+-Anna Adelaide Abrahams Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
1. Abrahams, Mej. Anna: Stilleven [Still life]
2. Abrahams, Mej. Anna: Hortensia
painting: aquarelle
+-Christiaan Johannes Addicks Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
3. Addicks, Chr. J.,: Man met lantaarn [Man with lantern]
+-Johan Akkeringa Scheveningen (view artist profile) | ||||
4. Akkeringa, J.: Brabantsch binnenhuis [Brabant interior]
5. Akkeringa, J.: Hondenkar [Dog cart]
+-Lizzy Ansingh Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
6. Ansingh, Mej. Lizzie: Guitaarspeelstertje [Little guitar player [f]]
+-Louis Apol Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
7. Mistig [Foggy]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
+-Floris Arntzenius Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
8. Arntzenius, F.: Gracht in Holland, Winter [Canal in Holland, Winter]
+-Paul Arntzenius(view artist profile) | ||||
9. Arntzenius, Paul: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Bernardus Arps Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
10. Arps, B.: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Henriëtte Sophia Asscher Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
11. Asscher, Mej. Henriette: Stilleven (Vruchten) [Still life (Fruits)]
+-Gerard Bal Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
12. Bal, Gérard: Tegen den avond op de Noordzee [By evening on the Northsea]
+-Anna De Barsy Antwerp (view artist profile) | ||||
13. Barsy, Mej. Anne de: Krabbenvangers [Crab-catchers]
+-Nicolaas Bastert Nieuwersluis (view artist profile) | ||||
14. Bastert, Nic.: Op de hei [On the meadow]
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+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
18. Bauer, M. A. J.: Cairo [On the meadow]
Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door de firma [Benevolently ceded by the firm] E. J. van Wisselingh & Co., Amsterdam".
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition. |
+-Victor Bauffe Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
19. Landschap bij Voorschoten [Landscape near Voorschoten]
20. Landschap bij Kortenhoef [Landscape at Kortenhoef]
+-Eduard Bäumer Bathmen (view artist profile) | ||||
21. Bäumer, E.: Boerenerf in Mei [Farmyard in May]
+-David Bautz Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
22. Bautz, D.: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Bernardus Antonie van Beek Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
23. Beek, B. A. van der: Het dorp Noorden in de sneeuw [The village Noorden in the snow]
+-Emanuel van Beever Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
24. Beever, E. van: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Henriette Benjamins Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
25. Benjamins, Mej. Henriette: Moederzorg [Motherly care]
+-Andries van den Berg Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
26. Stilleven. Kreeften [Still life. Lobsters]
+-Ans C. Berg Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
27. Berg, Mej. Anna C. v.an den: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Willem van den Berg Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
28. Berg, W. van den: Guitaarspeler [Guitar player]
+-Gerard Bergsma Zoutelande (view artist profile) | ||||
29. Bergsma, G.: Meisjes aan zee [Girls at sea]
30. Bergsma, G.: Moeder en kind [Mother and child]
+-Ludolph Georg Julius Berkemeyer Noordwijk aan Zee (view artist profile) | ||||
31. Berkemeijer, Ludolph: Oude baggerbak [Old dredger]
32. Berkemeijer, Ludolph: De weg langs den plas [The road along the pool]
+-Susanne Robertson Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
33. Bisschop-Robertson, Mevr. Suze: Vischpoort te Harderwijk [Fish-port in Harderwijk]
34. Bisschop-Robertson, Mevr. Suze: Melk voor de poes [Milk for the cat]
+-Willem Christiaan Constant Bleckmann Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
35. Bleckmann, W. C. C.: Voorjaarszon [Spring sun]
+-Anna Smulders(view artist profile) | ||||
36. Block-Smulders, Mevr. Annie: Kinderportret [Child's portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Louise Alice Andrine van Blommestein Blaricum (view artist profile) | ||||
37. Blommesteyn, Mej. Louise A. van: Meisje aan de piano [Girl at the piano]
+-Paulus Bodifée Deventer (view artist profile) | ||||
38. Bodifé, Paul: Oud hoekje te Deventer [Old corner in Deventer]
39. Bodifé, Paul: Wilgen [Willows]
+-Margaretha Martina de Boer Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
40. Boer, Margo de: Vrouw met kindje [Woman with child]
41. Boer, Margo de: Portretstudie [Portrait study]
+-Berend Adrianus Bongers Delft (view artist profile) | ||||
42. Bongers, Berend A.: Harmonicaspeler [Harmonica player]
