
The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year

ID: 174, Status: completed
Exhibition period:
Jul‒Aug 8, 1908
Organizing Bodies:
Allied Artists' Association, Ltd.
s (Great Britain Pound (in Shilling))
Catalogue Entries: 3312
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 62, other medium: 259, unknown: 2991
Artists: 687
Gender: female: 267, male: 402
Nationalities: 23
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Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Jul 1909 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association: 2nd year London Royal Albert Hall 179 artists
Jul‒Aug 7, 1911 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. Fourth Year London Royal Albert Hall 118 artists
winter/1909 Forty-Second Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 53 artists
Winter 1910 Forty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Pictures by the New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 55 artists
Oct‒Dec 1913 The Goupil Gallery Salon London Goupil Gallery 52 artists
summer/1910 Forty-Third Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 45 artists
May 22, 1909 Forty-First Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 42 artists
summer/1913 Forty-ninth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 40 artists
Jun‒Jul 1914 Fifty-first Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 38 artists
Winter 1911 Forty-Sixth Exhibition of Modern Pictures by the New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 38 artists
Summer 1911 Forty-fifth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 34 artists
Summer 1912 Forty-seventh Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 31 artists
May 8‒Jun 20, 1914 Twentieth Century Art. A Review of Modern Movements London Whitechapel Art Gallery 32 artists
spring/1908 Fortieth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 29 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1912 X. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 41 artists
Winter 1914 Fifty-second Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 28 artists
spring/1915 Fifty-Third Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 28 artists
May‒Jun 1907 Thirty-eighth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 26 artists
autumn/1907 Thirty-Ninth Exhibition of Modern Pictures by the New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 25 artists
winter/1913 Fiftieth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 27 artists
Nov‒Dec 1906 Thirty-Seventh Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 25 artists
Dec 1915 Fifty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 25 artists
Jun‒Jul 1906 Thirty-Sixth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 21 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 31 artists
winter/1912 Forty-eighth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 20 artists
Apr‒May 1905 Thirty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club Liverpool Royal Institution 19 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1910 IX. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 28 artists
Oct‒Nov 1905 Thirty-fifth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Alpine Club 16 artists
Nov 2, 1905‒Jan 1, 1906 Tenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 19 artists
Apr 24‒Jun 30, 1913 Seventeenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 20 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1909 VIII. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 21 artists
Apr 25‒Jun 30, 1912 Sixteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 17 artists
Apr 13‒Jul 1912 Stedelijke Internationale Tentoonstelling Van Kunstwerken Van Levende Meesters Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 26 artists
Oct 18‒Nov 25, 1905 Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 20 artists
Oct 12, 1913‒Jan 16, 1914 Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition London Doré Gallery 13 artists
Apr 30‒Jun 30, 1914 Eighteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 16 artists
Dec 16, 1913‒Jan 14, 1914 Exhibition of the Camden Town Group and Others Brighton Public Art Galleries 12 artists
Oct 6‒Nov 15, 1906 Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 17 artists
1913 Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Gand en 1913: Groupe II. Beaux-Arts: Œuvres modernes. Ghent Exposition universelle de Gand 21 artists
1907 Union Internationale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres. Deuxième Congrès. Le musée du Peuple Angers Angers, Centre d'Art 12 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 15 artists
Dec 1911 The Second Exhibition of the Camden Town Group London Carfax Gallery 9 artists
Mar‒Apr 1914 The First Exhibition of Works by Members of The London Group London Goupil Gallery 9 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1905 VI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 13 artists
Apr 27‒Jun 30, 1911 Fifteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 11 artists
Dec 1912 The Third Exhibition of the Camden Town Group London Carfax Gallery 8 artists
