1. Abrahams (Mej. Anna,): Stilleven [Still life]
Anna Adelaide Abrahams Hague, The |
2. Akkeringa (J.,): Achter de woning [Behind the house]
Johan Akkeringa Scheveningen |
3. Altena (M. van Regteren): Lectuur [Reading]
Martinus van Regteren Altena Bussum |
4. Altman (G.): Voorjaar [Spring]
Gerard Altmann Rotterdam |
5. Ansingh (Mej. Lizzy): Het gele gevaar [The yellow danger]
Lizzy Ansingh Amsterdam |
6. Apol (Louis): Bij stad [Near the city]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Louis Apol Hague, The |
8. Balwé (Mej. C.): Bij den put [At the well]
Constantia Arnolda Balwé Nunspeet |
9. Bastert (N.,): De gierpont [The cable ferry]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Nicolaas Bastert Nieuwersluis |
10. Bastert (N.,): Aan de Seine [Along the Seine]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Nicolaas Bastert Nieuwersluis |
11. Bauffe (V.,): Polder met waterlelies [Polder with waterlilies]
Victor Bauffe Frankenslag 119, Hague, The |
12. Bauffe (V.,): Sloot, Augustusmorgen [Ditch, August-morning]
Victor Bauffe Frankenslag 119, Hague, The |
13. Beek (B. A. van): Vischkaren [Fish container]
Bernardus Antonie van Beek Amsterdam |
14. Beever (E. van): Stilleven [Still life]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Emanuel van Beever Laren (Noord-Holland) |
15. Benner (J. P. G.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Johan Philip Christiaan Benner Amsterdam |
16. Bennik (J. F.,): Zonnige dag op Rheinauwen [Sunny day at Rheinauwen]
Johan Frits Bennik Utrecht |
17. Berg (Mej. A. van den,): Dubbele tulpen [Double tulips]
Ans C. Berg Amsterdam |
18. Berkemeier (L.,): Zonnige dorpshoek [Sunny village corner]
Ludolph Georg Julius Berkemeyer |
19. Bisschop (R.,): In de kerk te Noordwijk-Binnen [In the church in Noordwijk-Binnen]
Richard Bisschop Hague, The |
20. Bleckmann (W. C. C.,): Tulpenveld [Tulip field]
Willem Christiaan Constant Bleckmann Hague, The |
21. Bloem (H. van): Namiddag [Afternoon]
Hendrik van Bloem Bergen |
22. Bobeldijk (F.,): Groentevrouw [Greengrocer [f]]
Félicien Bobeldijk Amsterdam |
23. Bobeldijk (F.,): Sneeuwochtend in Maart [Snowmorning in March]
Félicien Bobeldijk Amsterdam |
24. Bodifée (P.,): Winterdag [Wintersday]
Paulus Bodifée Deventer |
25. Boer (Mej. M. de,): Een middagmaal [An afternoon meal]
Margaretha Martina de Boer Amsterdam |
26. Boer (Mej. M. de,): Meisjeskopje [Girl's head]
Margaretha Martina de Boer Amsterdam |
27. Boks (Mej. G. J. W.,): Anemonen [Anemones]
Grada Jacoba Wilhelmina Boks Amsterdam |
28. Bosscha (Mej. J.),: Schemer [Twilight]
Anna Jacoba Bosscha Haarlem |
29. Breitner (G. H.,): Schuiten in het dok [Boats in the dock]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
George Hendrik Breitner |
30. Briët (A.,): Bij de grootouders [At the grandparents]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Arthur Henri Christiaan Briët Nunspeet |
31. Broers (Mej. Edmée): Portret [Portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Edmée Broers v. Blankenburgstraat, 10, Hague, The |
32. Cohen Gosschalk (Mr. J.,): Damesportret [Lady's portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Johan Cohen Gosschalk Amsterdam |
33. Cate (P. ten,): Winternamiddag [Winter afternoon]
Pieter ten Cate Zutphen |
34. Cremers (Mej. M.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Marie Cremers Bussum |
35. Dake Jr. (C. L.,): Avond op de heide [Evening on the Meadows]
Carel Lodewijk, II Dake Amsterdam |
36. Delfgou (G. J.,): Interieur [Interior]
Gerard Johannes Delfgaauw Blaricum |
37. Deutman (F.,): Portret van Mevr. Deutman [Portrait of Mrs. Deutman]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Franz Wilhelm Maria Deutmann Laren (Noord-Holland) |
38. Deutman (F.,): Naaistertje [Small sower-lady]
Franz Wilhelm Maria Deutmann Laren (Noord-Holland) |
39. Dingemans (W. J.,): Zeis scherpen [Sharpening the sickle]
Waalko Jans Dingemans Nieuwkoop |
40. Dooyewaard (J.,): Meisje bij de piano [Girl at the piano]
Jacob Dooyewaard Nunspeet |
41. Dooyewaard (J.,): Spelen aan moeder's schoot [Playing at mother's lap]
Jacob Dooyewaard Nunspeet |
42. Driesten (A. J. van,): Avond [Evening]
A.-J. van Driesten Leyden |
43. Drupsteen (Mej. W. C.): Portretstudie [Portrait study]
Cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition)..
