+-Istvan Bosznay Bethlen-utca 61, Debrecen (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
1. Bosznay István: Reggel a Tiszánál [Morning by the Tisza]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Pál Jávor Váci-körút 66; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
2. Jávor Pál: Bohém nyomorúság [Bohemian Misery]
painting: oil
+-Istvan Bosznay Bethlen-utca 61, Debrecen (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
3. Bosznay István: Tél [Winter]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
4. Nagy Vilmos: Ifjúság [Youth]
painting: oil
+-László Mednyánszky Óvoda-utca 41; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
5. Mednyánszky László báró: Téli csend (Hernád völgye) [Winter Stillness (Valley of Hernád)]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Oszkár Glatz Sas-utca 23; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
6. Glatz Oszkár: Delelés a Balaton partján [Midday Rest on the Shore of the Lake Balaton]
painting: oil
+-Géza Vastagh Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
7. Vastagh Géza: Tigris a nádasban [Tiger in the Reeds]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
+-László Mednyánszky Óvoda-utca 41; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
8. Mednyánszky László báró: Zivatar [Thunderstorm]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Benczúr Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
9. Benczúr Gyula: Özv. Jellinek Mórné arcképe [Portrait of Mór Jellinek's Widow]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
10. Mihalik Dániel: Olvadáskor [During the Thaw]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Gyula Benczúr Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
11. Benczúr Gyula: Szécsényi Gyula gróf arcképe [Portrait of Count Gyula Szécsényi]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Gyula Stetka Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
12. Stettka Gyula: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-László Mednyánszky Óvoda-utca 41; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
13. Mednyánszky László báró: Hajnal [Dawn]
painting: oil
+-Fülöp László Heugasse 12; 1040, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
14. László F. E.: Gróf Zichy Ernő úr Ő mélt. [His Lordship Count Ernő Zichy]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-János Thorma Nagybánya, Baia Mare (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
15. Thorma János: Aradi vértanúk [The Martyrs of Arad]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Jenő Keményffy Sziget-utca 4-6; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
16. Keményffy Jenő: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-János Krajna Kistarcsa (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
17. M. Krajna János: Kerepesi hegyoldal [Hillside in Kerepes]
painting: oil
+-Pál Jávor Váci-körút 66; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
18. Jávor Pál: Bánat [Sorrow]
painting: oil
+-Sándor Bihari(view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
19. Bihari Sándor ✝: Téli tájkép a régi Szolnokból [Winter Landscape from the Old Szolnok]
painting: oil
+-Celesztin Pallya Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
20. Pállya Celesztin: Trécselés [Gossiping]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
21. Pállya Celesztin: Kenyeres társak [Companions Sharing Bread [or: Sworn Brothers]]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
II. Terem [II. Hall]
22. Pállya Celesztin: Vásári részlet [Scene of a Market]
painting: oil
+-Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
23. Pongrácz Károly: Alkonyatkor [At Dusk]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Gyula Háry Nagy János-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
24. Háry Gyula: Hollandus szélmalom [Dutch Windmill]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
25. Jendrassik Jenő: Gyermekarckép [Portrait of a Child]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
26. Ujváry Ignác: Keresztelni mennek [They Are Going to a Baptism]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
27. Ujváry Ignác: Erdei tó [Lake in a Forest]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
28. Ujváry Ignác: A kisoroszi rév [The Port at Kisoroszi]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
II. Terem [II. Hall]
29. Ujváry Ignác: Az ér mellől [From the Edge of a Rivulet]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
30. Ujváry Ignác: Fasor [Avenue]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
31. Ujváry Ignác: Tavaszi olvadás [Spring Thaw]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Bruck Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
32. Bruck Miksa: Interieur-tanulmány (Szepes-Szombat) [Interior Study (Szepes-Szombat)]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
33. Bruck Miksa: Bártfai pitvar [Atrium in Bártfa]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
34. Bruck Miksa: Sárga interieur [Yellow Interior]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
II. Terem [II. Hall]
35. Bruck Miksa: Zivatar után [After the Thunderstorm]
painting: oil
+-Sándor Bihari(view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
36. Bihari Sándor ✝: Napsütéses utcarészlet [Scene of a Sunny Street]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
37. Bihari Sándor ✝: Magyar típus [Hungarian Type]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
38. Bihari Sándor ✝: Cigány típus [Gypsy Type]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
39. Bihari Sándor ✝: Tájkép Biharból [Landscape of Bihar]
painting: oil
+-János Kléh Bezerédi-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
40. Kléh János: Hóolvadás [Snowmelt]
painting: oil
+-Sándor Bihari(view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
41. Bihari Sándor ✝: Búzaföldek [Wheatfields]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
42. Bihari Sándor ✝: Méheskert [Bee´s Garden]
painting: oil
+-Arthur Coulin Fekete-utca 6, Brașov (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
43. Coulin Artur: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
+-Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
44. Pongrácz Károly: Éjjeli tájkép [Landscape at Night]
painting: oil
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
45. Tull Ödön: Bognárműhely a pusztán [Wainwright Workshop in the Lowlands]
painting: oil
+-Oszkár Glatz Sas-utca 23; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
46. Glatz Oszkár: Viharos hangulat [Stormy Mood]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
47. Glatz Oszkár: Templom [Church]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
48. Glatz Oszkár: Vetések [Sowings]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
49. Glatz Oszkár: Magános cserfa [Lonely Turkey Oak]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
50. Glatz Oszkár: Balatoni őszi táj [Autumn Landscape at the Lake Balaton]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
51. Glatz Oszkár: Esti napsütés [Evening Sunshine]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
52. Glatz Oszkár: Nyárfák őszszel [Birch Trees in the Autumn]
painting: oil
Mtul. [Private Collection]
+-Károly Hollós Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
53. Hollós Károly: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
+-Rezső Sándor Cserna Nádor-utca 20; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
54. Cserna Rezső: Emlékek [Memories]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
55. Nagy Vilmos: Ábrándos kisleány [Daydreaming Little Girl]
painting: oil
+-Istvan Bosznay Bethlen-utca 61, Debrecen (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
56. Bosznay István: Őszszel [In Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Laszlo Hegedus Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
57. Hegedűs László: Lámpa mellett [By a Lamp]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Aggteleki-utca 10; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
58. Pentelei Molnár János: Hóolvadás [Snowmelt]
painting: oil
+-Arthur Coulin Fekete-utca 6, Brașov (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
59. Coulin Artur: Alakok [Figures]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Oszkár Glatz Sas-utca 23; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
60. Glatz Oszkár: Falurészlet [Scene of a Village]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
61. Glatz Oszkár: Esős hangulat [Rainy Mood]
painting: oil
Mtul. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
III. Terem [III. Hall]
62. Glatz Oszkár: Őszi szántás [Plough in Autumn]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
63. Glatz Oszkár: Ùt a fenyves felé [Road to the Pine Grove]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
64. Glatz Oszkár: Május [May]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
65. Glatz Oszkár: Mocsaras part alja [The Bottom of a Muddy Shore]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
66. Glatz Oszkár: Balatoni őszi táj [Autumn Landscape at the Lake Balaton]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
67. Glatz Oszkár: Cserfák és tölgyfák [Turkey Oaks and Oaks]
painting: oil
+-János Kléh Bezerédi-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
68. Kléh János: Udvarrészlet [Scene of a Yard]
painting: oil
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
69. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Lépcső egy caprii házhoz [Stairs to a House in Capri]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
70. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Parkrészlet hóban (Dános) [Scene of a Park in the Snow (Dános)]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
71. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: A dada [The Nanny]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
72. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
73. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Virágzó akácok [Blooming Acacias]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
74. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Siófoki részlet [Scene of Siófok]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
75. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Hymnus a természethez [Anthem for Nature]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
76. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Kilátás az ablakomból [View from My Window]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
77. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Notturno [Notturno]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
78. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Nica Icicin [Nica in Icici]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
79. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Tanya [Farm]
painting: oil
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
80. Tull Ödön: Hollandi szélmalom [Dutch Windmill]
painting: oil
+-István Mérö Fő-utca 21; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
81. Mérő István: Kaszajavító legény [Boy Repairing a Scythe]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-János Thorma Nagybánya, Baia Mare (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
82. Kocsisok közt [Among Coachmen]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
+-Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann Váci-út 10; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
83. Kann Gyula: Szegény emberek [Poor People]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
84. Kann Gyula: Kilátás egy kertből [View from a Garden]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
85. Kann Gyula: Dalmát falu [Dalmatian Village]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
86. Kann Gyula: Saját arckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
87. Kann Gyula: Arckép tanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
88. Kann Gyula: Verőce környékéről [From the Region of Verőce]
painting: oil
+-Nándor Katona Akácfa-utca 24; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
89. Katona Nándor: Téli est a Magas Tátrában [Winter Evening in the High Tatras]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
90. Katona Nándor: Korai tavasz [Early Spring]
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
91. Katona Nándor: Est [Evening]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
92. Katona Nándor: Vihar a hegyekben [Storm in the Mountains]
painting: oil
Mgt. [Private Collection]
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
93. Katona Nándor: Kora téli reggel [Early Winter Morning]
Mgt. [Private Collection]
+-József Rippl-Rónai Andrássy-út 38; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
94. Rippl-Rónai József: Öreg anyám [My Old Mother]
painting: oil
+-Zoltán Dittrich Tavaszmező-utca 1; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
95. Dittrich Zoltán: Férfiarckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-József Rippl-Rónai Andrássy-út 38; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
96. Rippl-Rónai József: Öreg tanító és a mandolinozó nő [Old Teacher and a Woman Playing the Mandolin]
painting: oil
Lederer Arthur [Arthur Lederer]
V. Terem [V. Hall]
97. Rippl-Rónai József: A gyerekszoba [The Children's Room]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
98. Rippl-Rónai József: A kályha mellett kaposvári lakásom [Near the Fireplace My Apartment in Kaposvár]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
99. Rippl-Rónai József: A mandolinozó nő és egy szőke fiú [The Woman Playing the Mandolin and a Blonde Boy]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
V. Terem [V. Hall]
100. Rippl-Rónai József: Nagykalapos Doktor bácsi [Mr. Doctor with a Big Hat]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
101. Rippl-Rónai József: Karakterfej. Öreg ref. pap [Character Head. Old Ref. Priester]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
102. Rippl-Rónai József: A mikor az ember a visszaemlékezéseiből él. Öreg asszony [When One Lives on Memories. Old Woman]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
103. Rippl-Rónai József: Virágvasárnapja. Vidéki család [Palm Sunday. Provincial Family]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
104. Rippl-Rónai József: Öreg férj, fiatal feleség [Old Husband, Young Wife]
painting: oil
Kohner Jenő [Jenő Kohner [m]]
V. Terem [V. Hall]
105. Rippl-Rónai József: Somogyi Kúria [Mansion in Somogy]
painting: oil
Dr. Miklós Gyula [Dr. Gyula Miklós [m]]
V. Terem [V. Hall]
106. Rippl-Rónai József: Böcklin-felhők a bogáti kastély felett [Böcklin-Clouds over the Castle of Bogát]
painting: oil
Dr. Kohner Adolf [Dr. Adolf Kohner]
V. Terem [V. Hall]
107. Rippl-Rónai József: A rózsaszínű függöny mellett két nő [Two Woman near the Pink Curtain]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
108. Rippl-Rónai József: Rabbifej [Head of a Rabbi]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
109. Rippl-Rónai József: Firenzei kép. Arno partján [Picture from Florence. On the Shore of the Arno]
painting: oil
+-Károly Ferenczy Rottenbiller-utca 46; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
110. Ferenczy Károly: Férfiarckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Frigyes Strobentz Pettenkoferstraße 30/3, Munich (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
111. Strobentz Frigyes: Chioggiai lányok [Girls from Chioggia]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Károly Hollós Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
112. Hollós Károly: S. N. úrnő arcképe [Portrait of Lady S. N.]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Antal Neogrady Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
113. Neogrády Antal: Az éhezők [The Starving]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Ödön Pajtás Bajza-utca 34/a; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
114. Pajtás Ödön: Vérszomjas borbély [Bloodthirsty Barber]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
115. Pajtás Ödön: Akadályverseny [Hurdle Race]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
116. Pajtás Ödön: Az ezredorvos úr lóra - pattan! [The Regimental Doctor Jumps onto a Horse!]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
117. Pajtás Ödön: Díszes elvonulás a kapitány úr előtt [Splendid March in front of the Captain]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
118. Pajtás Ödön: Kincstári toilette [Treasury Toilette]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
119. Pajtás Ödön: A család büszkesége [The Pride of the Family]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
120. Pajtás Ödön: Zupások quartettje [Quartett of Soldiers]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
121. Pajtás Ödön: Altiszti iskola [Warrant Officers' School]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
122. Pajtás Ödön: Üsd, nem apád! [Hit [him], He Is Not Your Father!]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
+-Sándor Papp Kinizsy-utca 31; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
123. Papp Sándor: Nehéz munka [Hard Work]
painting: oil
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
124. Papp Sándor: Két baba [Two Dolls]
painting: oil
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
125. Tull Ödön: Esős idő [Rainy Weather]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
126. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Vázlat egy falfestményhez [Sketch for a Mural]
painting: aquarelle, vízf. [watercolour painting]
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
127. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Vázlat egy falfestményhez [Sketch for a Mural]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+-Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
128. Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
129. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Vázlat egy falfestményhez [Sketch for a Mural]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
130. Tull Ödön: Hollandi bárkák [Dutch Arks]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+-Antal Neogrady Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
131. Neogrády Antal: Egy séta [A Walk]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+-Béla Spanyi Mozdony-utca 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
132. K. Spányi Béla: Fűzfák [Willow Trees]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Burger Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
133. Burger L.: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
+-Béla Spanyi Mozdony-utca 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
134. K. Spányi Béla: Alkonyat [Dusk]
painting: oil
+-Béla Benczúr Kinizsi-utca 31; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
135. Benczúr Béla: Sziklák közt [Among Cliffs]
painting: oil
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
136. Komáromi Kacz Endre: A hegedűs [The Violinist]
painting: oil
+-Sándor Endrey Alkotmány-utca 27; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
137. Endrey Sándor: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Margó Ede [Ede Margó [m]]
+-György, le vieux Vastag Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
138. Id. Vastagh György: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
139. Komáromy Kacz Endre: Kossuth-nóta [Kossuth Song]
painting: oil
+-György, le vieux Vastag Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
140. Id. Vastagh György: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
141. Komáromy Kacz Endre: A zongorista [The Pianist]
painting: oil
+-Elemérné Soós Erzsébet-körút 56; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
142. Soós Elemérné: Daniel Anuka úrnő arcképe [Portrait of Lady Anuka Daniel]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
+- | ||||
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+-Zsigmond Nagy Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
156. Nagy Zsigmond: A falu rózsái [The Roses of the Village]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
157. Kacziány Ödön: Golgotha [Golgotha]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
158. Nagy Vilmos: Esti ima [Evening Prayer]
painting: oil
+-Géza Udvary Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
159. Udvary Géza: II. Endre és keresztesei [Andrew II. [of Hungary] and His Crusaders]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Háry Nagy János-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
160. Háry Gyula: Kilátás a halászbástyáról [View from the Fisherman's Bastion]
painting: oil
+-Fülöp Szenes Kmetty-utca 27; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