Jun 1911 The First Exhibition of the Camden Town Group London Carfax Gallery 8 artists
Mar 1915 The Second Exhibition of Works by Members of the London Group London Goupil Gallery 8 artists
May 2‒Jun 30, 1910 Fourteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 9 artists
1912 Sommaire des Peintures et Sculptures de l'École Contemporaine exposées dans les Galeries du Musée National du Luxembourg Paris Musée National du Luxembourg 11 artists
Sep 7, 1907 Stedelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters [Urban Exhibition of Works of Art of Living Masters] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 10 artists
Mar 24‒Apr 16, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago 8 artists
Feb 17‒Mar 15, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] New York Armory of the 69th Infantry 9 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 8, 1908 Salon d'Automne. 6e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 8 artists
May 9‒Nov 2, 1914 Exposition Générale des Beaux-Arts / Salon Triennale Brussels Palais du Cinquantenaire 10 artists
Feb 1909 The New Association of Artists. Second Exhibition London Goupil Gallery 6 artists
Feb 21‒Mar 23, 1905 La Libre Esthétique. La douzième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 6 artists
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 14 artists
Feb 1908 The New Association of Artists. First Exhibition London Goupil Gallery 5 artists
May 29‒30, 1906 Vente Aux Enchères Publiques Des Tableaux, Études, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins, Eaux-Fortes, Gravures, Sculpture, Objets D'Art Paris Hôtel Drouot 5 artists
Oct 3, 1912 Exhibition of Pictures by S. J. Peploe, J. D. Fergusson, Joseph Simpson, Anne E. Rice, Jessie Dismorr, Georges Banks, Ethel Wright, C. King, L. Atkinson, Fred. F. Foottet London Stafford Gallery 4 artists
Nov‒Dec 1915 Third Exhibition of Works by Members of the London Group London Goupil Gallery 4 artists
Jul 15‒Aug 28, 1905 Gemeentelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters. [Municipal Exhibition of Works of Art of Living Masters.] Arnhem Musis Sacrum 5 artists
Spring 1905 Tavaszi nemzetközi kiállítás [International Spring Exhibition 1905] Budapest Műcsarnok 5 artists
Apr 28‒May 19, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Boston Copley Hall 4 artists
May 1‒Oct 20, 1907 Internationale Kunstausstellung Mannheim Mannheim Kunsthalle Mannheim 5 artists
Nov‒Dec 1911 Exposition Internationale de l'Art Chrétien Moderne / Organisée par la Société de Saint-Jean Paris Palais du Louvre - Pavillon de Marsan 4 artists
Oct‒Nov 1909 Tentoonstelling van Teekeningen en Beeldhouwwerken [Exhibition of Drawings and Sculptures Manufactured by Members of the Society] Amsterdam Amsterdam (exact location unknown) 4 artists
Nov‒Dec 1910 XXXVII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 4 artists
Feb‒Jun 1914 Seconda Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte "della Secessione". Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 4 artists
May 3‒Jun 15, 1908 18e Jaarlijksche Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Leden der Vereeniging Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 4 artists
Apr‒May 1907 Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken Vervaardigd door Leden der Maatschappij [Exhibition of Art Works Manifactured by Members of the Society] Amsterdam Amsterdam (exact location unknown) 4 artists
May 14‒Jul 1, 1905 15e Jaarlijksche Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken [15th Yearly Exhibition of Works of Art] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 4 artists
Nov‒Dec 1907 The Society of 25 Painters. Third London Exhibition London Goupil Gallery 3 artists
Oct‒Nov 1908 The Society of 25 Painters. Fourth London Exhibition London Goupil Gallery 3 artists
Jan 22‒Feb 15, 1913 10e Exposition des Peintres du Paris Moderne Paris Galerie La Boëtie 3 artists
Oct 5‒Dec 31, 1912 Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition. British, French and Russian Artists London Grafton Galleries 3 artists
Mar 1‒Apr 5, 1908 La Libre Esthétique, Salon Jubilaire Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
1908‒1909 Салон 1909 [Salon 1909 : Salon 1909] Saint Petersburg [In the rooms of the museum and "Menshikov's apartments"] 3 artists
Feb 9‒Mar 24, 1909 Akvarellek, pasztellek és grafikai művek nemzetközi kiállitása [International Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels and Graphics] Budapest Műcsarnok 4 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 1, 1908 Ausstellung Belgischer Kunst Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 3 artists
Apr‒May 1913 73. výroční výstava Krasoumné jednoty pro Čechy [73. Annual Exhibition of the Art Union for Bohemia] Prague Rudolfinum 3 artists
Apr 1‒May 15, 1907 Zeventiende Jaarlijksche Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken vaan Leden der Vereeniging [Seventeenth Yearly Exhibition of Art Works of Members of the Association] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 3 artists