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+-Hendrikus Johan Bouhuys Deventer (view artist profile) | ||||
48. Bouhuijs, H. J.: Landschap [Landscape]
+-George Hendrik Breitner(view artist profile) | ||||
49. Breitner, G. H.: Rokin Amsterdam
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door de firma [Benevolently ceded by the firm] E. J. van Wisselingh & Co., Amsterdam". |
50. Breitner, G. H.: Jongen [Boy]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Stated in addition to entries 51-52: 'Beide welwillend afgestaan door de firma [Both benevolently ceded by the firm] E. J. van Wisselingh & Co., Amsterdam". |
51. Breitner, G. H.: Heilstellingen [Piling frames]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Stated in addition to entries 51-52: 'Beide welwillend afgestaan door de firma [Both benevolently ceded by the firm] E. J. van Wisselingh & Co., Amsterdam". |
+-Ahazuerus Jacobus Breman Blaricum (view artist profile) | ||||
52. Breman, Co,: Voorjaar. Gezicht op Rhenen. [Spring. View of Rhenen.]
53. Breman, Co,: Zomermorgen [Summermorning]
+-Robert Ives Browne(view artist profile) | ||||
54. Browne, R. Ives,: Polderlandschap [Polder landscape]
+-Hendrik van Borssum Buisman(view artist profile) | ||||
55. Buisman, H.,: Portret van den heer J. H. Speenhof [Portrait of sir J. H. Speenhof]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
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+-Carel L. Dake Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
59. Dake, C. L.,: Naar Bethlehem [To Bethlehem]
+-Lucie Dam van Isselt Veere (view artist profile) | ||||
60. Dam van Isselt, Mev. Lucie van: Intérieur [Interior]
The part "Mev" in creator's name contains is a handwritten correction. Original: “Mej”.
+-Carel Dankmeyer Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
61. Cankmeyer, Charles: Puinwerpers [Waste-pitchers]
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+-Gijsbertus Derksen Zelhem (view artist profile) | ||||
66. Derksen, G.: Schoolfeest 31 Aug. [School party 31 Aug.]
painting: aquarelle
+-Waalko Jans Dingemans Nieuwkoop (view artist profile) | ||||
67. Dingemans, W. J.: Schapenscheren [Shearing sheep]
+-Gerrit van Dokkum Utrecht (view artist profile) | ||||
68. Dokkum, G. W. P. van: De modelleur [The modeller]
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+-Thérèse Schwartze Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
73. Duijl-Schwartze, Mevr. Thérèse van: Portret van mevr. Breitner [Portrait of mrs. Breitner]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof(view artist profile) | ||||
74. Dijsselhof, G. W.: Aquarium
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
75. Dijsselhof, G. W.: Goudvisschen [Goldfish]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition). Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door de firma [Benevolently ceded by the firm] E. J. van Wisselingh & Co., Amsterdam". |
+-Otto Eerelman Groningen (view artist profile) | ||||
76. Jachthond met jongen [Hunting dog with boy]
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+-Catherine Lumine Elise van Ermel Scherer Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
78. Ermel Scherer, Mej. C. van: Primula's [Primulas]
+-Nicolaas Jan Adriaan Pieter Helenus van Es Arnhem (view artist profile) | ||||
79. Es, N. van: Studiekop [Head study]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Adriaen van Everdingen Utrecht (view artist profile) | ||||
80. Everdingen, A. van: Korenveld [Cornfield]
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other medium
+-August Falise Wageningen (view artist profile) | ||||
82. Falisse, August: Trekkende paarden [Pulling horses]
83. Falisse, August: Trekkende koeien voor den ploeg [Pulling cows in front of the plough]
84. Falisse, August: Ventster [Window]
+-Barend Ferwerda Renkum (view artist profile) | ||||
85. Ferwerda, B.: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Petrus Johannes Cornelis Franken Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
86. Franken, P.: Aan het hek. Wolkeffect [At the fence. Cloud-effect]
+-Eduard Frankfort Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
87. In tijd van werkstaking [In time of strike]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Salomon Garf Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
88. Garf, S.: De rooker [The smoker]
+-Coenraad Matthias Garms Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
89. Garms, C. M.: Oud stadje [Old town]
+-Jacob Hendrik Geerlings Arnhem (view artist profile) | ||||
90. Geerlings, J. H.: Rust [Rest/calm]
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other medium
+-Theo Goedvriend De Steeg (view artist profile) | ||||
92. Goedvriend, Theod.: Boomzwammen en paddestoelen (Fantasie) [Tree-trunks and mushrooms (Phantasy)]