Wilhelmina Drupsteen Amsterdam |
44. Duyl-Schwartze (Mevr. Therèse van,): Portret van mijne moeder [Portrait of my mother]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition). |
Thérèse Schwartze Amsterdam |
45. Duyl-Schwartze (Mevr. Therèse van,): Lente [Spring]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Thérèse Schwartze Amsterdam |
46. Dijk (A. van,): Pronkperen en appelen [Ornamental pears and apples]
Adolf van Dijk Oegstgeest |
47. Dijsselhof (G. W.,): Parelmoervisch [Pearlfish]
Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof Haarlem |
48. Egmond (P.,): Portret van mijn vrouw [Portrait of my wife]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Piet van Egmond (Friesland), Westerblokker |
49. Egmond (P.,): Koegang [Cow passage]
Piet van Egmond (Friesland), Westerblokker |
50. Essen (J. van,): Doode watervogels [Dead waterbirds]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Johannes Cornelis van Essen Hague, The |
51. Everdingen (A. van,): Hollandsch landschap [Dutch landscape]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Adriaen van Everdingen Utrecht |
52. Ezerman (D. G.,): In het park [In the park]
Dirk Gerard Ezerman Rotterdam |
53. Ferwerda (B.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Barend Ferwerda Renkum |
54. Fortuin (P.,): Koekop-studie [Cow-head study]
Pieter Fortuin Amsterdam |
55. Franco (Mevr. M.,): Jongensportret [Boy's portrait]
Margaretha Josephine Elisabeth Franco-Cohen Gosschalk Zaandam |
56. Franken (P.,): Branding [Shore]
Petrus Johannes Cornelis Franken Hague, The |
57. Frankfort (Ed.,): Zonnig plekje [Sunny spot]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Eduard Frankfort Amsterdam; Watergraafsmeer |
58. Frankfort (Ed.,): Kafferstudie [Study of a Kaffir]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Eduard Frankfort Amsterdam; Watergraafsmeer |
59. Fritzlin (Mej. M. C. L.): Rhododendrons
Maria Charlotta Louisa Fritzlin Bussum |
60. Fritzlin (Mej. M. C. L.): Anjelieren [Gillyflowers]
Maria Charlotta Louisa Fritzlin Bussum |
61. Gabriëlse (J.,): Portretten [Portraits]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Johan Gabriëlse Utrecht |
62. Garms (C. M.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Coenraad Matthias Garms Amsterdam |
63. Garms (C. M.,): Interieur [Interior]
Coenraad Matthias Garms Amsterdam |
64. Gestel (L.,): De brief [The letter]
Leo Gestel Amsterdam |
65. Goemans (Mej. M.,): Azalia
Maria Johanna Goemans Goes |
66. Gorter (A. M.,): October [Oktober]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Arnold Marc Gorter Amsterdam |
67. Graadt van Roggen (J. M.,): Op de heide bij buïg weer [On the meadows by rainy weather]
Johannes Mattheus Graadt van Roggen Bergen, North Holland |
68. Graadt van Roggen (J. M.,): Eenzaam [Lonely]