Jul 10‒Aug 22, 1909 Gemeentelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters [Municipal Exhibition of Works of Art of Living Masters] Arnhem Musis Sacrum 3 artists
Apr‒May 1909 Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken Amsterdam Amsterdam (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Mar‒Jun 1913 Prima Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 3 artists
Nov 1908‒1909 Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] Budapest Műcsarnok 3 artists
Jan 1913 Paintings by Spencer F. Gore and Harold Gilman London Carfax Gallery 2 artists
Jun 1912 Paintings by Ethel Sands and A. H. Hudson London Carfax Gallery 2 artists
May 1913 Paintings by Lucien Pissarro London Carfax Gallery 2 artists
May 1‒15, 1912 Exposition de Quelques Indépendants Anglais Paris Galerie H. Barbazanges 2 artists
Jun 20‒Jul 9, 1910 Les Artistes Russes, Décors et Costumes de théâtre et Tableaux Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
Mar‒Apr 1912 XL. výstava. S. V. U. Manes. Mir iskusstva. Sdružení ruských umělců v Petrohradě [XL. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Arts Manes. Mir Iskusstva. Association of Russian Artists in Saint Petersburg] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 2 artists
Nov 7, 1908‒Jan 6, 1909 XXXI. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. Moderne Russische Kunst Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
Nov 22‒23, 1910 Collection de M. Albert Bernier Paris Hôtel Drouot 2 artists
Oct‒Nov 1907 Třiadvacátá výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze 1907. Francouzští impressionisté [Twenty-third Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague 1907. French Impressionists] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 2 artists
Mar 7‒Apr 12, 1909 La Libre Esthétique. Seizième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Jan 1911 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Apr 26‒Jul 1915 Exhibition of Work by Modern Belgian Artists Brighton Public Art Galleries 2 artists
1909‒1910 VII Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [VII Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VII Exhibition of Paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] Moscow [Literaturno-Khudozhestvenny'j Kruzhok : Literature and art salon] 2 artists
Dec 19‒30, 1910 La Faune Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
1907 Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : Exhibition of Painting "Union of Russian Artists"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 2 artists
1911 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Jan‒Feb 1912 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 2 artists
May 16‒Jun 7, 1914 Exposition d'Œuvres de Sculpture et de Peinture du Salon des Artistes Indépendants de Paris Brussels Galerie Georges Giroux 2 artists
Jul 1‒Sep 2, 1912 Keuze=Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van levende Hollandsche Meesters Nijmegen Nijverheid- en Sporttentoonstelling 2 artists
Nov 15, 1906 Russische Kunstausstellung 1906 Berlin Eduard Schulte, Kunsthandlung 2 artists
15/05/1908 - end/10/1908 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 2 artists
Jun 1906 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 2 artists
Oct‒Nov 1910 Ausstellung französischer Kunst des 18., 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts Leipzig Museum der bildenden Künste 2 artists
Feb 8‒Mar 9, 1908 Exposition inaugurale de la Salle des Fêtes de la Ville, sous les auspices de l'Administration Communale. [Inhuldigingstentoonstelling der Stadsfeestzaal, met de ondersteuning van het Gemeentebestuur.] Antwerp [Salle des Fêtes de la Ville Anvers] 2 artists
May 3‒Jun 9, 1914 Vereeniging "Sint Lucas". Drie en Twintigste [23.] Jaarliksche Tentoonstelling Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artists
Feb 17‒Apr 15, 1906 Internationale Kunstausstellung Bremen Bremen Kunsthalle Bremen 2 artists
Jul 1‒Nov 1906 Mostra Nazionale di Belle Arti Milan Esposizione internazionale di Milano (1906) 3 artists
24/04/1910 - beg/06/1910 20ste Jaarlijksche Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken der Vereeniging St. Lucas Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artists
Feb‒Jun 1908 LXXVIII. Esposizione internazionale di Belle Arti della Società Amatori e Cultori di Belle Arti in Roma Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 2 artists
Organizing Committee
"Hanging Committee, 1908 (in order of election).
Chairman: Adrian Jones, M.V.O.
Frank Brangwyn; Dudley Hardy; Walter Sickert; Walter Crane; James Pryde; Gerald Moira; Harold Speed; Max Bohm; Albert Rothenstein; Ambrose McEvoy; Lucien Pissarro; F. Cayley-Robinson; Alexander Jamieson; Algernon Talmage; A. E. John; Francis Bate; Gerard Chowne; Theodore Roussel; Robert Fowler; Walter Bayes; Nico Jungman; Jas. H. Swan; Wynford Dewhurst; A. Carruthers Gould; P.G. Konody; P.A. Laszlo; J.L. Pickering; Emil Fuchs, M.Y.O; F. L. Emanuel; Paul Henry; S. F. Gore; David Neave; H. F. W. Ganz; W. J. Laidlay; F. H. S. Shepherd; Lionel T. Crawshaw; P. Tennyson Cole; Alfred Priest; Joseph Simpson; G. Leon Little; Nelson Dawson; John Tweed; Henry Holiday; H. Hampton; Harold Stabler.