93. Goedvriend, Theod.: Paddenstoelen [Mushrooms]
+-Arnold Marc Gorter Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
94. Gorter, A. M.: Winternacht [Winternight]
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other medium
+-Johannes Mattheus Graadt van Roggen Bergen, North Holland (view artist profile) | ||||
96. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Langs 't smalle pad [Along the small path]
97. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Castricum
98. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Korenmolen [Cornmill]
99. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Voor de afbraak [Before the demolition]
100. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Witte huizen te Grave [White houses in Grave]
101. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Barbizon
102. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Landschap bij Mook [Landscape near Mook]
103. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Molen aan de Maas [Mill at the Meuse]
104. Graadt van Roggen, J. M.: Dorpsgezicht te Bergen, (N.-H.) [Village-view in Bergen, (N.-H.)]
+-Gerrit David Gratama Scheveningen (view artist profile) | ||||
105. Gratama, G. D.: Scheveningsche vrouw [Woman from Scheveningen]
+-Gerardus de Groot (Noord-Brabant), Heeze (view artist profile) | ||||
106. Groot, G. de: Schilderij [Painting]
+-Johannes Willem Simon de Groot Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
107. Groot, J. Wim S. de: Haar troost [Her consolation]
+-Willem Adrianus Grondhout Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
108. Grondhout, W. A.: De Japansche prent [The Japanese print]
109. Grondhout, W. A.: De Theems in Londen [The Themes in London]
+-Ch. P. Gruppe New York (view artist profile) | ||||
110. Gruppe, Ch. Paul: Amerikaansch landschap: Forellenstroom [American landscape: Trout stream]
+-Engelina Helena Hameetman-Schlette Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
111. Hameetman-Schlette, Mevr. Engelina: Dame met waaier [Lady with fan]
+-Chris Hammes Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
112. Hammes, Chr. A.: In Drenthe
+-Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
113. Hart NIbbrig, F.: Morgennevel [Morning fog]
114. Hart NIbbrig, F.: 't Veer [The ferry]
+-Carolina Haverman-Birnie Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
115. Haverman-Birnie, Mevr. C.: Bloemen [Flowers]
116. Haverman-Birnie, Mevr. C.: Bloemen [Flowers]
+-Hendrik Johannes Haverman Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
117. Haverman, H. J.: Kinderportret [Child's portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Jacoba van Heemskerck van Beest Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
118. Heemskerck van Beest, Jacoba van: Vischvrouw [Fisherwoman]
+-Gerke Henkes Voorburg (view artist profile) | ||||
119. Henkes, G.: Siesta van Z. WelEerw. [Siesta of his Venerable]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
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other medium
+-Willem van den Heuvel Utrecht (view artist profile) | ||||
121. Heuvel, W. van den: De beeldsnijder [The sculptor]
+-Johan Coenraad Hermann Heyenbrock Blaricum (view artist profile) | ||||
122. Heyenbrock, H.: Kolenput, Wales [Coal pit, Wales]
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other medium
+-Bernard de Hoog Bussum (view artist profile) | ||||
140. 's Levens zorgen [Worries of life]
+-Wijnand Bastiaan van Horssen Rijswijk (view artist profile) | ||||
141. Horssen, W. B. van: Landschap [Landscape]
+-Henricus Mattheus Horrix Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
142. Horrix, H. M.: De lievelingsgeit [The favourite goat]
+-Alida van Houten Groningen (view artist profile) | ||||
143. Houten, Mej. Alida van: Zonnebloemen [Sunflowers]
+-Jan Hoynk van Papendrecht Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
144. Hoynck van Papendrecht, J.: De rijdende artillerie bij Waterloo. [The moving artillery nera Waterloo]
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other medium
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other medium
+-John Frederik Hulk Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
149. Hulk, John. F.: Kijkje in 't duin [A look at the dune]
Name of creator could apply to both J. F. Hulk senior and junior. However, from catalogue "Arti et Amicitiae / Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken vervaardigd door Leden der Maatschappij 1907" it could be determined that "F. Hulk" refers to J. F. Hulk Senior (based on location according to this catalogue). For all entries, this is used as substantiation to associate J. F. Hulk Senior with used initial/name "F." or "Frederik" and thus to associate the other J. F. (or John. F.) Hulk to Hulk junior.
