application to reproduce any of them must be made to the undersigned.

The exhibition will be open to the public form April 26th for about three months.
Henry D. Roberts, Director”
Catalogue Structure
"Fine Arts Sub-Committee", p. 2
"Notice", p. 3-4
"The Evolution of the Belgian School of Painting (1830-1900) by M. Paul Lambotte", p. 5-16
"List of Books, &c., in the Brighton Public Libarary Dealing with Modern Belgian Art", p. 17-21
"Catalogue. Room I. Oils.", cat. no. 1-40, p. 22-25
"Catalogue. Room II. Oils, &c.", cat. no. 41-77, p. 25-27
"Catalogue. Room III. Water Colours, Etchings, &c.", cat. no. 78-134, p. 28-32
"Statuary. Room I", cat. no. 135-145, p. 32-33
"Statuary. Room II", cat. no. 146-152, p. 33
"Statuary. Room III", cat. no. 153-158, p. 34
"Index and Bibliographical Details", p. 35-44
Additional Information
Other Mediums listed
- Exhibition "Under the Patronage of His Majesty the King of the Belgians", cover page
- Biographies of some artists provided in catalogue; mainly they have been supplied by M. Richard Dupierreux and M. Paul Lambotte, p. 35-44.
- Some work descriptions are provided in catalogue.

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
James Ensor 1860 1949 BE 5
Auguste Donnay 1862 1911 BE 7
Alfred Delaunois 1876 1941 BE 8
Théo van Rysselberghe 1862 1926 BE 5
Emile Claus 1849 1924 BE 1
Charles Houssard 1884 1958 BE 2
Franz van Holder 1882 1919 BE 3
Eugène Laermans 1864 1940 BE 3
Armand Rassenfosse 1862 1934 BE 4
Albert Baertson 1866 1922 BE 1
Victor Olivier Gilsoul 1867 1939 BE 3
Victor Abeloos 1881 1965 BE 1
Charles Mertens 1865 1919 BE 2
Léon de Smet 1881 1966 BE 3
Fernand Verhaegen 1883 1975 BE 1
Frans Hens 1856 1928 BE 2
Maurice Wagemans 1877 1927 BE 1
Albert Florian Claes 1883 1945 BE 3
Léon Frédéric 1856 1940 BE 7
Isidore Opsomer 1878 1967 BE 3
Emile Fabry 1865 1966 BE 3
Alice Ronner 1857 1957 BE 1
Alfred Verhaeren 1849 1924 BE 1
Jenny Montigny 1875 1937 BE 2
Henriette Ronner 1821 1909 NL 2
Jean-Baptiste Madou 1796 1877 BE 1
Lodewijk Reckelbus 1864 1958 BE 1
Emile Vloors 1871 1952 BE 2
Léon Hellenbrandt BE 3
Hippolyte Daeye 1873 1952 BE 1
Marcel Jefferys 1872 1924 BE 1
Maurice Blieck 1876 1922 BE 1
Pierre Paulus 1881 1959 BE 1
André Cluysenaar 1872 1939 BE 2
Victor Uyterschaut 1847 1917 BE 3
Adolphe-Jean Hamesse 1849 1925 BE 1
Fernand Khnopff 1858 1921 BE 1
Delstanche Albert 1870 1941 BE 1
Gabrielle Van der Vin 2
Paul Cauchie 1875 1952 BE 3
Herman Verbrugge 1879 1947 BE 2
Alexandre Marcette 1853 1929 BE 4
Charles Jacquet 1
Recommended Citation: "Exhibition of Work by Modern Belgian Artists." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jan 8, 2022. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/1041