A. Koopman; W. Alison Martin; W. Westley Manning; D. Wells; Hanslip Fletcher; Alfred Praga; N. Aronson; T. Fredk. Catchpole; John Crealock; J. Epstein.

Committee of Management.
Chairman: W. E. H. Humphrys;
E. C. Gray; J. de Helewinckl

Frank Rutter
Registered Offices: 07-07 Chancery Lane; W; London
The London Salon of the Allied Artists’ Association, Ltd. 1908. 1st year. 1908.
Nr. of pages: 180 [PDF page Number: 196].
Holding Institution: online: archive.org

The first exhibition of a new art society, especially of a society with aims different to, and larger than, those of kindred existing institutions, may call for a new explanatory word to avoid misunderstandings. The Allied Artist' Association was formed early this year with the primary object of permitting artists to submit their work freely to the judgment of the public. Mr. Arthur Ransome, in the course of an article on the Association in the 'Fortnightly Review'. has pointen out that "in the ordinary exhibitions, like the Academy, there is a jury whosefavourable opinion must be obtained by the artist before he is allowed to make his bow. The jury is invariably chosen not from neophytes, but from men of some reputation and standing in their art; that is to say, in most cases, from men of an earlier generation than that of the youngest artist who may wish to exhibit. It is at least to be hoped that these young men have other ideals than those of their fathers. . . . . But if the artist choose to dress in clothes a little out of fashion, if he chosse to experiment in a technique a little removed from the one that served for his father, he runs a risk of being howled down before he has had a hearing. Work that is inherently bad may be refused by a jury (it often is not), but work that is inherently new runs a similar risk. It is a question whether it is not worth while to admit the bad in order to have also a chance of examining the new."
For a quarter of a century this question has been answered in the affirmative by the société des Artistes Indépendants, of Paris. This exhibition puts the question for the first time to the English public. The Association accords the same treatment to all artists, irrespective of thei positions and reputations. No artist who has made his application to exhibit before the first day of June has been refuses. Each exhibitos has the right to exhibit works, not exceeding five in number, without submitting them to any selecting jury. The members have elected forty of themselves to act as a hanging committee, and to obviate any possible chance of favouritism or the reverse, that committee decided that lots should be drawn for the order in which the works should be hung or placed, and that the members of the hanging committee should also ballot for the sections it was their duty to hang. All exhibitors accordingly have been given equal opportunites, and the question of their works is the result of fortune, and not that of personal preference or influence.

Following the precedent of the Salon d' Automne, of Paris, the committee of management hopes to make each year a special display of the art of some foreign country, and this year a commencement is made with a representative collection of the modern national art of Russia. This special section has been entirely organised by Princess Marie Tenicheff, who has done so much to encourage and develop the distinctive arts and craft of her country.