+-Arend Hyner Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
150. Hijner, A.: Oude vrouw in de zon [Old lady in the sun]
151. Hijner, A.: Stilleven. (Kabeljauw.) [Still life. (Codfish.)]
+-Jacobus Laurentius van Ishoven Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
152. Ishoven, J. L. van: Paddenstoelen [Mushrooms]
+-Isaac Israëls Paris (view artist profile) | ||||
153. Israëls, I.: Lezend meisje [Reading girl]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition. |
154. Israëls, I.: Uit het Parijsche leven [From the Parisean life]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition. Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door den heer C.G. Vattier Kraane te Amsterdam [Benevolently ceded by sirC.G. Vattier Kraane in Amsterdam]". |
155. Israëls, I.: Twee meisjes [Two girls]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition. Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door den heer G. W. van Neyenhoff te Amsterdam [Benevolently ceded by sir G. W. van Neyenhoff in Amsterdam]". |
+-Jozef Israëls Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
156. Israëls, Jozef: Drentsche madonna [Madonna of Drenthe]
This cat. no. is hand-annotated with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door den heer A. Preyer te 's-Gravenhage [Benevolently ceded by sir A. Preyer in The Hague]". Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition. |
157. Israëls, Jozef: Schapen bij het bosch [Sheep at the forest]
Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door den heer C. E. van Gogh te 's-Gravenhage [Benevolently ceded by sir C. E. van Gogh in The Hague]".
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition. |
+-Willem George Frederik Jansen Blaricum (view artist profile) | ||||
158. Jansen, W. G. F.: De veerpont [The ferry]
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other medium
+-Eva Maria Alida de Jonge Zutphen (view artist profile) | ||||
160. Jonge, Jnkvr. Marie de: Rozen [Roses]
+-Daniël J. R. Jordens Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
161. Jordens, D. J. R.: Bij den smid te Angerlo [At the blacksmith in Angerlo]
+-Maarten Johannes Balthasar Jungmann Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
162. Jungmann, M. Johs. B.: Bloemen [Flowers]
163. Jungmann, M. Johs. B.: Geknakt [Snapped]
164. Jungmann, M. Johs. B.: Escholsia's [Eschscholzias]
+-Eduard Karsen Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
165. Karsen, Ed.: Oude huizen [Old houses]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
166. Karsen, Ed.: Boersche rust [Rural rest]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
+-Adriaan Keus Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
167. Keus, A.: Hazenbloemen [Hare flowers]
+-Jan Kleintjes Heerde (view artist profile) | ||||
168. Kleintjes, J. A.: Voorjaar [Spring]
+-Hedwig Kleintjes-van Osselen Heerde (view artist profile) | ||||
169. Rhododendrons
+-Karel Klinkenberg Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
170. Klinkenberg, K.: Kalkmarkt te Amsterdam [Kalkmarkt in Amsterdam]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
+-Dina Kohnstamm Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
171. Kohnstamm, Mej. Dina: Primulaveris
+-Arnold Hendrik Koning Ede (view artist profile) | ||||
172. Koning, A. H.: Stadsgezicht [Cityview]
+-Jacob Christiaan Koningsberger Oosterbeek (view artist profile) | ||||
173. Koningsberger, J. C.: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Antonie Louis Koster Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
174. Koster, A. L.: Roode tulpen in de zon [Red tulips in the sun]
+-Jo Koster Zwolle (view artist profile) | ||||
175. Appelbloesem [Apple blossom]
painting: aquarelle
+-Cornelis Koppenol Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
176. Koppenol, C.: Goede vrienden [Good friends]
+-Hendrik Maarten Krabbé Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
177. Krabbé, H. M.: Kinderportret [Child's portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
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other medium, Zwartekunst-plaat
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+-Martinus Kramer Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
180. Kramer, M.: Heide [Heather]
