
[Mir Iskusstva. Vy'stavka kartin : World of Art. Exhibition of paintings]

Мир Искусства. Выставка картин

ID: 1482, Status: completed
Exhibition period:
Nov 1913
Catalogue Entries: 440
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 41, other medium: 24, unknown: 375
Artists: 49
Gender: female: 6, male: 41
Nationalities: 5
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Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Dec 1913 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Moscow [Bolʹshaya Dmitrovka 11 : Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street 11] 44 artists
Jan‒Feb 1913 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg [Dom Shvedskoj Czerkvi] 26 artists
Jan‒Feb 1912 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 23 artists
Feb 1913 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown) 18 artists
1911 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 20 artists
1915 Выставка Картин "Мир Искусства" [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 21 artists
Jan 1911 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 17 artists
Oct 28, 1913 (Oct 15, 1913 o.S.) Постоянная Выставка Современнаго Искусства [Postoyannaya Vy'stavka Sovremennago Iskusstva : Permanent Exhibition of Modern Art] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro Doby'chinoj : Dobychina's Art Bureau] 21 artists
1914 Выставка картин в пользу лазарета деятелей искусства [Vy'stavka kartin v polʹzu lazareta deyatelej iskusstva : Exhibition of Paintings for the Artists Infirmary] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro Doby'chinoj : Dobychina's Art Bureau] 17 artists
Jun 20‒Jul 9, 1910 Les Artistes Russes, Décors et Costumes de théâtre et Tableaux Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 10 artists
1908‒1909 Салон 1909 [Salon 1909 : Salon 1909] Saint Petersburg [In the rooms of the museum and "Menshikov's apartments"] 17 artists
1910 Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : Exhibition of Paintings of the Association of Russian Artists] Kiev [Gorodskoj muzej] 13 artists
Mar‒Apr 1912 XL. výstava. S. V. U. Manes. Mir iskusstva. Sdružení ruských umělců v Petrohradě [XL. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Arts Manes. Mir Iskusstva. Association of Russian Artists in Saint Petersburg] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 9 artists
Nov 5, 1913 (Oct 23, 1913 o.S.) Выставка Графических Искусств [Vy'stavka Graficheskikh Iskusstv : Exhibition of Graphic Arts] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro N. E. Doby'chinoj : Art Bureau of N. E. Dobychina] 11 artists
Feb 1906 Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] Saint Petersburg [Ekateriniskij zal] 9 artists
1909‒1910 VII Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [VII Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VII Exhibition of Paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] Moscow [Literaturno-Khudozhestvenny'j Kruzhok : Literature and art salon] 10 artists
Nov 7, 1908‒Jan 6, 1909 XXXI. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. Moderne Russische Kunst Vienna Gebäude der Secession 8 artists
Feb 22, 1905 (Feb 9, 1905 o.S.) Выставка картин "Союз Русских Художников" [Vy'stavka kartin "Soyuz Russkikh Khudozhnikov" : Exhibition of Painting "Union of Russian Artists"] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 9 artists
Nov 15, 1906 Russische Kunstausstellung 1906 Berlin Eduard Schulte, Kunsthandlung 14 artists
1907 Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : Exhibition of Painting "Union of Russian Artists"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 9 artists
Apr 6, 1908 (Mar 24, 1908 o.S.) Венок [Venok : Wreath] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 7 artists
1908‒1909 VI выставка картин Союза Русских Художников [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 9 artists
Mar 31‒May 12, 1907 (Mar 18‒Apr 29, 1907 o.S.) Выставка Картин "Голубая Роза" [Vy'stavka Kartin "Golubaya Roza" : Exhibition of Paintings "Blue Rose"] Moscow [Dom Ivana Kuzneczova : House of Ivan Kuznetsov] 5 artists
Jan 9‒Feb 13, 1910 (Dec 27, 1909‒Jan 31, 1910 o.S.) Выставка картин "Золотое руно". [Vy'stavka kartin "Zolotoe runo". : Exhibition of paintings "Golden Fleece".] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 5 artists
May 8, 1908 (Apr 25, 1908 o.S.) Выставка "Современных течений в искусстве" [Vy'stavka "Sovremenny'kh techenij v iskusstve" : Exhibition "Modern Trends in Art"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 7 artists