Johannes Mattheus Graadt van Roggen Bergen, North Holland |
69. Gratama (G. D.,): Scheveningsche vrouw [Woman from Scheveningen]
Gerrit David Gratama Hague, The |
70. Gratama (G. D.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Gerrit David Gratama Hague, The |
71. Grolman (J. P. C.,): Klooster interieur [Monastry interior]
Johan Paul Constantinus Grolman Utrecht |
72. Gruppe (Ch. P.,): Oude brug in het Haagsche bosch [Old bridge in the Hague forest]
Ch. P. Gruppe Katwijk aan Zee |
73. Gruijter (J. W.,): Regen - wind [Rain - wind]
Jacob Willem Gruyter Amsterdam |
74. Gijswijt (Mej. A. C.,): Vioolspeelstertje [Little violin player [f]]
Agnieta Cornelia Gijswijt Amsterdam |
75. Haaren (D. van,): Haarlemmervaart
Dirk Johannes van Haaren Amsterdam |
76. Hammes (C. H.,): Schemering [Twilight]
Chris Hammes Doetinchem |
77. Hart Nibbrig (F.,): Bittere spot [Bitter spot]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig Laren (Noord-Holland) |
78. Hart Nibbrig (F.,): Montjoie
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig Laren (Noord-Holland) |
79. Hattink (Mej. E.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Elizabeth Hattink Hilversum |
80. Haverkamp (G. C.,): Weg bij Eben, Belgie [Road near Eben, Belgium]
Gerhard Haverkamp Soest |
81. Haverkamp (G. C.,): Bouwland bij Eben [Arable land near Eben]
Gerhard Haverkamp Soest |
82. Haverkorn van Rijsewijk (H.,): Riviergezicht [River view]
Henry Adriaan Haverkorn van Rijsewijk Hattem |
83. Heide (J. W. van der,): Rust [Rest]
Johannes Wilhelm van der Heide Munich |
84. Hesterman Jr. (J. A.,): Op de plassen [On the pools]
Johannes Albertus, II Hesterman Amsterdam |
85. Heuvel (W. van den,): n Silentio et quiete proficitani ma devota, et discit abscondita scripturarum (Im I. 20: 6)
Willem van den Heuvel Utrecht |
86. Heijl (Mars.,): Naar huis [Going home]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Marinus Heyl Amsterdam |
87. Heijl (Mars.,): Oude boomen, Niersen [Old trees, Niersen]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Marinus Heyl Amsterdam |
88. 't Hooft (C. G.,): Hoogerlust in het Gein [Hoogerlust in the Gein]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Cornelis Gerardus 't Hooft Amsterdam |
89. Hoog (B. de,): Moeder en Kind [Mother and Child]
Bernard de Hoog Bussum |
90. Hoynck van Papendrecht (J.,): Aan de Elbe bij Dresden [Along the Elbe near Dresden]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Jan Hoynk van Papendrecht Hague, The |
91. Hulk (F.,): Stadsgezicht [Cityview]
Name of creator could apply to both J. F. Hulk senior and junior. However, it could be determined that "F. Hulk" refers to J. F. Hulk Senior (based on location as in catalogue: "Abcoude"). For all our entries, this is used as substantiation to associate J. F. Hulk Senior with used initial/name "F." or "Frederik".