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+-Adrianus Kuijpers Watergraafsmeer (view artist profile) | ||||
183. Kuypers, A.: Zomerlandschap bij Diemen [Summer landscape near Diemen]
+-Cornelis Kuypers Renkum (view artist profile) | ||||
184. Kuypers, Cornelis: De Rijn bij Renkum [The Rhine near Renkum]
185. Kuypers, Cornelis: De Rijn [The Rhine]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Adolf Lange Voorburg (view artist profile) | ||||
186. Lange, A.: Panorama
+-Maurits Constantijn Lapidoth Nunspeet (view artist profile) | ||||
187. Lapidoth, M. C.: Bij Nunspeet [Near Nunspeet]
+-August Le Gras Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
188. Le Gras, August: Kudde [Herd]
+-Anna Lehmann Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
189. Lehmann, Mej. Anna: Oude schuur [Old barn]
+-Théodore Lelyveld Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
190. Lelyveld, Théodore van: Portret van mevr. v. L. [Portrait of mrs. v. L.]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Johannes Karel Leurs Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
191. Leurs, J. K.: Op de Veluwe [On the Veluwe]
+-Frans Lissone Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
192. Lissone, Frans: De praam [The barge]
+-Sjoerdje Kutsch Lojenga Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
193. Lojenga, Mej. Sjoerdje Kutsch: Witte rhododendrons [White rhododendrons]
+-Jan Aarnout Louwerse Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
194. Louwerse, Jan: Portret van den Jongenheer S. [Portrait of the gentleman S.]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
195. Louwerse, Jan: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Mary Lund(view artist profile) | ||||
196. Lund, M.: Viooltjes [Violets]
+-Arie Marthinus Luyt Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
197. Luyt, A. M.: Signaal hertenjacht [Signal deerhunt]
+-Marius van der Maarel Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
198. Maarel, M. van der: Bloemenverkoopster [Flower saleswoman]
+-Cornelis Johannes Maks Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
199. Maks, C. J.: Galante praat [Gallant talk]
+-Willem Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
200. Maris, Willem: Zomerweelde [Summer opulence]
This cat. no. is hand-annotated with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition. This cat. no. is hand-annotated with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition). Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door den heer [Benevolently ceded by sir] P. J. Zürcher, Villa Erica, Scheveningscheweg 25, 's-Gravenhage." |
+-Willem (Jbzn) Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
201. Maris, Jb.z., W.: Kleine kleuters [LIttle toddlers]
+-Willem Martens Nunspeet (view artist profile) | ||||
202. Martens, Willy: Portret van H. W. Mesdag [Portrait of H. W. Mesdag]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Johann Hendrik Mastenbroek Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
203. Mastenbroek, J. H. van: Marktdag te Rotterdam [Market day in Rotterdam]
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other medium
+-Hendrik Willem Mesdag Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
205. Mesdag, H. W.: Voor anker [At anchor]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
+-Max Metzoldt Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
206. Metzodt, Max: Koperpoetsen [Brushing copper]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-L. Michielsen Arnhem (view artist profile) | ||||
207. Michielsen, L.: In Amsterdam
drawing: chalk
+-E. Mirandolle Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
208. Mirandolle, E.: Teekeningen [Drawings]
+-Frits Mondriaan Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
209. Vijver in 't Haagsche Bosch [Pond in the The Hague forest]
+-Johannes Abraham Mondt Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
210. Mondt, J. A.: De oude molen [The old mill]
+-Martin Monnickendam Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
211. De fruitverkoopster [The fruit saleswoman]
+-Simon Moulijn Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
212. Moulijn, S.: Maanlicht [Moonlight]
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other medium