1909 Союз Русских Художников [Soyuz Russkikh Khudozhnikov : Union of Russian Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 5 artists
Dec 17, 1909‒Feb 6, 1910 (Dec 4, 1909‒Jan 24, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и рисунков [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i risunkov : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Odessa Vladimir Izdebsky 12 artists
Feb 26‒Mar 27, 1910 (Feb 13‒Mar 14, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выстака картин, скульптуры, гравюры и рисунков [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'staka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i risunkov : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Kiev Vladimir Izdebsky 12 artists
1911 XVIII Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников [XVIII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov : The 18th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow [Dom Levisson : Levisson House] 8 artists
Jan 27, 1906 (Jan 14, 1906 o.S.) Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 8 artists
1911 2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 4 artists
Jun 1910 Союз Молодежи [Soyuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] Riga Riga (exact location unknown) 4 artists
Mar 3, 1905 (Feb 18, 1905 o.S.) XII-я Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников в Москве 1905 г. [XII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov v Moskve 1905 g. : XII. Exhibition of Paintings of the Moscow Association of Artists in Moscow 1905] Moscow [Istoricheskij muzej] 5 artists
May 2‒Jun 7, 1910 (Apr 19‒May 25, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Saint Petersburg Vladimir Izdebsky 8 artists
Feb 19‒Apr 16, 1911 (Feb 6‒Apr 3, 1911 o.S.) Салон 2. Международная Художественная Выставка [Salon 2. Mezhdunarodnaya Khudozhestvennaya Vy'stavka : Salon 2. International Art Exhibition] Odessa Vladimir Izdebsky 5 artists
Dec 17, 1911‒Jan 23, 1912 (Dec 4, 1911‒Jan 10, 1912 o.S.) Союз Молодежи [Sojuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] Saint Petersburg Nevsky 73 3 artists
Jun 25‒Jul 20, 1910 (Jun 12‒Jul 7, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Riga Vladimir Izdebsky 7 artists
Mar 1910 Выставка Картин О-ва Художников "Союз молодежи" [Vy'stavka Kartin O-va Khudozhnikov "Soyuz molodezhi" : Exhibition of Paintings of the Artistic Group "Union of Youth"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 3 artists
1912 Современная живопись. [Sovremennaya zhivopisʹ. : Contemporary painting.] Ekaterinodar Ekaterinodar (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Feb‒Jun 1914 Seconda Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte "della Secessione". Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 8 artists
Apr 5‒May 9, 1915 (Mar 23‒Apr 26, 1915 o.S.) Выставка Живописи [Vy'stavka Zhivopisi : Exhibition of Paintings 1915] Moscow [Khudozhestvenny'j salon 11 : Khudozhestvenny'j's Salon 11] 3 artists
Oct 5‒Dec 31, 1912 Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition. British, French and Russian Artists London Grafton Galleries 3 artists
Jan 2‒Feb 1, 1916 (Dec 20, 1915‒Jan 19, 1916 o.S.) Последняя футуристическая выставка картин 0,10 (Ноль-десять) [Poslednyaya futuristicheskaya vy'stavka kartin 0,10 (Nolʹ-desyatʹ) : The Last Futurist Exhibition of Painting 0.10 (Zero-Ten)] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro Doby'chinoj : Dobychina's Art Bureau] 2 artists
1908 Звено [Zveno : Link] Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Dec 27, 1907‒Jan 15, 1908 (Dec 14, 1907‒Jan 2, 1908 o.S.) Выставка Картин "Стефанос" [Vy'stavka Kartin "Stefanos" : Exhibiton of Paintings "Wreath-Stefanos"] Moscow [Dom Stroganovskago uchilishha : House of Stroganov Art School] 2 artists
1909‒1910 XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 3 artists
1906 XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow [Istoricheskij muzej] 2 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 6 artists
Mar 24‒Apr 16, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago 2 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 5 artists
Feb 17‒Mar 15, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] New York Armory of the 69th Infantry 2 artists
Oct 18‒Nov 25, 1905 Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 3 artists
Мир Искусства. Выставка картин. Художественно-Графическое Ателье и Печатня А. Пивоварский и А. Типограф 21913.
Nr. of pages: 25.
