I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
1. Lakatos Arthur: Olvasó fiu [Reading Boy]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Artúr Lakatos |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
2. Novák Andor: Hegyszakadék [Mountain Gorge]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Andor Novák |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
3. Budai hegyvidék [Buda Hills]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Dezső Rózsaffy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
4. A gödöllői királyi parkból [From the Garden of the Royal Palace of Gödöllő]
painting: oil
Dezső Rózsaffy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
5. Rácz Kovách Margit: Női akt [Female Nude]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Margit Rácz-Kovách |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
6. Mátrai Vilmos: Hóolvadás [Snowmelt]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Vilmos Mátrai |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
7. Színes Elemér: Csendes mise a rimóci templomban [Quiet Mass in the Church of Rimóc]
painting: oil
Ágoston Emil műépitész [Emil Ágoston Architect]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Elemér Színes |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
8. Színes Elemér: Siesta [Siesta]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Elemér Színes |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
9. Fejér Sándor: A kulisszák mögött [Behind the Scenes]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Sándor Fejér |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
10. Basch Gyula: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Julius Gyula Basch |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
11. A szultán kedvence [The Sultan's Favorite]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Zsigmond Nagy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
12. Domboldal [Hillside]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Oszkár Glatz |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
13. Litkei Antal: Szoptatós anya [Nursing Mother]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Antal Littkey |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
14. Litkei Antal: Estszürkület a Dunán [Dusk on the Danube]
painting: oil
Antal Littkey |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
15. Fűzfák és felhők [Willow Trees and Clouds]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Julcsa Schütz |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
16. Két lány pleinairben [Two Girls in Plein Air]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Valér Ferenczy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
17. Két lány zongoránál [Two Girls at the Piano]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Valér Ferenczy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
18. Két asszony [Two Women]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Frigyes Borszéky |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
19. Bazsarózsák [Peonies]
painting: oil
Frigyes Borszéky |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
20. Barkász Lajos: Budai részlet [Scene of Buda]
painting: oil
Lajos Barkász |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
21. Barkász Lajos: Farsangi csendélet [Carnival Still Life]
painting: oil
Lajos Barkász |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
22. Barkász Lajos: Naplemente az alföldön [Sunset on the Great Hungarian Plain]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Lajos Barkász |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
23. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Mimoza [Mimosa]
painting: oil
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
24. Fáy Dezső: Terraseon [On the Terrace]
painting: oil
Desider von Fáy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
25. Kőrösfői Kriesch Aladár: Hóolvadás a Tátrában [Snowmelt in the Tatras]
painting: oil
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
26. Kőrösfői Kriesch Aladár: Utszélén [On the Roadside]
painting: tempera
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
27. Besnyői kolostor [The Monastery of Besnyő]
painting: oil
József Egry |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
28. Kőrösfői Kriesch Aladár: Nagyszombati körmenet Mezőkövesden [Holy Saturday Procession in Mezőkövesd]
painting: oil
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
29. Fischer Edvin: Rózsák [Roses]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
30. Sartori A. Silvio: La petite savoyarde
painting: oil
Silvio Sartori |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
31. Akt [Nude]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Béla Kádár |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
32. Szolnoki parasztszekér [Peasant Wagon from Szolnok]
Béla Kádár |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
33. Idyll [Idyll]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
József Egry |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
34. Kürthy György: Rosina Beppó [Rosina Beppo]
drawing, szines rajz [coloured drawing]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
György Kürthy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
35. Kürthy György: Flamma Vestalis [Flamma Vestalis]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
György Kürthy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
36. Duma Sándor: lnterieur [Interior]
painting: oil
Sándor Duma |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
37. Kürthy György: Rosaura [Rosaura]
drawing, szines rajz [coloured drawing]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
György Kürthy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
38. Őszi alkony álma [Dream of the Autumn Twillight]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
39. Confraternita del „Boun Cuore« [Confraternita del „Boun Cuore«]
painting: oil
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
40. Ophelia temetése [The Funeral of Ophelia]
drawing, szines rajz [coloured drawing]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