+-Hendrikus Cornelis Mourik Tiel (view artist profile) | ||||
214. Mourik, H. C.: Portret [Portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Carl Eugene Mulertt Katwijk aan Zee (view artist profile) | ||||
215. Mulertt, Eugène: Benedicite
+-Xeno Augustus Franciscus Ludovicus Munninghoff Renkum (view artist profile) | ||||
216. Münninghoff, Xeno: Voorjaarsdag [Spring day]
+-Willem Carel Nakken Rijswijk (view artist profile) | ||||
217. Nakken, W. C.: Steengroeve bij Parijs [Quarry near Paris]
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other medium
+-Ferdinand Gustaaf Willem Oldewelt Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
219. Oldewelt, F. G. W.: Papavers [Poppies]
painting: aquarelle
+-Johanna Bleuland van Oordt Voorburg (view artist profile) | ||||
220. Oordt, Mej. Johanna Bleuland van: Bloempotten [Flower pots]
+-Burchard Theodoor Paets Arnhem (view artist profile) | ||||
221. Paets, B. Th.: Aan de rivier [Along the river]
222. Paets, B. Th.: Schip [Ship]
+-Marie Perrault Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
223. Perrault, Mej. Marie: Maternité
+-Christina Rudofine van Pesch Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
224. Pesch, C. R. van: Naaiende meisjes [Sowing girls]
+-Barend Jan Abraham Polvliet Blaricum (view artist profile) | ||||
225. Polvliet, B.: Herfst [Autumn]
+-Cornelis Pouderoijen Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
226. Pouderoyen, C.: Stilleven [Still life]
227. Pouderoyen, C.: Najaar [Fall]
+-Benjamin Liepman Prins Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
228. Prins, Benjamin: Nul op 't request [Zero on the request]
+-Marinus van Raalte Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
229. Raalte, M. van: De verjaardag [The birthday]
+-Pieter Hendrik Jan Jacob Ras Arnhem (view artist profile) | ||||
230. Ras, Dr. P. H. J. J.: Landschap [Landscape]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Pieter de Regt Rijswijk (view artist profile) | ||||
231. Regt, P. de: Slootje bij grijs weer [Ditch by grey weather]
+-Betsy Repelius Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
232. De bontwerksters [The furriers [f]]
+-Wilhelm Christian Georg Rueter(view artist profile) | ||||
233. Rueter, Gerog: Kinderportret [Child's portrait]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Willem Cornelis Rip Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
234. Rip, W. C.: Opkomende maan [Rising moon]
+-Coba Ritsema Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
236. Landschap in Limburg [Landscape in Limburg]
+-Jacob Coenraad Ritsema Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
237. Ritsema, Jacop Cd.: Visch [Fish]
238. Ritsema, Jacop Cd.: Bloemen [Flowers]
+-Johan Adolph Rust Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
239. Rust, J. A.: Stil water [Still water]
+-Egbert Rubertus Derk Schaap 's Graveland (view artist profile) | ||||
240. Schaap, E. R. D.: Lente [Spring]
+-Hendrika van der Pek 's Graveland (view artist profile) | ||||
241. Schaap-van der Pek, Mevr.: Opkomende storm [Emerging storm]
+-Dirk Schäfer Wageningen (view artist profile) | ||||
242. Schäfer, D.: Chrysanten [Chrysantemums]
+-Johan Frederik Cornelis Scherrewitz Hilversum (view artist profile) | ||||
243. Scherrewitz, J.: Februari [February]
+-Hendrik David Schild Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
244. Schild, H. D.: Oude tante [Old aunt]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
+-David Schulman Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
247. Schulman, D.: Tegen de avond [By evening]
+-Willem Joannes Schütz Middelburg (view artist profile) | ||||
248. Schütz, W.: Laag water aan de Schelde [Low tide at the Schelde]
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other medium
other medium
+-Johan Hendrik Sikemeier Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
251. Sikemeier, J. H.: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Jan Sirks Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
252. Sirks, J.: Polderlandschap in den herfst [Polder landscape in autumn]
+-Frans Slager s Hertogenbosch (view artist profile) | ||||
253. Slager, Frans: Fragment van de oude katherdaal [Fragment of the old cathedral]
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition).