J. F. Hulk Abcoude |
92. Hulshoff Pol (A. G.,): Oude watermolen [Old watermill]
Albertus Gerhard Hulshoff-Pol Amsterdam |
93. Jansen (H. W.,): Aan de Riva Schiavoni te Venetië [Along the Riva Schiavoni in Venice]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Hendrik Willebrord Jansen Amsterdam |
94. Jansen (W. G. F.,): Melktijd [Milking time]
Willem George Frederik Jansen Amsterdam |
95. Jansen-van Hengel (Mevr. M.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Maria Elisabeth van Hengel Amsterdam |
96. Jonge (Freule M. de,): Stilleven, schets [Still life, sketch]
Eva Maria Alida de Jonge Zutphen |
97. Jurres (J. H.,): De kettinggangers [The forced labourers]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition). |
Johannes Hendricus Jurres Amsterdam |
98. Karsen (Ed.,): Avondrust [Evening rest]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Eduard Karsen |
99. Karsen (Ed.,): Oude buurt [Old neighborhood]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Eduard Karsen |
100. Kate (M. ten,): In 't veld [In the field]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Johann Mari Henri ten Kate Driebergen-Rijsenburg |
101. Kerling (Mej. A. E.,): Bij grootmoeder [At grandmother]
Anna E. Kerling Hague, The |
102. Kleintjes (J. L.,): Portret [Portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Jan Kleintjes Heerde |
103. Knap (G. W.,): Oud-Amsterdam [Old Amsterdam]
Gerrit Willem Knap Amsterdam |
104. Koetser (H.,): Interieur [Interior]
Henry Koetser Laren (Noord-Holland) |
105. Koning (A. H.,): Landweg [Country road]
Arnold Hendrik Koning Ede |
106. Koning (Edzard,): Middagzon, herfst [Afternoon sun, autumn]
Edzard Koning Nunspeet |
107. Krabbé (H. M.,): Pas ontwaakt [Recently woken up]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Hendrik Maarten Krabbé Laren (Noord-Holland) |
108. Krabbé (H. M.,): Portretschets [Portrait sketch]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition). |
Hendrik Maarten Krabbé Laren (Noord-Holland) |
109. Kruimel (Mej. J. J.,): Portret van mijne moeder [Portrait of my mother]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Johanna Jacoba Kruimel Amsterdam |
110. Kuypers (A.,): Een brokje Spaanderswoud [A fragment of Spaanderswoud]
Adrianus Kuijpers Watergraafsmeer |
111. Kuypers (A.,): Zomerilandsehap, Naardermeer [Summerlandscape, Naardermeer]
Adrianus Kuijpers Watergraafsmeer |
112. Kuypers (C.,): Bij Renkum [Near Renkum]
Cornelis Kuypers Renkum |
113. Lam (D. de Vries,): Portaal van de „Notre Dame de la Clarté". Perros Guirec, Bretagne. [Portal of the „Notre Dame de la Clarté". Perros Guirec, Bretagne.]
Dirk de Vries Lam Groningen |
114. Lam (D. de Vries,): Winter, Eemskanaal, Groningen
Dirk de Vries Lam Groningen |
115. Langefeld (F.,): Gekapt boschje [Felled little forest]
Frans Langeveld Blaricum |
116. Lapidoth (M. C.,): De plaggesteekster [The turf cutter [f]]
Maurits Constantijn Lapidoth Nunspeet |
117. Legner (J. C. U.,): Landschap bij Utrecht [Landscape near Utrecht]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Johann C. W. Legner Utrecht |
118. Legner (J. C. U.,): Portretstudie [Portrait study]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition). |
Johann C. W. Legner Utrecht |
119. Lopes Suasso (Jhr. A.,): In 't Haagsche bosch [In the Hague forest]
Augustus Pieter Lopez Suasso Hague, The |
120. Luns (Huib,.): Evocation romantique
Huib Luns Brussels |
121. Machwirth (Mej. J.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Johanna Machwirth Utrecht |
122. Maks (C. J.,): Het dejeuner [The breakfast]
Cornelis Johannes Maks Amsterdam |
123. Maks (C. J.,): Voor den spiegel [In front of the mirror]
Cornelis Johannes Maks Amsterdam |
124. Maris (Simon,): Slapedoe [Sleep]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Simon Maris Amsterdam |
125. Martens (Willy,): Portret van Mevr. A. Maris-van Bijlevelt [Portrait of Mrs. A. Maris-van Bijlevelt]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition). |
Willem Martens Hague, The |
126. Martens (Willy,): Portret van Sophia Topali [Portrait of Sophia Topali]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition). |
Willem Martens Hague, The |
127. Mastenbroek (J. H. van,): Een visschersdorp [A fisherman's town]
Johann Hendrik Mastenbroek Rotterdam |
128. Mauve (A. R.): Januarimorgen [January morning]
Anton Mauve Laren (Noord-Holland) |
129. Mendes (J. E.,): Moederzorg [Mother care]
Jules Eduard Mendes Amsterdam |
130. Mesdag (H. W.,): Morgen aan het strand te Scheveningen [Morning along the beach in Scheveningen]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Hendrik Willem Mesdag Hague, The |
131. Moes (Mej. W.,): Slaapliedje [Lullaby]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Wally Moes Laren (Noord-Holland) |
132. Moes (Mej. W.,): Moeder en kind [Mother and child]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Wally Moes Laren (Noord-Holland) |