161. Szenes Fülöp: Pihenő modell [Resting Model]
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
162. Szenes Fülöp: Férfiarckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Mtul. [Private Collection]
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
163. Szenes Fülöp: Férfiarckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
164. Szenes Fülöp: Álom [Dream]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes.
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
165. Szenes Fülöp: Leányom arcképe [Portrait of My Daugther]
drawing: charcoal, Színezett szénrajz [coloured charcoal drawing]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Erzsébet Madarassy Szabóky-utca 59; X, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
166. Madarassy Erzsébet: Prohászka Ottokár püspök arcképe [Portrait of the Bishop Ottokár Prohászka]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+- | ||||
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+-Lipót Edelsheim-Gyulai Tárnok-u. 5; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
208. Báró Edelsheim-Gyulai Lipót: Ködös időben [In Foggy Weather]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Artúr Jakobovits Andrássy-út 1; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
209. Jakobovits Arthur: Zólyomi részlet [Scene of Zólyom]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
210. Jakobovits Arthur: Téli napsütés [Sunshine in Winter]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
211. Jakobits Arthur: Tél a faluban [Winter in the Village]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
212. Jakobovits Arthur: Patak télen [Brook in Winter]
painting: oil
+-Aladár Edvi Illés Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
213. Edvi Illés Aladár: Októberi délután [Afternoon in October]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
214. Edvi Illés Aladár: Őszi verőfény [Bright Sunshine in Autumn]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
215. Edvi Illés Aladár: Tisztás az erdőben [Clearing in the Forest]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
216. Edvi Illés Aladár: Borongós őszi nap [Cloudy Autumn Day]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
217. Edvi Illés Aladár: Őszi erdő [Forest in Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Gulácsy Bouleward Vaugirard, Paris (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
218. Gulácsy Lajos: Orgonavirágzás [Blooming Lilacs]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
219. Gulácsy Lajos: Találkozások [Meetings]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Huszár Felső-erdősor 3; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
220. Huszár (Herz) Vilmos: Báró Br. R. Arckép [Baron Br. R. Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
221. Ujváry Ignác: Őszi est [Evening in the Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Louis Mark Vörösmarty-utca 34a; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
222. Márk Lajos: Dr. M S. úr arcképe [Portrait of Dr. M. S.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
223. Márk Lajos: S. M. urnő arcképe [Portrait of Lady S. M.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
224. Márk Lajos: Prophetia [Prophetia]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
225. Mérk Lajos: Siesta [Siesta]
painting: oil
"Mérk" is considered to be a spelling error.
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
226. Márk Lajos: Duette [Duette]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
227. Márk Lajos: Szentivánéji álom [A Midsummer Night's Dream]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
228. Márk Lajos: H. K. v. b. t. t. úr arcképe [Portrait of Mr. H. K. v. b. t. t.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
229. Ujváry Ignác: Delelő [Rest at Midday]
painting: oil
+-Béla Erdőssy József-körút 77; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
230. Erdössy Béla: Garamparti rész [Scene of the Garam Riverbank]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
231. Erdössy Béla: Utca Görgény-Szt-lmrén [Street in Görgény-Szt-lmre]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Jenő Uferbach József főherceg-út 7, Arad (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
232. Uferbach Jenő: Vitatkozó szocialisták [Arguing Socialists]
painting: oil
+-György, le vieux Vastag Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
233. Id. Vastagh György: Férfiarckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Antal Berkes Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
234. Berkes Antal: Park a falun naplementekor [Park in the Village at Sunset]
painting: oil
+-Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
235. Jendrássik Jenő: I. T. arcképe [Portrait of I. T.]
painting: oil
Magántulajd. [Private Collection]
+-Antal Berkes Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
236. Berkes Antal: Nyári est (Parkrészlet) [Summer Evening (Scene of a Park)]
painting: oil
+-Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
237. Frecskay Endre: Reggeli köd [Morning Fog]
painting: oil
+-Antal Berkes Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
238. Berkes Antal: Est a hegyek között [Evening Among the Mountains]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Miklósi-Mutsenbacher Eötvös-utca 6/b; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
239. Miklósi-Mutsenbacher Ödön: Szekszárdi tanyák [Farms at Szekszárd]
painting: oil
+-István Fanta-Alkony Podmaniczky-utca 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
240. Fanta Alkony István: Holdvilágos est [Moonlit Night]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
241. Fanta Alkony István: Szürkületkor [At Twilight]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
242. Fanta Alkony István: Erdei út [Road in the Forest]
painting: oil
+-Jozsef Pechan Újverbász, Vrbas (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
243. Pechán József: Utolsó napsugár [Last Ray of Sunshine]
painting: oil
+-Antal Szirmai Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
244. Szirmai Antal: Birkák az árnyékban [Sheep in the Shade]
painting: oil
+-Mariska Augustin Grüngasse 16, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
245. Augustin Mariska: Bulldog [Bulldog]
painting: oil
+-Mariska Klammer Andrássy-út 17; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
246. Klammer Mariska: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Olga Hadzsy József-körút 14; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
247. Hadzsy Olga: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-István Mérö Fő-utca 21; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
248. Mérő István: A nagymamánál [At Grandmother's Place]
painting: oil
+-Ilona Benkő Egyetem-tér 5; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
249. Benkő Ilona: M. J. úr arcképe [Portrait of Mr. M. J.]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
+-Lajos Tátray Izabella- utca 83; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
250. Tátray Lajos: Őszi nap [Autumn Day]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
251. Tátray Lajos: Elhagyott udvar [Abandoned Yard]
painting: oil
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Aggteleki-utca 10; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
252. Pentelei Molnár János: Clivia [Clivia]
painting: oil
+-Jozsef Pechan Újverbász, Vrbas (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
253. Pechán József: Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Aggteleki-utca 10; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
254. Pentelei Molnár János: Nagy idők tanuja [Witness of Great Times]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
255. Pentelei Molnár János: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Sandor Ziffer Kerepesi-út 71, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
256. Ziffer Sàndor: Bivalyok [Buffaloes]
painting: oil
+-Bertalan Pór Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
257. Pór Bertalan: Dr. Goldzieher Vilmos úr arcképe [Portrait of Dr. Vilmos Goldzieher]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Antal Berkes Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
258. Berkes Antal: Téli reggel [Winter Morning]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
259. Berkes Antal: Kastély a hegyek közt [Castle Among the Mountains]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
260. Berkes Antal: Olasz táj [Italian Landscape]
painting: oil, Vázlat [sketch]
X. Terem [X. Hall]
261. Berkes Antal: Tórészlet naplementekor [Scene of a Lake at Sunset]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
262. Berkes Antal: Őszi táj [Autumn Landscape]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
263. Berkes Antal: Park a tó mellett [Park Next to the Lake]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
264. Berkes Antal: Hegyszakadék őszkor [Gorge in Autumn]
painting: oil
+- | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
other medium, Olajpasztell [oil pastels]
+-Antal Berkes Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
266. Berkes Antal: Vásárra menően, felvidéki táj [Going to the Market, Highland Lanscape]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