+-Alexander Cornelis Sleeswijk Bussum (view artist profile) | ||||
254. Sleeswijk, A. C.: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Johannes Carolus Bernardus Sluijters Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
255. Sluijters, Jan: Café de nuit, Paris
+-Hobbe Smith(view artist profile) | ||||
256. Zierikzee
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Gert Stegeman Arnhem (view artist profile) | ||||
258. Stegeman, G.: Landschap [Landscape]
+-Jacobus Sterre de Jong Blaricum (view artist profile) | ||||
259. Sterre de Jong, J. F.: Koffiedrinken [Drinking coffee]
+-Louis Stutterheim 's Graveland (view artist profile) | ||||
260. Stutterheim, L.: De Kwartel te Kortenhoef [The Quail at Kortenhoef]
drawing: chalk, Zwartkrijtstudie [black chalk study]
+-Jacob Taanmann Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
261. Taanman, J.: Verlangen [Desire]
+-Thamine Tadema-Groeneveld Katwijk aan Zee (view artist profile) | ||||
262. Tadama-Groeneveld, Mevr.: In de branding [In the surf]
263. Tadama-Groeneveld, Mevr.: Naar huis komende karren [Carts coming home]
+-Willem Bastiaan Tholen(view artist profile) | ||||
264. Tholen, W. B.: Strand [Beach]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
265. Tholen, W. B.: Grachtje [Little canal]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
266. Tholen, W. B.: Buitenplaats [Patio/Country seat]
painting: aquarelle
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
This cat. no. is marked with an asterisk, meaning it is not for sale (see public note of the exhibition). Stated in addition to entry: 'Welwillend afgestaan door den heer C. G. Vattier Kraane te Amsterdam [Benevolently ceded by sir C. G. Vattier Kraane in Amsterdam]" |
267. Tholen, W. B.: Zuiderzee
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
Stated in addition to entry: "Welwillend afgestaan door den heer J. J. Biesing te 's-Gravenhage [Benevolently ceded by sir J. J. Biesing in The Hague]" |
+-Aletta Thol-Ruijsch Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
268. Thol-Ruijsch, Mevr. Aetta van: Doode zwaan [Dead swan]
+-Louis van der Tonge Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
269. Tonge, L. van der: Aan zusjes schoot [Along sister's lap]
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other medium
+-Joh. Vlaanderen Soest (view artist profile) | ||||
271. Boschrand [Forest edge]
Teekening in waskrijt [drawing in wax pastel]
+-August Willem van Voorden Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
273. Voorden, August, W. van: De Maas voor Rotterdam [The Meuse near Rotterdam]
+-Herman Vreedenburgh Woerden (view artist profile) | ||||
274. Vreedenburgh, H.: Stilleven [Still life]
+-Susanna Cornelia Henriëtta de Vries Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
275. Vries, Mej. Henriette de: Kinderbewaarplaats [Child nursery]
+-Nicolaes van der Waay Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
276. Waay, Nic. van der: Herfstdag te Edam [Autumnday in Edam]
277. Waay, Nic. van der: Adagio
+-Maria Wilhelmina Wandscheer Ede (view artist profile) | ||||
278. Wandscheer, Mej. Marie: Papavers [Poppies]
+-Froukje Wartena Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
279. Wartena, Mej. Froukje: Intérieur [Interior]
+-Dorothea Arnoldine von Weiler Arnhem (view artist profile) | ||||
280. Weiler, Jkvr. D. A. von: Ceneraria's [Cinerarias]
281. Weiler, Jkvr. D. A. von: Narcissen [Daffodils]
+-Willem Johannes Weissenbruch Bussum (view artist profile) | ||||
282. Weissenbruch, J. Hzn. W.: Molen bij Monnikendam [Mill near Monnikendam]
+-Johannes Embrosius van de Wetering de Rooij Enkhuizen (view artist profile) | ||||
283. Wetering de Rooy, J. E. van de: Op de rivier [On the river]
+-Jan Harm Weijns Rotterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
284. Weijns, J. H.: Zomer [Summer]
+-Christina Abigael van der Willigen(view artist profile) | ||||
285. Willigen, Mej. C. A. van der: O.-Indische kers [Nasturtiums]
painting: aquarelle
+-Hermanus Gerhardus Wolbers Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
286. Wolbers, H. G.: In de weide [In the meadow]
+-Hendrik Jan Wolter Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
287. Wolter, H. J.: Voorjaar in den Eng [Spring in the Eng]
288. Wolter, H. J.: Binnenhaven te Gorkum [Inner harbour in Gorkum]
+-Anna Maria Blaauw Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
289. Wuytiers, Mevr. Marie: Dahlia's [Dahlias]
+-Piet van Wijngaerdt Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
290. Wijngaerdt, P. van: Opkomend onweder bij Amstelveen [Approaching storm near Amstelveen]
+-Jan Hillebrand Wijsmuller(view artist profile) | ||||
291. Wijsmuller, J. H.: Hollandsch landschap [Dutch landscape]
292. Wijsmuller, J. H.: Een slootje bij Amsterdam [A ditch near Amsterdam]
+-Jacob Abraham Zon Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
293. Zon, Jacques: Avondstemming [Evening mood]
+-Willem de Zwart(view artist profile) | ||||
294. Zwart, Willem: Zanderij te Santpoort [Sandpit near Santpoort]
Creator of cat. no. is listed under the subheader "(Buiten mededinging.)", see public note of exhibition.