133. Molkenboer (Th.,): Portret van Mevr. M. [portrait of Mrs. M.]
Heer M. [Sir M.]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition). |
Theo Molkenboer Amsterdam |
134. Mondriaan (P.,): Zomernacht [Summernight]
Piet Mondrian Amsterdam |
135. Monnickendam (Martin,): Salome
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Martin Monnickendam Amsterdam |
136. Monnickendam (Martin,): Tuberoses
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Martin Monnickendam Amsterdam |
137. Moulijn (S.,): De Burcht te Montjoie (Eifel) [The Fortress in Montjoie (Eifel)]
Simon Moulijn Laren (Noord-Holland) |
138. Münninghoff (Xeno,): Stille wegen [Quiet roads]
Xeno Augustus Franciscus Ludovicus Munninghoff Renkum |
139. Nakken (W. C.,): Uiterwaard met paarden langs de Seine [Floodplain with horses along the Seine]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Willem Carel Nakken Hague, The |
140. Nefkens (M. J.,): Tegen den avond [By evening]
Martinus Josephus Nefkens Lunteren |
141. Nek (H. van,): Tegen den avond [By evening]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Hendrik van Nek Amsterdam |
142. Oldewelt (Ferd. G. W.,): Regen [Rain]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Ferdinand Gustaaf Willem Oldewelt Rotterdam |
143. Oldewelt (Ferd. G. W.,): Avond [Evening]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Ferdinand Gustaaf Willem Oldewelt Rotterdam |
144. Oosterzee (H. A. van,): Oogstmaand [Harvest month]
Hermanus Adrianus Van Oosterzee Rijswijk |
145. Pabst (J. C.,): Rustenburg
Johannes Cornelis Pabst Hague, The |
146. Peters (Mej. E. M.,): Schoven [Shoves]
E. M. Peters Oosterbeek |
147. Polvliet (B.,): Voorjaar [Spring]
Barend Jan Abraham Polvliet Amsterdam |
148. Poortenaar (J. C.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Jan C. Poortenaar Amsterdam |
149. Pouderoyen (C.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Cornelis Pouderoijen Rotterdam |
150. Prins (Benjamin.): Het manuscript [The manuscript]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Benjamin Liepman Prins Amsterdam |
151. Prins (Benjamin.): Huisje aan den weg (Geldrop) [House along the road (Geldrop)]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Benjamin Liepman Prins Amsterdam |
152. Psicha (Mej. F.): Viooltjes [Violets]
Maria Adeline Alice Schweistal Amsterdam |
153. Raalte (M. J. van,): Naaischool [Sowing school]
Marinus van Raalte Amsterdam |
154. Reicher (A. F.,): Reguliersgracht
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Albrecht Reicher Amsterdam |
155. Répélius (Mej. Betsy): Andante
Betsy Repelius Amsterdam |
156. Répélius (Mej. Betsy): Onklaar [Not ready]
Betsy Repelius Amsterdam |
157. Reijenga (Jac.,): Het buurtje aan de vaart [The neighborhood along the waterway]
Jacobus Reijenga Amsterdam |
158. Ritsema (J. C.,): Morgen [Morning]
Jacob Coenraad Ritsema Kortenhoef |
159. Roelof (Alb.,): Toekomstdroomen [Dreams for the future]
Albert Roelofs Hague, The |
160. Roelofs Jr. (Willem E.,): Mootjes visch [Slices of fish]
Willem Elisa Roelofs Hague, The |
161. Roermeester (G. J.,): Winter in het rietland [Winter in the thatch land]
Gerardus Johannes Roermeester Hague, The |
162. Roermeester (G. J.,): Melkbocht [Grassland fence/milking curve]
Gerardus Johannes Roermeester Hague, The |
163. Römer (Mej. D.,): Najaar [Fall]
Debora Römer Oosterbeek |