Holding Institution: Archives of University of Pittsburgh
Catalogue Structure
"Костюмы для Египетских Ночей", ["Costumes for Egyptian Nights"], cat. no. 6 - 19, p.3
"Костюмы к "Прелюдам Листа"", ["Costumes for the "Les préludes of Liszt".], cat. no. 33 - 39, p. 4
"Этюды", ["Studies"], cat. no. 46 - 47б
"Постановка комедии Мольера: "Мнимый больной", на сцене Московского Художественного Театра, в 1913г. Костюмы", ["Production of Moliere's comedy:" The Imaginary Sick ", on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, in 1913. Costumes"], cat. no. 53 - 69, p. 5
"Постановка комедии Мольера: "Бра по неволе", на сцене Московского Художественного Театра, в 1913 г., Костюмы", ["Moliere's comedy staging: “A Sconce in Captivity,” on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, in 1913, Costumes"], cat. no. 86 - 93, p.6
"Симплонский перевал", ["Simplon pass"], cat. no. 95 - 104a, p.7
"Эскизы декораций для оперы: "Руслан и Людмила" (Народный дом Имп. Николая II), ["Sketches of scenery for the opera:" Ruslan and Lyudmila "(People’s House of Emperor Nicholas II),], cat. no. 107 - 112, p. 7
"Эскизы плафона для Нижегородского Отделения Государственного Банка", ["Sketches of the ceiling for the Nizhny Novgorod Branch of the State Bank"], cat. no. 113 - 116, p.7
"Монотипы", ["Monotypes"], cat. no. 161 - 167, p.11
"Этюды к коллективному портрету", ["Studies for the group portrait"], cat. no. 194 - 197, p.13
"Эскизы декораций для "Горячее сердце" Островского. (Театр Незлобина в Москве)", ["Sketches of scenery for "Hot Heart" Ostrovsky. (Nezlobin Theater in Moscow)"], cat. no. 200 - 207
"Старый Киев", ["Old Kiev"], cat. no. 223 - 225, p. 15
"Старая Москва", ["Old Moscow"], cat. no. 226 - 227, p. 15
"Старый Петербург", ["Old Petersburg"], cat. no. 228, p. 15
"Иллюстрации и виньетки к сказке В. Гауфа "Маленький Мук"", ["Illustrations and vignettes for the tale of W. Gauf "Little Muck"], cat. no. 230 - 235, p. 16
"Иллюстрации к балладе В. Жуковского "Кубок", ["Illustrations to the ballad of V. Zhukovsky "Cup "], cat. no. 237 - 238, p. 16
"Иллюстрации и виньетки к сказке Р. Густавсона "Баржа",
["Illustrations and vignettes for the tale of R. Gustavson "Barge""], cat. no. 239 - 241, p. 16
"Амстердам", ["Amsterdam"], cat. no. 248 - 260a, p. 17
"Эскизы к постановке Орлеанской Девы в театре Незлобина в Москве", ["Sketches for the production of the Virgin of Orleans at the Nezlobin Theater in Moscow,"], cat. no. 264, p.18
"Рисунки", ["Drawings"], cat. no. 274 - 276, p. 18
"Иллюстрации к моему рассказу для детей "Приключения Андрюши и Кати"", [""Illustrations to my story for children "Adventures of Andrei and Katya ""], cat. no. 277 - 281, p. 18
"Крым (этюды)", ["Crimea (studies)"], cat. no. 299 - 301, p. 19
"Царское село", ["Tsarskoye Selo"], cat. no. 302 - 306, p. 19
"Юбилейная выставка в Ярославле в 1913г.", ["Anniversary exhibition in Yaroslavl in 1913."], cat. no. 318 - 323, p. 21
"Рисунки кистью и карандашем.", ["Brush and pencil drawings."], cat. no. 324 - 333, p. 21
"Эскизы декораций к оп.: "Жизнь за Царя"., ["Sketches of scenery for opera.:" Life for the Tsar"], cat. no. 334 - 335, p. 22
"Костюмы к опере "Жизнь за Царя", ["Costumes for the opera" Life for the Tsar"], cat. no. 337 - 343e, p. 22
"Виды усадьбы "Новый Новый Кучукой" на южном берегу Крыма", ["Types of the estate" New New Kuchukoy "on the southern coast of Crimea"], cat. no. 350 - 360, p. 24
"Этюды", ["Studies"], cat. no. 366 - 368, p. 24
"Графика", ["Graphics"], cat. no. 368a - 373, p. 24
"Эскизы к конкурсной картине", ["Sketches for the competition painting"], cat. no. 387 - 388, p. 25
"Эскизы к картине "Баня", ["Sketches for the painting "Bath"], cat. no. 389 - 389a, p. 25
Эскизы на тему "Купанье", ["Sketches on the theme "Bathing"], cat. no. 390 - 393, p. 26
"Этюды к конкурсной картине", ["Sketches for the competitive picture"], cat. no. 395 - 402, p. 26
"Подготовительные рисунки сангиной к конкурсной картине", ["Preparatory sanguine drawings for the competitive picture"], cat. no. 403 - 410, p. 26
"Наброски к конкурсной программе", ["Competition outline"], cat. no. 411 - 418, p. 27
"Этюды к конкурсной картине", ["Sketches for the competitive painting"], cat. no. 420 - 427, p. 27
"Этюды к картине "Баня" (акварели)", ["Sketches for the painting "Bath" (watercolors)"], cat. no. 428 - 429, p. 27
Additional Information
Other Mediums listed
Participant Addresses listed
Additional Notes
2-е издание. [2nd edition.]