+-Willem Zwart Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
295. Zwart, Willem: IJpolder bij Amsterdam [IJpolder near Amsterdam]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
Catalogue Entry | Artist | Room | Type | Additional | Owner | For Sale | Price |
1. Abrahams, Mej. Anna: Stilleven [Still life] | Anna Adelaide Abrahams | ? | Y | ||||
2. Abrahams, Mej. Anna: Hortensia | Anna Adelaide Abrahams | painting: aquarelle | ? | Y | |||
3. Addicks, Chr. J.,: Man met lantaarn [Man with lantern] | Christiaan Johannes Addicks | ? | Y | ||||
4. Akkeringa, J.: Brabantsch binnenhuis [Brabant interior] | Johan Akkeringa | ? | Y | ||||
5. Akkeringa, J.: Hondenkar [Dog cart] | Johan Akkeringa | ? | Y | ||||
6. Ansingh, Mej. Lizzie: Guitaarspeelstertje [Little guitar player [f]] | Lizzy Ansingh | ? | Y | ||||
7. Mistig [Foggy] | Louis Apol | ? | Y | ||||
8. Arntzenius, F.: Gracht in Holland, Winter [Canal in Holland, Winter] | Floris Arntzenius | ? | Y | ||||
9. Arntzenius, Paul: Stilleven [Still life] | Paul Arntzenius | ? | Y | ||||
10. Arps, B.: Stilleven [Still life] | Bernardus Arps | ? | Y | ||||
11. Asscher, Mej. Henriette: Stilleven (Vruchten) [Still life (Fruits)] | Henriëtte Sophia Asscher | ? | Y | ||||
12. Bal, Gérard: Tegen den avond op de Noordzee [By evening on the Northsea] | Gerard Bal | ? | Y | ||||
13. Barsy, Mej. Anne de: Krabbenvangers [Crab-catchers] | Anna De Barsy | ? | Y | ||||
14. Bastert, Nic.: Op de hei [On the meadow] | Nicolaas Bastert | ? | Y | ||||
15. | other medium | ? | ? | ||||
16. | other medium | ? | ? | ||||
17. | other medium | ? | ? | ||||
18. Bauer, M. A. J.: Cairo [On the meadow] | Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer | ? | Y | ||||
19. Landschap bij Voorschoten [Landscape near Voorschoten] | Victor Bauffe | ? | Y | ||||
20. Landschap bij Kortenhoef [Landscape at Kortenhoef] | Victor Bauffe | ? | Y | ||||
21. Bäumer, E.: Boerenerf in Mei [Farmyard in May] | Eduard Bäumer | ? | Y | ||||
22. Bautz, D.: Stilleven [Still life] | David Bautz | ? | Y | ||||
23. Beek, B. A. van der: Het dorp Noorden in de sneeuw [The village Noorden in the snow] | Bernardus Antonie van Beek | ? | Y | ||||
24. Beever, E. van: Stilleven [Still life] | Emanuel van Beever | ? | Y | ||||
25. Benjamins, Mej. Henriette: Moederzorg [Motherly care] | Henriette Benjamins | ? | Y |