164. Rueter (Gerog,): Figuren knippen [Cutting out figures]
Wilhelm Christian Georg Rueter Sloterdijk |
165. Rueter (Gerog,): Portret studie [Portrait study]
Wilhelm Christian Georg Rueter Sloterdijk |
166. Rust (J. A.,): De Noordzee bij Texel [The Northsea at Texel]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Johan Adolph Rust Amsterdam |
167. Savry (H. M.,): Duinlandschap [Dune landscape]
Henri Savrij Haarlem |
168. Schaap (E. R. D.,): Nigtevecht
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Egbert Rubertus Derk Schaap 's Graveland |
169. Schaap-van der Pek (Mevr. M.,): Een stille Octoberdag [A quiet October day]
Hendrika van der Pek 's Graveland |
170. Scherrewitz (J.,): Mest laden [Loading manure]
Johan Frederik Cornelis Scherrewitz Hilversum |
171. Schipperus (P. A.): Zomer [Summer]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Pieter Adrianus Schipperus Rotterdam |
172. Schipperus (P. A.): Winter
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Pieter Adrianus Schipperus Rotterdam |
173. Schooten (J. A. van,): Stilleven [Still life]
Jan Antonius van Schooten Hilversum |
174. Schregel (B.,): Sous bois
Bernardus Petrus Schregel Hague, The |
175. Schreuder van de Coolwijk (J.,): Het toilet [The toilet]
Jan Hendrik Willem Maurits Schreuder van de Coolwijk Hague, The |
176. Schulman (D.,): Heide [Meadow]
David Schulman Laren (Noord-Holland) |
177. Schulman (D.,): Winter [Winter]
David Schulman Laren (Noord-Holland) |
178. Schütz (W. J.,): In de „Zandkreek", Zeeland [In the „Zandkreek", Zeeland]
Willem Joannes Schütz Middelburg |
179. Sleeswijk (A. C.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk Bussum |
180. Sluiter (Willy,): Optrekken van een bomschuit [Pulling up of a fishing boat]
Willy Sluiter Katwijk aan Zee |
181. Sluiter (Willy,): Terugkomst van de visscherij [Return from the fishery]
Willy Sluiter Katwijk aan Zee |
182. Snoeck (Jhr. J.,): Bij de wieg [At the cradle]
Jacob Cornelis Snoeck Laren (Noord-Holland) |
183. Snoeck (Jhr. J.,): Aan de pomp [At the pump]
Jacob Cornelis Snoeck Laren (Noord-Holland) |
184. Soest (L. W. van,): Winternacht [Winternight]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Louis Willem van Soest Velp, Gelderland |
185. Staller (J. G.,): Artiskijkjes [Artis-glimpses]
Gerard Johan Staller Amsterdam |
186. Stark (E.,): Op Klein Larenberg [On Klein Larenberg]
Elias Stark Laren (Noord-Holland) |
187. Sterre de Jong (J. F.,): Moedertje die bij haar kind zit te naaien [Mother who is sewing with her child]
Jacobus Sterre de Jong Blaricum |
188. Stork-Kruijff (Mevr. A. M.,): Poezengeluk [Cat-happiness]
Anna Maria van de Stork-Kruyff Amsterdam |
189. Stracké (L.,): In den oogsttijd [In the harvest period]
Louis Stracké Soest |
190. Sturm (G.,): Korhoenders [Grouse]
Georg Sturm Amsterdam |
191. Sturm (G.,): Houtsnippen [Woodcuts]
Georg Sturm Amsterdam |
192. Taanman (J.,): Interieur in het Gooi [Interior in Gooi]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Jacob Taanmann |
193. Taanman (J.,): Aaltje [Eel]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Jacob Taanmann |
194. Teixeira de Mattos (H.,): Aan het spoelwiel [At the bobbin winder]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Henri Teixeira de Mattos Hague, The |
195. Thol-Ruysch (Mevr. de wed. A. van,): Bij het venster [At the window]
Aletta Thol-Ruijsch Hague, The |