"(Kárpáti Aurel verse [Poem by Aurel Kárpáti])"
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
41. Carnevali visio [Vision of a Carnival]
painting: oil
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
42. Virágcsata [Battle of Flowers]
painting: oil
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
43. Veronai templomban [In a Veronese Church]
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
44. Kuruzslószerek [Fraudulent Remedies]
painting: oil
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
45. Fáy Dezső: lrodalmi délután Leblanc apónál [Literature Afternoon at Uncle Leblanc's]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Desider von Fáy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
46. Fáy Dezső: Versaillesi parkból [From the Park of Versailles]
painting: oil
Desider von Fáy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
47. Fáy Dezső: Galambos nő [Woman with Dove]
painting: oil
Desider von Fáy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
48. Fáy Dezső: Monsieur Didier [Monsieur Didier]
painting: oil
Desider von Fáy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
49. Régi porcellánok élete [The Life of Old Porcelains]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
50. Sartori A. Silvió: La Salute [La Salute]
painting: oil
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Silvio Sartori |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
51. Régi porcellánok élete II. [The Life of Old Porcelains II.]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Lajos Gulácsy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
52. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Részlet szobánkból [Scene of Our Room]
painting: oil
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
53. Zichy István gróf: Szent-jakabi tó [Lake of Szent-Jakab]
painting: oil
Istvan Zichy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
54. Fischer Edvin: Szegények [The Poor]
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
55. Mária [Mary]
Zoltán Páldy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
56. Fischer Edvin: Részegek [Drunks]
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
57. Arckép [Portrait]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Zoltán Páldy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
58. Prottmann Stella: Interieur [Interior]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Stella Prottmann |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
59. Kertben [In the Garden]
painting: oil
Zoltán Páldy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
60. Prottmann Stella: Jardin Luxemburgi részlet [Scene of the Luxembourg Garden]
painting: oil
Stella Prottmann |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
61. Kechkeméthi Bornemisza Géza: 7 Cite Falguiére 7 [7 Cite Falguiére 7]
painting: oil
Géza Bornemisza |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
62. Kechkeméthi Bornemisza Géza: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
Géza Bornemisza |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
63. Kechkeméthi Bornemisza Géza: Almás csendélet [Still Life with Apples]
painting: oil
Géza Bornemisza |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
64. Kechkeméthi Bornemisza Géza: Firenzei táj [Landscape of Florence]
painting: oil
Janszky B. műépítész [B. Janszky Architect]
Géza Bornemisza |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
65. Kechkeméthi Bornemisza Géza: Jardin de Luxemburg [Luxembourg Garden]
painting: oil
Janszky B. műépítész [B. Janszky Architect]
Géza Bornemisza |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
66. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Piros székek [Red Chairs]
painting: oil
Kálmán Sashegyi |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
67. Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
Ágnes Kalmár |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
68. W. Gyenes Gitta: Akt [Nude]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Gitta Gyenes |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
69. W. Gyenes Gitta: Testvérek [Siblings]
painting: oil
Gitta Gyenes |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
70. W. Gyenes Gitta: Gyermekek arcképe [Portraits of Children]
painting: oil
Gitta Gyenes |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
71. Prottmann Stella: lnterieur [Interior]
painting: oil
Stella Prottmann |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
72. W. Gyenes Gitta: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
Gitta Gyenes |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
73. Parkrészlet [Scene of a Park]
painting: oil
Zoltán Páldy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
74. Joachim Ferenc: Virágzó fa [Blooming Tree]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Ferenc Joachim |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
75. Joachim Ferenc: Női akt [Female Nude]
painting: oil
Ferenc Joachim |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
76. Joachim Ferenc: Himzőnő [Embroiderer [f]]
painting: oil
Ferenc Joachim |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
77. Joachim Ferenc: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
Ferenc Joachim |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
78. »Mesevilág«. Falfestmény terv gyermekszoba részere [»Fable World«. Plan for a Children's Room Mural]
painting: tempera
Álmos Jaschik |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
79. Citromfák [Lemon Trees]
painting: oil
István Zádor |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
80. Gobelin terv [Tapestry Design]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Álmos Jaschik |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
81. Tömjénezők [Frankincense Burners]
painting: tempera
Álmos Jaschik |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
82. Eső után [After the Rain]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
István Zádor |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
83. Kurucz Iván: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Iván Kurucz |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