267. Berkes Antal: Holdvilágos est a tó mellett [Moonlit Evening by the Lake]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
268. Berkes Antal: Felvidéki táj őszkor [Highland Lanscape in Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Mariska Klammer Andrássy-út 17; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
269. Klammer Mariska: „Five o clock tea" [„Five o'clock tea"]
painting: oil
+-Ármin Glatter Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
270. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Béla Sándor Üllői-út 95; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
271. Sándor Béla: Álom [Dream]
painting: oil
+-Dezső Orbán Népszínház-utca 42; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
272. Dombvidék [Hilly Countryside]
painting: oil
+-Jozsef Pechan Újverbász, Vrbas (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
273. Pechán József: Alkonyat [Dusk]
painting: oil
+-Emil Pap Szűz-utca 3; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
274. A konyhában [In the Kitchen]
painting: oil
+-Zoltán Csáktornyai Dessewffy-utca 39; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
275. Csáktornyay Zoltán: Domboldal [Hillside]
painting: oil
+-Géza Hódy Fodor-utca 33, Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
276. Hódi Géza: Pannika [Pannika]
painting: oil
+-Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
277. Aggházy Gyula: Esti hangulat [Evening Mood]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Edvi Illés Szondy-utca 37/a; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
278. Ifj. Edvi Illés Ödön: R. L.-né úrhölgy arcképe [Portrait of Mrs. R. L.]
painting: oil
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
279. Déry Béla: Bárkák a Scheldén reggel [Arks on the Scheldt in the Morning]
painting: oil
+-Valéria Telkessy Dísz-tér 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
280. Telkessy Valér: Garam völgye [Valley of Garam]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Krutsay Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
281. Krutsay Ferenc: Testvérek [Sibilings]
painting: oil
+-Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
282. Aggházy Gyula: Alföldi táj libákkal [The Landscape of Alföld with Geese]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-William Darling Podmaniczky-utca 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
283. Sándorházi V. Béla: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
+-Sándor Papp Kinizsy-utca 31; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
284. Papp Sándor: Eső után [After the Rain]
painting: oil
+-Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
285. Jendrássik Jenő: Az ajtó előtt [In Front of the Door]
painting: oil
+-Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
286. Frecskay Endre: Téli estalkonyat [Dusk in the Winter]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
287. Nagy Vilmos: Az új karkötő [The New Bracelet]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
288. Nagy Vilmos: Pózoló hölgy [Posing Woman]
painting: oil
+-Hugó Löschinger Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
289. Löschinger Hugó: Legelőző szamárcsorda (Balaton vidéke) [Grasing Herd of Donkeys (Balaton Countryside)]
painting: oil
+-Viktor Olgyai Schwanthalerstrasse 77, Munich (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
290. Olgyai Viktor: Garamparti téli táj [Winter Landscape at the Garam-Shore]
painting: tempera
+-Hugó Löschinger Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
291. Löschinger Hugó: Lovak (Balaton vidéke) [Horses (Balaton Countryside)]
painting: oil
+-Sandor Nyilasy Dugonics-tér, Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
292. Nyilasy Sándor: Káposztás kofa [Cabbage Vendor]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
293. Nádler Róbert: Ragusai utca [Street of Ragusa]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
294. Nádler Róbert: Fiatal özvegy [Young Widow]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
295. Nádler Róbert: Sziklák között [Among Cliffs]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
296. Nádler Róbert: Porto Pile Ragusában [Porto Pile in Ragusa]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
297. Nádler Róbert: Bosnyák varrólány [Bosnian Seamstress]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
298. Nádler Róbert: Recco ; Riviera di Levante [Recco; Riviera di Levante]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
299. Nádler Róbert: Ragusai fürdőhely [Bath in Ragusa]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
300. Nádler Róbert: Fort Santa Maria Porto Pile mellett [Fort Santa Maria Near Porto Pile]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
301. Nádler Róbert: Ragusa nyugatról [Ragusa from the West]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
302. Nádler Róbert: Hóborított táj [Snow-Covered Landscape]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
303. Nádler Róbert: A Monte Maggiore alatt [Under the Monte Maggiore]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
304. Nádler Róbert: Francia tengerparton [On the French Seaside]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
305. Nádler Róbert: Hullámverődés a liguriai tenger partján [Wash of the Waves at the Shore of the Ligurian Sea]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
306. Nádler Róbert: Albán bárka fedélzetén [On Board of an Albanian Ark]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
307. Nádler Róbert: Sziklás part a Riviérán [Rocky Shore on the Riviera]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
308. Nádler Róbert: Canal la Manche [Canal la Manche]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
309. Nádler Róbert: Liguriai part [Ligurian Shore]
painting: oil
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
310. Nádler Róbert: Élet egy ragusai sikátorban [Life in an Alley of Ragusa]
painting: oil
+-Géza Hódy Fodor-utca 33, Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
311. Hódi Géza: Vízhordás [Carrying Water]
painting: oil
Szeged város [The City of Szeged]
+-Jenő Keményffy Sziget-utca 4-6; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
312. Keményffi Jenő: Varrólányok [Seamstresses]
painting: oil
+-Jozsef Pechan Újverbász, Vrbas (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
313. Pechán József: Tél [Winter]
painting: oil
+-György, le vieux Vastag Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
314. Id. Vastagh György: Férfiarckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Sándor Papp Kinizsy-utca 31; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
315. Papp Sándor: Bakfis [Teenage Girl]
painting: oil
+-William Darling Podmaniczky-utca 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
316. Sándorházi V. Béla: Téli napsütés [Sunshine in the Winter]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Vajda Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
317. Vajda Zsigmond: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
318. Vajda Zsigmond: Kacsavadászat [Duck Hunting]
painting: oil
+-Ernő Vörös Ferenc József-út 2, Pieštany (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
319. Vörös Ernő: Az országút mellől [From the Side of the Country Road]
painting: oil
+-Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
320. Pongrácz Károly: Téli éj [Winter Night]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Conrad Váci-körút 61; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
321. Conrad Gyula: Fiumei öböl [Bay in Fiume]
painting: oil
+-Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
322. Mihalik Dàniel: Holdkelte [Moonrise]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Conrad Váci-körút 61; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
323. Conrad Gyula: Tersatto [Tersatto]
painting: oil
+-Jenő Basa rue d'Estresse, Paris (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
324. Basa Jenő: Virágcsendélet [Flower Still-Life]
painting: oil
+-Dome Skutezky Banská Bystrica (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
325. Skutezky Döme: Üstkovácsok [Coppersmiths]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Imre Knopp Aradi-utca 59; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
326. Szélmalom [Windmill]
painting: oil
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
327. Erzsi [Erzsi]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
328. Gyuri [Gyuri]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
329. Pali [Pali]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
330. Zsuzsa [Zsuzsa]
painting: oil
Madarasi dr. Beck Gyula [Madarasi dr. Gyula Beck [m]]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
331. Klári [Klári]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
332. Poll Hugó: Borostyánkői völgy [Valley of Borostyánkő]
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
333. Poll Hugó: Ujpest felé [On the Way to Ujpest]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
334. Poll Hugó: Villámos patak [Villámos Brook]
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Aggteleki-utca 10; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