Худож.-Графич. Ателье и Печат. М. Пивоварский и А. Типограф. Спб., Моховая, 8. Телефон. 88-75 [Artist.-Grafic. Atelier and ? M. Pivovarsky and A. Typographer. St. Petersburg, Mokhovaya, 8. Phone. 88-75]

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
Natan Alt'man 1889 1970 RU 4
Boris Anisfel'd 1879 1973 RU 33
Alexandre Benois 1870 1960 RU 56
Ivan Bilibin 1876 1942 RU 10
A. F. Blumenfeld 1
Veniamin Pavlovic Belkin 1884 1951 RU 2
Andrey Belogrud 1875 1933 RU 3
Artur Fonvizin 1883 1973 RU 2
Aleksandr Fedorovich Gaush 1873 1947 RU 1
Boris Grigor'yev 1886 1939 RU 11
Sergey Gruzenberg 1888 1934 RU 5
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky 1875 1957 RU 6
Eugène Zak 1884 1926 PL 6
A. A. Ziloti 1
Maria Ivanovna Ivashintsova 1882 1957 RU 2
Nikolay Kalmakov 1873 1955 RU 2
Stepan Krichinsky 1874 1923 RU 2
Yelizaveta Kruglikova 1865 1941 RU 8
Pavel Kuznetsov 1878 1968 RU 20
Boris Kustodiyev 1878 1927 RU 21
Yevgeny Lansere 1875 1946 RU 5
Mykhail Latri 1875 1941 RU 3
V. I.[?] Levitskiy 2
Agnes Lindemann Jul 3, 1878 Nov 6, 1942 RU 4
Georgy Lukomsky 1884 1952 RU 6
Dmitry Mitrokhin 1883 1973 RU 12
Ivan Mosalevsky 1890 1975 1
Zoja Jakovlevna Mostova-Matveeva 1884 1972 RU 2
Oskar Meshaninov 1
Svyatoslav Alexandrovich Nagubnikov 1866 1914 RU 1
Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Lebedeva 1871 1955 RU 14
Kuz'ma Petrov-Vodkin 1878 1939 RU 22
Nicolai Remisoff 1887 1975 RU 2
Martiros Sarian 1880 1972 AM 9
Zinaida Serebryakova 1884 1967 RU 12
Leonid Sologub 1884 1956 RU 3
Savely Abramovitch Sorin 1878 1953 RU 2
Dmitry Stelletsky 1875 1947 RU 2
Sergey Sudyekin 1882 1946 RU 6
Alek'sandr T'amanyan 1878 1936 RU 1
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 1871 1930 RU 10
Vladimir Tatlin 1885 1953 UA 23
Petr Savvič Utkin 1877 1934 RU 17
Nikolai I. Khrustachev 1883 1960 RU 2
Sergey Chekhonin 1878 1936 RU 5
Aleksandr Shervashidze 1867 1968 RU 1
V. D. Shitikov 1874 1957 RU 5
Aleksandr Yakovlev 1887 1938 RU 44
Stepan Petrovich Yaremich 1869 1939 RU 3
Recommended Citation: "[Mir Iskusstva. Vy'stavka kartin : World of Art. Exhibition of paintings]." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Feb 10, 2025. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/1482