84. Fiu arc [Face of a Boy]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Lipöt Gedö |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
85. Szent részegség: Szerelem és művészet. Fali szőnyeg [Holy Drunkenness: Love and Art. Tapestry]
drawing, szines rajz [coloured drawing]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Szilárd Kővári |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
86. Aiglon: Dr. Medgyessy Ferenc arcképe [Portrait of Dr. Ferenc Medgyessy]
painting: oil
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Attila Sassy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
87. Aiglon: Emberfej [Head of a Person]
painting: oil
Attila Sassy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
88. Reggel [Morning]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
József Kornai |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
89. Fenn és lenn [Up and Down]
painting: oil
József Egry |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
90. Melódia [Melody]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Pál Huzella |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
91. Anyám kertben [My Mother in the Garden]
painting: oil
Ervin Plány |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
92. Kettes arckép [Double Portrait]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Armand Schönberger |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
93. Kornai József: Női portrait [Female Portrait]
painting: oil
József Kornai |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
94. Tengerparton [On the Seashore]
painting: oil
Alfréd Feiks |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
95. Állattanulmány [Animal Study]
painting: oil
Ervin Plány |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
96. Körmendy Frim Ervin: Zongoránál [At the Piano]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Ervin Körmendi-Frimm |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
97. Feicks Alfréd: Séta a tengerparton [Walk on the Seashore]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Alfréd Feiks |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
98. Feicks Alfréd: Esthangulat [Evening Mood]
painting: oil
Alfréd Feiks |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
99. Jan Tscharner: Falurészlet [Scene of a Village]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Johann von Tscharner |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
100. Némethy Miklós: Sujkoló asszonyok a Latorca partján [Women Doing Laundy at the Shore of the Latorica]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Miklós Némethy |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
101. Karczag Zoltán: Mutatványos bódék körül [Around the Sideshow]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Zoltán Karczag |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
102. Hindi Szabó Kata: Két fej [Two Heads]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
103. Hindi Szabó Kata: Városi pipacs [Poppy in the City]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
104. Hindi Szabó Kata: Unalmas színek [Boring Colours]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
105. Hindi Szabó Kata: Torsó [Torso]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
106. Hindi Szabó Kata: Freskó [Fresco]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
107. Hindi Szabó Kata: R. modelja [Model of R.]
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
other medium
I. Nagyterem [I. Grand Hall]
109. Hindi Szabó Kata: Egy nő [A Woman]
This catalogue entry is presumed to be an error. Cat. no. 108 has been left out.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
1. Nyári délelőtt [Summer Morning]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
János Lukácsi |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
2. Kukoricakapálás [Hoeing Corn]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Ödön Edvi Illés |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
3. Szélmalom [Windmill]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Farkas Szunyoghy |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
4. Pelleas és Melisande [Pelléas and Mélisande]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Gyula Pogány |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
5. Borús idő [Cloudy Weather]
painting: oil
János Lukácsi |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
6. Csendes borulás [Quiet Cloudiness]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
János Kléh |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
7. Wörsching V. János: Lágymányos környéke [The Area of Lágymányos]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
János Wörsching |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
8. Erdóbaldai G. Ervin: Esti nap [Evening Sun]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Ervin Baktay |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
9. Kólbay Sándor: Homokos vidék [Sandy Landscape]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Sándor Kolbay |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
10. Reinerné Istvánffy Gabriella: Esti hangulat [Evening Mood]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Gabriella Rainerné Istvánffy |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
11. Vázlattanulmány [Sketch Study]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Aurél Náray |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
12. Visszaemlékezés [Reminiscence]
painting: oil
Aurél Náray |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
13. Házak a falu előtt [Houses in Front of the Village]
painting: oil
Julcsa Schütz |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
14. Turmayer Sándor: Jelmezpróba [Dress Rehearsal]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Sandor Turmayer |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
15. Canal del Arsenal [Canal del Arsenal]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Lajos Lovas |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
16. Udvaron [In the Yard]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Géza Záhonyi |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