196. Thol-Ruysch (Mevr. de wed. A. van,): Rozen [Roses]
Aletta Thol-Ruijsch Hague, The |
197. Tonge (L. van der,): Verstellen [Adjusting]
Louis van der Tonge Laren (Noord-Holland) |
198. Tonge (L. van der,): Klein moedertje [Little mother]
Louis van der Tonge Laren (Noord-Holland) |
199. Valk (M. W. van der,): Tuin [Garden]
Maurits Willem van der Valk Amersfoort |
200. Valk (M. W. van der,): Stilleven [Still life]
Maurits Willem van der Valk Amersfoort |
201. Valkenburg (Mej. B.,): Larensch interieur [Laren interior]
Bertha Valkenburg Amsterdam |
202. Voo (A. J. J. van der,): Studie [Study]
Alexander Jean Joseph van der Voo Hekendorp |
203. Voo (A. J. J. van der,): Studie [Study]
Alexander Jean Joseph van der Voo Hekendorp |
204. Voorthuysen-van Hove (Mevr. H. van,): Stilleven [Still life]
Henriëtte van Hove Amsterdam |
205. Voorthuysen-van Hove (Mevr. H. van,): Aardbeziën [Strawberries]
Henriëtte van Hove Amsterdam |
206. Vos (Hubert,): Portret [Portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Hubert Vos New York |
207. Voullaire (Mej. M.,): Dorre blaâren [Dry leaves]
Martha Amalia Voullaire Zeist |
208. Vries (Mej. S. C. H. de,): Portaal in het Burgerweeshuis te Amsterdam [Portal in the Burgerweeshuis/civil orphanage in Amsterdam]
Susanna Cornelia Henriëtta de Vries Amsterdam |
209. Vijsel (Mej. I. van de,): Primula's [Primulas]
Ida Teves-van de Vijsel Amsterdam |
210. Waay (Prof. N. van der,): Oud-Hollandsch binnenhuis [Old-Dutch interior]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Nicolaes van der Waay Amsterdam |
211. Waay (Prof. N. van der,): Stadsgezicht, Edam [Cityview, Edam]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Nicolaes van der Waay Amsterdam |
212. Wall Perné (G. van de,): Wilde wingerd [Virginia creeper]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Gustaaf Frederik van de Wall Perné Amsterdam |
213. Wandscheer (Mej. Marie): Oost-Indische Kers [Nasturtiums]
Maria Wilhelmina Wandscheer Ede |
214. Wandscheer (Mej. Marie): Ziek oudje [Sick oldie]
Maria Wilhelmina Wandscheer Ede |
215. Weeme (Th. ter,): Oude vrouw [Old lady]
Theodorus ter Weeme Amsterdam |
216. Weiler (Jonkvr. D. A. von,): Primula Veres
Dorothea Arnoldine von Weiler Arnhem |
217. Westerman (G.,): Een oude legende [An old legend]
Gerard Westermann Amsterdam |
218. Weijns (J. H.,): Binnehuis, Brabant [Interior, Brabant]
Jan Harm Weijns Rotterdam |
219. Wiggers (D.,): Stad in Toscana [City in Tuscany]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Dirk Wiggers Berg en Dal |
220. Wiggers (D.,): Avondstemming [Evening mood]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Dirk Wiggers Berg en Dal |
221. Windt (G.,): St. Gerlach, Limburg
Gerard Windt Houthem-St. Gerlach |
222. Wolbers (H. G.,): Weide aan den IJsel [Meadow on the IJssel]
Hermanus Gerhardus Wolbers Hague, The |
223. Wijngaerdt (P. van,): In de duinen [In the dunes]
Piet van Wijngaerdt Amsterdam |
224. Wijsmuller (J. H.,): Blaricum
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Jan Hillebrand Wijsmuller Amsterdam |
225. Wijsmuller (J. H.,): Aan den overkant van het Y [On the other side of the Y]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Jan Hillebrand Wijsmuller Amsterdam |
226. Wijthoff (Mej. A. C. F.,): Lezende oude man [Reading old man]
Anna Wijthoff Amsterdam |
227. Zwart (W. de,): Houthakkers [Lumberjacks]