When it is remembered that the Association now numbers over eight hundred members, that nearly four thousand works are contained in its first exhibition; when it is remembered that the Association has been only six months in existence, and that the Herculanean task of receiving and hangig has had to be accomplished within the space of ten days, lenience may fairly be asked from visitors to the inaugural exhibition. It may be they will find some errors in the catalogue, it may be that works will not always be found exactly in the positions expected; but these errors and changes will be found in the great majority of cases to be due less to negligence on the part of the executive than to the fact that exhibitors have at the eleventh hour substituted other works in the stead of those they declared for the catalogue, or in other respects have failed to comply with the rules governing the exhibition.

In the case of any difficulty in finding or identifiying works, visitors are requested to communicate with the Secretary. Their troubles are his troubles - his troubles, alas! are his own.
F. R."
Catalogue Structure
"Hanging Committee" / "Committee of Managment" / "Secretary": p. vi
"Rules Relating to the Sale of Work.", p. 3
"Contents", p. 4
"Foreword", p. 5-6
"Note to Exhibitors", p. 7

"Main Gallery", cat. no. 1-1646, p. 9-77
"Amphitheatre: Grand Tier Boxes (Paintings and Decortative Works).", p. cat. no. 1647- 1847h, 79-88
"Orchestra.": p. 89-122
– "Water Colours and Black and White", cat. no. 1848-2652H, p. 89-122
– "Architecture", cat. no. 2653-2668, p. 122
"Arena.", p. 123-141
–"Etchings and Engravings)", cat. no. 2669- 2742c, p. 123-127
– "Miniature and Water Colours", cat. no. 2743-2749, p. 127
– "Decorative designs and Oil Paintings", cat. no. 2750- 2792, p. 128-130
–"Applied Art", cat. no. 2793- 2837, p. 130-133
–"Sculpture", cat. no. 2838-2926c, p. 134-138
–"Addenda to Paintings, Water Colours, Etc.", cat. no. 2927-2975, p. 138-141
"South Galleries, I. & II.", cat. no. 2976-3050, p. 142-144
"In Arena.", p. 145
– "Etchings", cat. no. 3051-3055, p. 145
– "Architecture", cat. no. 3056-3061, p. 145
– "And other works too late for the Catalogue.", p. 145
– "South Galleries III. and IV.; A Note on Modern Russian Art ", p. 147
– "Exposition Tenicheff. (Russian Arts and Crafts.)", cat. no. 1-175, p. 148-153

"List of Exhibitors, 1908.", p. 155-180
Additional Information
Catalogue Structure altered
Other Mediums listed
Participant Addresses listed
Member Addresses listed