335. Pentelei Molnár János: G. L.-né úrasszony arcképe [Portrait of Mrs. G. L.]
painting: oil
+-Bela Juszko Külső Kerepesi-út 1. V-ház; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
336. Juszkó Béla: Marhafogás pányvázókötéllel a Bugacon [Catching a Cattle with a Lasso in Bugac]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Krutsay Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
337. Krutsay Ferenc: Kis durcás [Little Sulky]
painting: oil
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
338. Krutsay Ferenc: Nyíres márciusban [Birch Forest in March]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Timár-Thein Vörösmarthy-utca 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
339. Thein Miksa: Erzsike [Erzsike]
painting: oil
Gárdos Béla úr [Mr. Béla Gárdos]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
340. Thein Miksa: Kendőben [In a Scarf]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
341. Thein Miksa: Mariska [Mariska]
painting: oil
Dr. Klinger Zsigmond [Dr. Zsigmond Klinger [m]]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
342. Thein Miksa: Aggódás [Worrying]
painting: oil
+-Károly Királyfalvy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
343. Királyfalvy K.: Plein air-tanulmány [Plein Air Study]
painting: oil
+-László Mednyánszky Óvoda-utca 41; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
344. Mednyánszky László báró: Holdas éj [Moonlit Night]
painting: oil
+-László Diószeghy Határ-utca 2; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
345. Diószeghy László: Az Olt mentén [Along the Olt]
painting: oil
+-Pál Jávor Váci-körút 66; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
346. Jávor Pál: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
347. Jávor Pál: Férfi képe [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
348. Jávor Pál: Ifju képe [Portrait of a Young Man]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Frigyes Borszéky Dob-utca 70; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
349. H. Ancika arcképe [Portrait of H. Ancika]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Erik Bogdánffy-Pauly Ecsedi-utca 7; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
350. B. Pauly Erik: Szegfű [Carnation]
painting: tempera
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
351. Tull Ödön: Dordrechti kanális [Canal in Dordrecht]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
352. Tull Ödön: Hollandi házak [Dutch Houses]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
353. Tull Ödön: Néma kritikusok [Silent Critics]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Vajda Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
354. Vajda Zsigmond: Laguna éjjel [Lagoon at Night]
painting: oil
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
355. Tull Ödön: A Rajna torkolatánál [At the Mouth of the Rhine]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Krutsay Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
356. Krutsay Ferenc: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
357. Zombory Lajos: Szántás [Plough]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
358. Zombory Lajos: Őszi szántás [Plough in the Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Pál Kümmerle Budafoki-út 13; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
359. Kümmerle Pál: Olvasó leány [Reading Girl]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
360. Zombory Lajos: Vásár Szolnokon [Market in Szolnok]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
361. Zombory Lajos: Zagyva mentén [Along the Zagyva]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
362. Zombory Lajos: Szántás közben [During the Plough]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
363. Zombory Lajos: Füzesben [In the Osier Bed]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
364. Zombory Lajos: Szántás alkonyatkor [Plough at Dusk]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
365. Zombory Lajos: Szántás reggel [Plough in the Morning]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
366. Zombory Lajos: Szérűskert [The Straw Yard]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
367. Zombory Lajos: Boronálás lovakkal [Harrowing with Horses]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
368. Zombory Lajos: Cséplés [Thrashing]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
369. Zombory Lajos: Szántás lovakkal [Ploughing with Horses]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
370. Zombory Lajos: Boronálás [Harrowing]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
371. Zombory Lajos: Boronálás estefelé [Harrowing with Horses Toward Evening]
painting: oil
+-Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
372. Frecskay Endre: Tanyarészleti tájkép [Landscape of a Farm-Scene]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
373. Frecskay Endre: Téli táj Tápió-Györgyén [Winter Landscape in Tápió-Györgye]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
374. Frecskay Endre: Utolsó napsütés [Last Sunshine]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
375. Frecskay Endre: Vörös fűzfák a holt Tiszánál [Red Willows at the Holt Tisza]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
376. Frecskay Endre: Borús téli délután [On a Cloudy Winter Afternoon]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
377. Frecskay Endre: A lesi-i szigeten [On the Island of Lesi]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
378. Frecskay Endre: Szolnoki részlet a Zagyva-híddal [Scene of Szolnok with the Zagyva-Bridge]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
379. Frecskay Endre: Téli tájkép a Tisza mellett [Winter Landscape Near the Tisza]
painting: oil
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
380. Frecskay Endre: Erdőrészlet hófoltokkal [Scene of a Forest with Snow Patches]
painting: oil
+-László Mednyánszky Óvoda-utca 41; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
381. Mednyánszky László báró: Korcsmában tanulmány) [In the Tavern (Study)]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
382. Mednyánszky László báró: Tanulmányfej [Study of a Head]
painting: oil
+-Imre Földes Kerepesi-út 71; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
383. Földes (Feld) Imre: Részlet Firenzéből [Scene of Florence]
painting: oil
+-Rezső Sándor Cserna Nádor-utca 20; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
384. Cserna Rezső S.: Festőnők [Female Painters]
painting: oil
+-Zsófia Strobl Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
385. Tyúkok [Chickens]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Timár-Thein Vörösmarthy-utca 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
386. Thein Miksa: Gizi [Gizi]
painting: oil
Mélt. Cebrián Mária grófnő [Her Ladyship Countess Mária Cebrián]
+-Béla Andaházy Kasnya Külső Kerepesi-út 3; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
387. Kasnya Béla: Őszi hangulat [Autumn Mood]
painting: tempera
+-Gusztáv Olofson Illés-utca 15. I. 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
388. Olofson Gusztáv: Fejtanulmány [Study of a Head]
painting: tempera
+-Sztina Braunecker Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
389. Braunecker Sztina: Ausztráliai szépség. Arcképvázlat [Australian Beauty. Portrait Sketch]
painting: oil
+-Zsófia Strobl Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
390. Macska [Cat]
painting: oil
+-Béla Kádár Lehel-utca 30; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
391. Anyám [My Mother]
+-Antal Szabó(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
392. Szabó Antal: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
393. Leányfej [Head of a Girl]
painting: oil
+-Géza Kiss Óvoda-utca 51; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
394. Kiss Aladár: Ex libris-ek [Ex Libris]
drawing: pen and ink, Tusrajz [ink drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
+-Ernesztin Splényi Üllői-út 57; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
395. Br. Splényi Ernestina: Fehér pipacsok [White Poppies]
painting: tempera
+-Aranka Propper Váci-körút 52; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
396. Propper Aranka: Párisi látkép [The Sight of Paris]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+-Istvʹan Medgyaszay Bercsényi-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
397. Medgyaszay István: Szt.-Gellérthegyi pantheon [Pantheon on the Gellért Hill]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
398. Medgyaszay István: Kalotaszegi utamból. Vázlat [From My Journey in Székely Land. Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
399. Medgyaszay István: Kalotaszegi utamból. Vázlat [From My Journey in Székely Land. Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
400. Medgyaszay István: Székelyföldi utamból. Vàzlat [From My Journey in Székely Land. Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
401. Medgyaszay István: Kalotaszegi utamból. Vázlat [From My Journey in Székely Land. Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