Willem de Zwart Veur |
228. Verster (F.,): Stilleven [Still life]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Floris Hendrik Verster Leyden |
other medium
230. Bauer (M.,): Mosquéeingang [Mosque entrance]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout |
231. Boon (Jan,): Katjes [Kittens]
Jan Boon Amsterdam |
232. Boon (Jan,): Kopjes [Heads]
Jan Boon Amsterdam |
233. Driesten (A. J. van,): Kerk te Noorden [Church in Noorden]
A.-J. van Driesten Leyden |
234. Dupont (Prof. P.,): Interpretatie van Dirk Tulp's ruiterportret door Paulus Potter (Coll. Six). [Interpretation of Dirk Tulp's horserider portrait by Paulus Potter (Coll. Six)]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
P. Dupont Hilversum |
235. Feudel (A.,): In gebed [In prayer]
Arthur Feudel Katwijk aan den Rijn |
236. Gabriëlse (J.,): Aan het strand [At the beach]
Johan Gabriëlse Utrecht |
237. Garjeanne (J.,): Hollandsche dorpshoekje [Hollandish village corner]
Johannes Josephus Garjeanne Venlo |
238. Heineken (Mej. M.,): Orchideën [Orchids]
Marie Heineken Amsterdam |
239. Heijenbrock (H.,): In de buurt van een kolenput, België [Near a coal pit, Belgium]
Johan Coenraad Hermann Heyenbrock Blaricum |
240. Hoet (Mej. G. W. ten,): Landschap [Landscape]
Gerarda Wilhelmina ten Hoet Hilversum |
241. Jansen-Grothe (Mevr. S. J. W.,): Wachten [Waiting]
Sophie Grothe Amsterdam |
242. Leliman (J. H. W.,): Heerenhuis [Mansion]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Willem Leliman Amsterdam |
243. Leliman (J. H. W.,): Landhuis [Country house]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Willem Leliman Amsterdam |
244. Muller (Gerard,): Tuinpoortje, Tlemcen [Garden gate, Tlemcen]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Gerard Gustaaf Muller Amsterdam |
245. Muller (Gerard,): Interieur, mosquée Algiers [Interior, mosque Algiers]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Gerard Gustaaf Muller Amsterdam |
246. Oort (J. van,): Kluit [Clod]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Johan Michiel Oort Amsterdam |
247. Oort (J. van,): Koningslepelaar [Royal spoonbill]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition).
Johan Michiel Oort Amsterdam |
248. Suy (Mej. P.,): Hut in Schotland
Pauline Suy Amsterdam |
249. Suy (Mej. W.,): Muurbloemen [Wallflowers]
Wilhelmina Suij Amsterdam |
250 [01]. Veldheer (J. G.,): De Abdy [The Abbey]
Original entry: "250 De Abdy; De Molen; De Pupulieren bij Schoorl". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition). |
Jacob Gerard Veldheer Bergen, North Holland |
250 [02]. Veldheer (J. G.,): De Molen [The Mill]
Original entry: "250 De Abdy; De Molen; De Pupulieren bij Schoorl". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition). |
Jacob Gerard Veldheer Bergen, North Holland |
250 [03]. Veldheer (J. G.,): De populieren bij Schoorl [The Populars at Schoorl]
Original entry: "250 De Abdy; De Molen; De Pupulieren bij Schoorl". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "B.B.", meaning the artist had the right to submit art works without any jury assessment (see public note of the exhibition). |
Jacob Gerard Veldheer Bergen, North Holland |
251. Willigen (Mej. C. A. v. d.,): Rozen [Roses]
Christina Abigael van der Willigen Laren (Noord-Holland) |
other medium
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other medium