17. Litkei Antal: Nógrádverőcei részlet [Scene of Nógrádverőce]
painting: oil
Antal Littkey |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
18. Völkel József: »Stefano« [»Stefano«]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
József Völkel |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
19. Fejér Kálmán (Verité): Halastó napsütésben [Fishpond in Sunshine]
painting: oil
Kálmán Fejér |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
20. Krecsmár István: Hegyoldal [Hillside]
painting: oil
István Krecsmár |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
21. A zöldséges kofa [The Vegetable Vendor]
painting: oil
Sándor Vágó |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
22. Sólymos Beatrix: Müncheni iskola [Munich School]
painting: oil
Beatrix Solymos |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
23. Fejér Kálmán (Verité): A forró föld és a hideg ég [The Hot Soil and the Cold Sky]
painting: oil
Kálmán Fejér |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
24. Krecsmár István: Latronyi házak [Houses of Latrony]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
István Krecsmár |
II. Baloldali Terem [II. Left Hall]
25. Benkő Ilona: G. E. urhölgy arcképe [Portrait of Lady G. E.]
painting: oil
magántulaj. [Private Collection]
Ilona Benkő |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
1. Szamosmenti részlet [Scene of the Someș Area]
painting: oil
Ferenc Medgyessy |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
2. Sólymos Beatrix: Akt [Nude]
painting: oil
Beatrix Solymos |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
3. Lengyel: Udvarrészlet [Scene of a Yard]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Loránd E. Lengyel |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
4. Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
Zoltán Szentmiklóssy |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
5. Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
Gyula Pogány |
6. Rákosi Ernő: Egy kis csavargó [A Little Vagabond]
painting: oil
Ernö Rakosi |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
7. Portrait [Portrait]
painting: oil
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Käthe Beckhaus |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
8. Utca Velencében [Street in Venice]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
József Völkel |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
9. Spányi Iréne: Spányi Deborah képmása [Portrait of Deborah Spányi]
painting: oil
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Irén Spányi |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
10. Rügyfakadás [Sprouting Buds]
painting: oil
Tivadar Eke |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
11. Szentmiklóssy Zoltán: Kis fiam [My Little Son]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Zoltán Szentmiklóssy |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
12. V. Sashegyi Kálmán: Jácint [Hyacinth]
painting: oil
Kálmán Sashegyi |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
13. Dr. Popper Samu: Hegyvidék [Highlands]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Samu Popper |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
14. Munkásházak [Worker's Houses]
painting: oil
Zoltán Karczag |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
15. Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Ferenc Medgyessy |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
16. Moussong Tivadar: Őszi hangulat [Autumn Mood]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Tivadar Mousson |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
17. Petrozsényi házak [Houses of Petrozsény]
painting: oil
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Ágnes Kalmár |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
18. Őszi hangulat [Autumn Mood]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Käthe Beckhaus |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
19. Kmethy János: Budai utca [Street in Buda [or: Budai Street]]
painting: oil
János Kmetty |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
20. Borosnyay Szeréna: Rózsák [Roses]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Szeréna Borosnyoi Borosnyay |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
21. Moussong Tivadar: Öreg piktor [Old Limner]
painting: oil
Tivadar Mousson |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
22. Buccari [Buccari]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Atala Barabás |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
23. Részlet az erdő szélén [Scene of the Edge of the Forest]
painting: oil
Käthe Beckhaus |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
24. Csendélet: Rózsák [Still Life: Roses]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Erzsébet Sükey |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
25. Azália [Azalea]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
József Nagel |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
26. Kmethy János: Mezőkön [On the Fields]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
János Kmetty |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
27. Első rózsák [First Roses]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Micike Gruber |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
27. Moussong Tivadar: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
This catalogue entry is presumed to be an error. Cat. no. 28 has been left out.
Tivadar Mousson |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
29. Orgonák [Lilacs]
painting: oil
József Nagel |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
30. Chantecler [Chantecler]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Jenő Csapó |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
31. Pálya Carolus: Délutáni hangulat [Afternoon Mood]
painting: oil
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Carolus Pallya |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
32. Borosnyai Szeréna: Máramarosi kárpátok [Maramureș Mountains]
Szeréna Borosnyoi Borosnyay |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
33. Virágok [Flowers]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Magda Oppel |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
34. Pálya Carolus: Erős hangulat [Strong Mood]
painting: oil
Carolus Pallya |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
35. Borosnyai Szeréna: Tavasz [Spring]
Szeréna Borosnyoi Borosnyay |
III. Jobboldali Terem [III. Right Hall]
36. Sándor Móric: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Móricz Sándor |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
1. Tuszkai Márton: „Cabaret" plakátterv ["Cabarett" Poster Design]
painting: gouache
Medium as in Catalogue "gonache" is considered to be a spelling error.