402. Medgyaszay István: Székelyföldi utamból. Vàzlat [From My Journey in Székely Land. Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
403. Medgyaszay István: Kalotaszegi utamból. Vázlat [From My Journey in Székely Land. Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
404. Medgyaszay István: Székelyföldi utamból. Vàzlat [From My Journey in Székely Land. Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
405. Medgyaszay István: Székelyföldi utamból. Vàzlat [From My Journey in Székely Land. Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ernő Foerk Toldy Ferenc-utca 20; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
406. Sándy Gyula: A szegedi fogadalmi templom pályaterve [Architectural Drawing Submitted for the Competiton of the Szeged Cathedral]
drawing, Építészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
407. Sándy Gyula: A szegedi fogadalmi templom pályaterve [Architectural Drawing Submitted for the Competiton of the Szeged Cathedral]
drawing, Építészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
408. Sándy Gyula: A kultuszminiszterium pályaterve [Architectural Drawing Submitted for the Competiton for the Ministry of Education and the Arts]
drawing, Építészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
409. Sándy Gyula: A szegedi fogadalmi templom pályaterve [Architectural Dwawing Submitted for the Competiton of the Szeged Cathedral]
drawing, Építészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
410. Sándy Gyula: A szegedi fogadalmi templom pályaterve [Architectural Dwawing Submitted for the Competiton of the Szeged Cathedral]
drawing, Építészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
+-Béla Málnai Rottenbiller-utca 62; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
411. Andrényi-lak Siófokon. Építészeti rajz [The Andrényi-Residence at Siófok (Architectural Drawing)]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
412. Családi lak Bogláron (Építészeti tanulmány) [Family Residence at Boglár (Architectural Study)]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
413. Lakóépület homlokzata [Facade of a Residential Building]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
414. Villatanulmány [Study of a Villa]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Hugó Kaiser Andrássy-út 1; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
415. Kaiser Hugó: Vidéki lakóház [Residential Building in the Country]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Géza Kiss Óvoda-utca 51; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
416. Kiss Aladár: Béházhomlokzat [Facade of a Tenement]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
417. Kiss Aladár: Kis nyaraló [Small Weekend House]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
+-Rezső Ray Andrássy-út 105; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
418. Ray Rezső: Kivándorlók háza Fiuméban [House of the Emigrants in Fiume]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Imre Farkasfalvi(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
419. Farkasfalvi Imre: Velencei utca [Steet in Venezia [or: Velencei Street]]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+- | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti kőnyomat [original lithograph]
+-Ödön Márffy Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
421. A Boulvard Montparnasson [On the Boulvard Montparnasse]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
422. Lydia [Lydia]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
+-Adolf Tikáts Városmajor-utca 23; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
423. Tikáts Adolf: A belvárosi templom képe [Picture of the Church in the City Center]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+-Zsófia Strobl Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
424. Olasz fiú [Italian Boy]
+-Adolf Tikáts Városmajor-utca 23; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
425. Tikáts Adolf: Az artézi fürdő télen [The Artesian Bath in the Winter]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
426. Tikáts Adolf: Külső váci-út részlet [Scene of the Outer Váci-Street]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
+-Zsófia Strobl Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
427. Stobl Zsófia: Olasz leány [Italian Girl]
"Stobl" is considered to be a spelling error.
+-Rezső Kiss Óvoda-utca 51; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
428. Kiss Rezső: Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
429. Kiss Rezső: Édes anyám [My Mother]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
430. Kiss Rezső: Micike [Micike]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Rezső Sándor Cserna Nádor-utca 20; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
435. Cserna Rezső S.: Arcképtanulm. [Portrait Study]
Mtul. [Private Collection]
+-Imre Földes Kerepesi-út 71; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
436. Földes (Feld) Imre: Liptói tót [Slovak from Liptó]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
437. Földes (Feld) Imre: Hektor [Hektor]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
438. Földes (Feld) Imre: Atyafi [Relative]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
+-Ödön Miklósi-Mutsenbacher Eötvös-utca 6/b; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
441. Miklósi-Mutsenbacher Ödön: Választáskor. Karrikatura [During the Election. Carricature]
painting: aquarelle, vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Olga Hadzsy József-körút 14; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
443. Hadzsy Olga: Place du pont Neuf Párisban [Place du pont Neuf in Paris]
painting: aquarelle, Vizfestm. [watercolour painting]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
444. Hadzsy Olga: Place du pont Neuf Párisban [Place du pont Neuf in Paris]
painting: aquarelle, Vizfestm. [watercolour painting]
+-Ödön Váli Magdolna-utca 6/b, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
445. Váli Ödön: Estalkony a réten [Dusk on the Meadow]
painting: aquarelle, Vizfestm. [watercolour painting]
+- | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti fametszet [original woodcut]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti fametszet [original woodcut]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti fametszet [original woodcut]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti fametszet [original woodcut]
+-Gyula Conrad Váci-körút 61; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
450. Conrad Gyula: Alkonyat [Dusk]
drawing: charcoal
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
451. Conrad Gyula: Kikötőben [In the Port]
drawing: charcoal, Eredeti fametszet [original woodcut]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti rézkarc [original etching]
+-Géza Pap Akácfa-utca 47; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
455. Pap Géza: Oroszlánpár [Lion Couple]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
456. Pap Géza: Tigris.Tanulmány [Tiger. Study]
drawing, színes rajz [coloured drawing]
+-Ödön Márffy Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
457. Márffy Ödön: Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
+-Elemér Csukássy József-körút 38; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
458. Csukássy Elemér: Utcasarkon [On the Streetcorner]
+-Géza Pap Akácfa-utca 47; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
459. Pap Géza: Királytigris. Tanulmányok [Bengal Tiger. Studies]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
460. Pap Géza: Királytigris [Bengal Tiger]
+-Carolus Pallya Templom-utca 7; Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
461. Pállya Károly: Délutáni nap [Afternoon Sun]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
462. Pállya Károly: Hegyek közt [Among the Mountains]
painting: oil
+-Karoly Bachmann Zrinyi-u. 5; Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
463. Bachmann Károly: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Jenő Szigeti Dob-utca 12; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
464. Szigeti Jenő: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
+-Arpad Basch Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
465. Basch Árpád: Neptun úr lakása [The Apartement of Mr. Neptun]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Jenő Szigeti Dob-utca 12; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
466. Szigeti Jenő: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Márffy Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
467. Márffy Ödön: Utca Pont-Avenben [Street in Pont-Aven]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
468. Márffy Ödön: Riva Schiavoni [Riva Schiavoni]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
469. Márffy Ödön: Asszonyok. Bretagneban [Women. In Brittany]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
470. Márffy Ödön: Délelőtt a Schiavonin [Morning on the Schiavoni]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
471. Márffy Ödön: Estefelé a Riváról [Dusk on the Riva]
painting: oil
+- | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti rézkarc [original etching]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti rézkarc [original etching]