Márton Tuszkay |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
2. Qudrill [Qudrill]
drawing: pen and ink, tussrajz [ink drawing]
Álmos Jaschik |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
3. Magas Tátra Felkától [The High Tatras from Felka]
painting: gouache
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Miklós Somogyi |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
4. Firona (könvdísz) [Firona (Book Decoration)]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Sándor Duna |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
5. Kechkeméthi Bornemisza Géza: Tanulmány [Study]
Géza Bornemisza |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
6. Női akt [Female Nude]
drawing, grafit rajz [graphite drawing]
István Zádor |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
7. Háttal álló női akt [Nude Woman Standing with Her Back Turned]
drawing, grafit rajz [graphite drawing]
István Zádor |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
8. Puszkay Márton: „Au bar" ["Au bar"]
painting: gouache
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Márton Tuszkay |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
9. Szemere Miklós: Impressió [Impression]
drawing: pen and ink, tusrajz [ink drawing]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
Miklós M. Szemere |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
10. Balog István: Noctnonns [Noctnonns]
drawing, szines rajz [coloured drawing]
magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett művek az alapszabályok 5. §-a alapján zsürimentesen jutottak be a kiállításra [The art works marked with a star were entered into the exhibition without a jury based on §5 of the statutes]."
István Balogh |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
11. Kechkeméthi Bornemisza Géza: Tanulmány II. [Study II.]
Géza Bornemisza |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
11. Pogány Gyula: Tayulmány II. [Study II.]
- Title as in Catalogue "Tayulmány" is considered to be a spelling error.
- This catalogue entry is presumed to be an error. Cat. no. 11 is situated between cat. no. 20 and 22. |
Gyula Pogány |
other medium
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
14. Karjára támaszkodó női akt [Nude Woman Leaning on Her Arms]
drawing, grafit rajz [graphite drawing]
István Zádor |
other medium
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
15. Sas Ferenc: Én szeretteim [My Loved Ones]
Ferenc Sass |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
16. Fischer Edvin: Fiatal anyák [Young Mothers]
drawing: pen and ink, tollrajz [pen drawing]
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
17. Fischer Edvin: Látogatás [Visit]
drawing: pen and ink, tollrajz [pen drawing]
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
18. Fischer Edvin: Dombtetőn [On the Top of the Hill]
drawing: pen and ink, tollrajz [pen drawing]
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
19. Fischer Edvin: Az illat [The Scent]
drawing: pen and ink, tolrajz [pen drawing]
Edwin Ödön Fischer |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
20. Tanulmány [Study]
Gyula Pogány |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
22. Vázlatkönyvemből [From My Sketchbook]
painting: aquarelle
Sándor Kolbay |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
23. Rajz [Drawing]
Sándor Kolbay |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
24. Rajz II. [Drawing II.]
Sándor Kolbay |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
25. Künn a terrason [Outside on the Terrace]
painting: aquarelle
Sándor Kolbay |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
26. Rajz [Drawing]
Sándor Kolbay |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
27. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Kollega [Colleague]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
28. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Sinore [Sinore]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
29. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Lázas szemek [Feverish Eyes]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
30. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Ametist [Amethyst]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
31. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Ülő akt [Sitting Nude]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
32. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Két akt [Two Nudes]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
33. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Fej [Head]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
34. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Márvány akt [Marble Nude]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
35. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Piros arc [Red Face]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
36. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Akt [Nude]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
37. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Férfi test [Body of a Man]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
38. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Tanulmányfej [Head Study]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
39. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Vöröshaju nő [Woman wiht Red Hair]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
40. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Rodin [Rodin]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |
IV. Graphikai Szoba [IV. Graphic Room]
41. Hiudi Szabó Kata: Keleti típus [Eastern Type]
Creator as in Catalogue "Hiudi" is considered to be a spelling error.
Katalin Hindi Szabó |