other medium
other medium, Eredeti rézkarc [original etching]
+-Gyula Conrad Váci-körút 61; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
476. Conrad Gyula: Nürnbergi részlet [Scene of Nürnberg]
drawing: charcoal
+-Elemér Csukássy József-körút 38; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
477. Csukássy Elemér: Leopárd lesben [Leopard Lurking]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
478. Csukássy Elemér: Puma prédával [Puma with Prey]
+- | ||||
other medium, Eredeti aquatinta [original aquatinta]
+-Elemér Csukássy József-körút 38; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
480. Csukássy Elemér: Nyugalom [Tranquillity]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
481. Csukássy Elemér: Leopárd [Leopard]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
482. Csukássy Elemér: Szunnyadó oroszlán [Sleeping Lion]
+-Elza Karinthy Vigadó-utca 5; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
483. Karinthy Elza: Domboldal [Hillside]
painting: oil
+-Mariska Klammer Andrássy-út 17; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
484. Klammer Mariska: A kis modell [The Little Model]
painting: oil
+-Erno Marko Logody-utca 29; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
485. Markó Ernő: Óbudai kikötő [Port in Óbuda]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
486. Markó Ernő: Utca a Gellérthegyen [Street on the Gellért Hill]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
487. Markó Ernő: Gellérthegyről [From the Gellért Hill]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
488. Markó Ernő: Ködben [In the Fog]
painting: oil
+-Irén Lámné Hilberth Damjanich-utca 28/b; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
489. Lámné Hilbert Irén: Imádkozó nők [Praying Women]
painting: oil
+-János Hoffmann Makó (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
490. Hoffmann János: Kata néni [Mrs. [or: Aunt] Kata]
painting: oil
+-Sandor Ziffer Kerepesi-út 71, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
491. Ziffer Sàndor: Két ház napsütésben [Two Houses in Sunshine]
painting: oil
+-Jenő Barta Győr (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
492. Barta Jenő: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Bruck Döbrentei-utca 14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
493. Bruck Lajos: Zárda csarnokában [In the Hall of the Monastery]
painting: oil
+-Miklós Rajzó Piac-utca 41, Debrecen (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
494. Rajzó Miklós: Mulandóság [Transience]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Bruck Döbrentei-utca 14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
495. Bruck Lajos: Szerencsés vadász [Lucky Hunter]
painting: oil
+-Aranka Propper Váci-körút 52; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
496. Propper Aranka: Cs.I. úrhölgy arcképe [Portrait of Lady Cs. I.]
painting: oil
Csesznák Irma [Irma Csesznák [f]]
+-Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
497. Baditz Ottó: Krumpliszedés [Potato Picking]
painting: oil
+-Kálmán Reichl Kemenesi-utca 8; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
498. Reichl Kálmán: Egy régi ház Caprin [An Old House in Capri]
painting: oil
+-Hermina Bruck Döbrentei-utca 10; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
499. Bruck Hermina: Hüvösvölgy [Hüvösvölgy]
painting: oil
+-Mariska Augustin Grüngasse 16, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
500. Augustin Mariska: Tehén-istálló [Cow Stable]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
501. Augustin Mariska: Tehénistálló [Cow Stable]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
502. Augustin Mariska: Hüvösvölgy [Hüvösvölgy]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Vajda Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
503. Vajda Zsigmond: Naplemenet [Sunset]
painting: oil
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
504. Déry Béla: A Schelde télen [The Scheldt in Winter]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Ujházy Gyöngytyúk-utca 3; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
505. Ujházy Ferenc: Víg cimborák [Merry Friends]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Vajda Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
506. Vajda Zsigmond: Chansonette [Chansonette]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
507. Kacziány Ödön: Holdfény a Tiszán [Moonlight on the Tisza]
painting: oil
+-Artur Tölgyessy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
508. Tölgyessy Arthur: Esthangulat [Evening Mood]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
509. Tölgyessy Arthur: Tavaszi felhők [Spring Clouds]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
510. Tölgyessy Arthur: Napnyugta a Balatonon [Sunset at the Lake Balaton]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
511. Tölgyessy Arthur: Újhold [New Moon]
painting: oil
+-Zoltán Szentmiklóssy Erzsébet-körút 34, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
512. Szentmiklóssy Zoltán: Vihar [Storm]
painting: oil
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
513. Déry Béla: A folkestone-i kikötő előtt [In Front of the Folkestone Harbour]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
514. Déry Béla: Augusztusi éjszaka [Night in August]
painting: oil
+-Hermina Bruck Döbrentei-utca 10; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
515. Bruck Hermina: Pálmagyümölcs [Palm Fruit]
painting: oil
+-Jenő Kuszka Hernád-utca 30; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
516. Kuszka Jenő: Őszutó [Late Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Sztina Braunecker Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
517. Braunecker Sztina br.: R. Blanka arcképe [Portrait of R. Blanka]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
518. Braunecker Sztina br.: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
519. Braunecker Sztina br.: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-László Kézdi Kovács Ó-Budai rakpart 4/b; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
520. Kézdi-Kovács László: Ébredő tavasz [Awakening Spring]
painting: oil
+-Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
521. Baditz Ottó: Vízhordás [Carrying Water]
painting: oil
+-Ármin Glatter Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
522. Glatter Ármin: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
523. Baditz Ottó: A legelőn [On the Pasture]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
524. Baditz Ottó: Felhők között [Among Clouds]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Timár-Thein Vörösmarthy-utca 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
525. Thein Miksa: Micike [Micike [or: Little Mici]]
painting: oil
Mélt. Wodiáner Arthúr [The Honourable Arthúr Wodiáne]
+-Ladislaus Kimnach Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
526. Kimnach László: Rossz Mikulás [The Bad Santa Claus]
painting: oil
+-Antal Szirmai Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
527. Szirmai Antal: A jó falat [The Good Bite]
painting: oil
+-Alajos Kada Tömő-utca 62. I. 26; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
528. Kada Alajos: Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
+-Antal Neogrady Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
529. Neogrády Antal: Téli erdő [The Forest in the Winter]
painting: oil
+-Mozart Rottmann Városligeti-fasor 33/b; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
530. Rottmann Mozárt: Az ozsonna [The Snack [or: Afternoon Tea]]
painting: oil
+-Jenő Basa rue d'Estresse, Paris (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
531. Basa Jenő: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Mozart Rottmann Városligeti-fasor 33/b; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
532. Rottmann Mozárt: A pihenő öreg [The Resting Old [Man]]
painting: oil
+-László Kézdi Kovács Ó-Budai rakpart 4/b; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
533. Kézdi-Kovács László: Magány [Solitude]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Brutsay(view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
534. Brutsay Ferenc: Várakozás [Waiting]
painting: oil
+-Jenő Barta Győr (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
535. Barta Jenő: Vázlat [Sketch]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Bencze Gyár-utca 43; Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
536. Bencze Ferenc: Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
Mgtul. [Private Collection]
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
537. Bencze Ferenc: Szentírás [Bible]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Ács Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
538. Ács Ferenc: Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Ingomár Izabella- utca 65; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
539. Ingomár Ferenc: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
+-Etelka Gimzer Attila-körút 45; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
540. Gimzer Etta: T. E. úrnő képmása [Portrait of Lady T. E.]
painting: oil
Mgtul. [Private Collection]
+-László Kézdi Kovács Ó-Budai rakpart 4/b; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
541. Kézdi-Kovács László: Alföldi mocsár [Swamp in the Great Hungarian Plain]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Ács Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
542. Ács Ferenc: Silberstein bácsi [Uncle Silberstein]
painting: oil
+-Ágost Egerváry Potemkin Deák-utca 67; Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
543. Egerváry P. Ágost: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
+-Valéria Telkessy Dísz-tér 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
544. Telkessy Valér: Virágok [Flowers]
painting: oil
+-Karoly Telepy Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
545. Telepy Károly: Részlet az Öttóból [Scene of the Öttó]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Geza Peske Damjanich-utca 51; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
546. Peske Géza: Azok a rossz fiúk ! [Those Bad Boys !]
painting: oil
+-Karoly Telepy Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
547. Telepy Károly: Csorbai tó [Csorba Lake]
painting: oil
+-Ladislaus Kimnach Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
548. Kimnach László: De furákat beszél [What Weird Things She/He Is Saying]
painting: oil
+-Irén Lámné Hilberth Damjanich-utca 28/b; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
549. Lámné Hilbert Irén: Őszhajú fiatal nő [Silver-Headed Young Woman]
painting: oil
+-Antal Lützenburger Baross-utca 42; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
550. Lützenburger Antal: Tanulmányfej [Study of a Head]
painting: oil
+-Béla Gross Árpád-utca 10; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
551. Grosz Béla: Ájtatosság [Devoutness]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
552. Grosz Béla: Oláh leány [Vlach Girl]
painting: oil
+-Paula Kern Maria Enzersdorf (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
553. Kern Paula: Tanulmányfő [Study of a Head]
painting: oil
+-Ida Konek Kmetty-utca 27; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
554. Konek Ida: Őszi virágok [Autumn Flowers]
painting: oil
+-Laszlo Pataky von Sopatak Vințu de Jos (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
555. Pataky László: Hazafelé [On the Way Home]
painting: oil
Catalogue Entry | Artist | Room | Type | Additional | Owner | For Sale | Price |
1. Bosznay István: Reggel a Tiszánál [Morning by the Tisza] | Istvan Bosznay | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
2. Jávor Pál: Bohém nyomorúság [Bohemian Misery] | Pál Jávor | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
3. Bosznay István: Tél [Winter] | Istvan Bosznay | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
4. Nagy Vilmos: Ifjúság [Youth] | Vilmos Nagy | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
5. Mednyánszky László báró: Téli csend (Hernád völgye) [Winter Stillness (Valley of Hernád)] | László Mednyánszky | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
6. Glatz Oszkár: Delelés a Balaton partján [Midday Rest on the Shore of the Lake Balaton] | Oszkár Glatz | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
7. Vastagh Géza: Tigris a nádasban [Tiger in the Reeds] | Géza Vastagh | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
8. Mednyánszky László báró: Zivatar [Thunderstorm] | László Mednyánszky | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
9. Benczúr Gyula: Özv. Jellinek Mórné arcképe [Portrait of Mór Jellinek's Widow] | Gyula Benczúr | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
10. Mihalik Dániel: Olvadáskor [During the Thaw] | Daniel Mihalik | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
11. Benczúr Gyula: Szécsényi Gyula gróf arcképe [Portrait of Count Gyula Szécsényi] | Gyula Benczúr | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
12. Stettka Gyula: Arckép [Portrait] | Gyula Stetka | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
13. Mednyánszky László báró: Hajnal [Dawn] | László Mednyánszky | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
14. László F. E.: Gróf Zichy Ernő úr Ő mélt. [His Lordship Count Ernő Zichy] | Fülöp László | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
15. Thorma János: Aradi vértanúk [The Martyrs of Arad] | János Thorma | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
16. Keményffy Jenő: Arckép [Portrait] | Jenő Keményffy | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
17. M. Krajna János: Kerepesi hegyoldal [Hillside in Kerepes] | János Krajna | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
18. Jávor Pál: Bánat [Sorrow] | Pál Jávor | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
19. Bihari Sándor ✝: Téli tájkép a régi Szolnokból [Winter Landscape from the Old Szolnok] | Sándor Bihari | II. Terem [II. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
20. Pállya Celesztin: Trécselés [Gossiping] | Celesztin Pallya | II. Terem [II. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
21. Pállya Celesztin: Kenyeres társak [Companions Sharing Bread [or: Sworn Brothers]] | Celesztin Pallya | II. Terem [II. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
22. Pállya Celesztin: Vásári részlet [Scene of a Market] | Celesztin Pallya | II. Terem [II. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
23. Pongrácz Károly: Alkonyatkor [At Dusk] | Károly Pongrácz | II. Terem [II. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
24. Háry Gyula: Hollandus szélmalom [Dutch Windmill] | Gyula Háry | II. Terem [II. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
25. Jendrassik Jenő: Gyermekarckép [Portrait of a Child] | Jeno Jendrassik | II. Terem [II. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? |
Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Nationality | # of Cat. Entries |
Julius Agghazy | 1850 | 1919 | HU | 2 |
Béla Andaházy Kasnya | 1888 | May 1981 | HU | 1 |
Mariska Augustin | 1880 | 1949 | HU | 4 |
Karoly Bachmann | 1874 | 1924 | HU | 1 |
Otto Baditz | 1849 | 1936 | HU | 4 |
Jenő Barta | 2 | |||
Jenő Basa | 1879 | 1909 | HU | 2 |
Arpad Basch | 1873 | 1944 | HU | 1 |
Ferenc Bencze | 1874 | 1926 | HU | 2 |
Béla Benczúr | 1854 | 1941 | HU | 1 |
Gyula Benczúr | 1844 | 1920 | HU | 2 |
Ilona Benkő | 1879 | HU | 1 | |
Antal Berkes | 1874 | 1938 | HU | 13 |
Sándor Bihari | 1856 | 1906 | HU | 7 |
Erik Bogdánffy-Pauly | 1869 | 1918 | DE | 1 |
Frigyes Borszéky | 1880 | 1955 | HU | 1 |
Istvan Bosznay | 1868 | 1944 | HU | 3 |
Sztina Braunecker | HU | 4 | ||
Hermina Bruck | 1865 | 1944 | HU | 2 |
Lajos Bruck | 1846 | 1910 | HU | 2 |
Miksa Bruck | 1863 | 1920 | HU | 4 |
Ferenc Brutsay | 1 | |||
Lajos Burger | 1869 | 1929 | HU | 1 |
Gyula Conrad | 1877 | 1959 | HU | 5 |
Arthur Coulin | 1869 | 1912 | HU | 2 |