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Places of Activity of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
John Shenton Eland 1872 1933 GB 5
W. Gunn Gwennet 5
Guy Wilthew 1876 1920 GB 1
Susanne Robertson 1855 1922 NL 5
Elizabeth Barnard GB 3
Emmet Brady 1846 1933 GB 2
Frank Lewis Emanuel 1865 1948 GB 5
Cyril Roberts 1871 1949 GB 3
Harry Clayton Adams 1876 1956 GB 5
Nina Witherow 4
Lilian Edmonds GB 3
Arthur Croft Mitchell 1872 1956 GB 5
Mary Groves GB 5
Paula Gellibrand 1
Maurice Wagemans 1877 1927 BE 4
Leon Kamir 1872 1933 PL 5
Dorothy Drabble 5
Mabel Parmenter 2
William Samuel Parkyn 1875 1949 GB 5
Charles Alban Wallis 1873 1945 GB 5
Fredda MacDonald GB 4
Horace C. Taylor 1881 1934 GB 6
Henry F. W. Ganz 1864 1947 GB 3
Daniel Albert Veresmith 1861 1932 US 5
Susan Maria Hands Webb 5
Elizabeth Frances Boyd 1867 1946 GB 5
John Russell Greig 1870 1962 GB 5
Samuel John Peploe 1871 1935 GB 3
Caron O. Lodge 1883 1910 GB 3
Edmund William Greacen 1877 1949 US 5
Vladislaw Granzow 1887 1949 PL 5
Thomas Gray 2
William Alison Martin 1878 1936 GB 5
Alex. J. Mavrogordato 1860 1947 4
Cecil J. Webb GB 5
Mary Gwendolen Salmond 1877 1958 GB 5
Arthur George Bell 1848 1916 GB 5
Ruth Latter 1869 1949 GB 4
Thomas E. Francis 1873 1961 GB 2
William Crampton Gore 1877 1946 IE 5
Alec Carruthers Gould 1870 1948 GB 5
Mark Fisher 1841 1923 GB 3
John Mansfield Crealock 1871 1959 GB 4
Paul Michel Dupuis 1869 1949 5
Spencer Gore 1878 1914 GB 5
Robert Gwelo Goodman 1871 1939 ZA 4
Eleanor Harrison Profeit 5
M. Cooper-Brown 4
Thomas William Marshall 1875 1914 GB 5
F. Neville Jennings 5
Maurice de Groot 5
Monica Mullins 3
Ronald James Murray 5
Clifford Isaac Addams 1876 1942 US 5
Frederick Marriott 1860 1941 GB 3
R. Borlase Smart 1881 1947 GB 3
Margaret Forbes-Robertson 1850 GB 5
Phelan Gibb 1870 1948 GB 3
A. Payne Garnett 1876 1909 GB 4
Archibald Stevenson Forrest 1869 1963 GB 3
José Salís Camino 1863 1926 ES 2
Oswald Hornby Joseph Birley 1880 1952 GB 3
Thomas Hodgson Liddell 1860 1925 GB 2
Emmie Stewart Wood 1937 GB 5
Emilie Tinkler 1875 1937 5
Willem Elisa Roelofs 1874 1940 NL 5
Jessie Holliday 1884 1915 GB 3
John Lavery 1856 1941 IE 1
Francis Q. Thomason 1876 1924 US 5
Edouard Chappel 1859 1946 BE 5
Harold Goldthwait 1869 1932 GB 5
John Peter Russell 1858 1930 GB 5
Henry Samuel Merritt 1884 1963 GB 4
Florence Metcalfe GB 4
Thomas Todd Blaylock 1876 1929 GB 3
Olive Hockin 1880 1936 2
William Hoggatt 1880 1961 GB 5
Ludovico Rodolphe Pissarro 1878 1952 FR 5
Albert Roelofs 1877 1920 NL 5
Louise Jopling 1843 1933 GB 3
Edmund Hodgson Smart 1873 1942 GB 5
Denys George Wells 1881 1973 GB 5
George Manzana-Pissarro 1871 1961 FR 5
William A. Stewart 1882 1953 GB 5
Percy F. S. Spence 1868 1933 AU 4
Agatha Catherine Hall Shore 1878 1950 2
Richard Jack 1866 1952 GB 4
Florence Pash 1862 1951 GB 3
Harold Speed 1872 1957 GB 5
Charles Somerville 1870 1939 GB 5
Alexander Stuart Boyd 1854 1930 GB 5
Laurence Carrington Grubbe 1855 1912 GB 5
Marion Saumarez 1885 1978 GB 3
Westley Manning 1868 1954 GB 5
William E. Gladstone Solomon 1880 1965 GB 5
Newton Braby 1858 GB 5
Maud L. Guyer 4
Lionel Walden 1861 1933 US 2
Konrad Krzyżanowski 1872 1922 PL 4
Fannie Moody 1861 1948 GB 3
Maud Schloesser 1895 1914 GB 5
Ernest Lloyd Jones 1873 5
Zabelle Catherine Boyajian 1873 1957 AM 5
Lionel Townsend Crawshaw 1864 1948 GB 5
Henry Thomas Schaefer 1854 1915 GB 5
Frank Proschwitzky Freyburg 1862 1940 GB 1
Harry Thomas Rymer St. John Joyner 5
Parke Curtis Dougherty 1867 US 3
Reginald George Jennings 1872 1930 5
Kate Sargint 2
Léon Dabo 1868 1960 US 5
Neko. V. Norman 5
John B. Noel 4
Elizabeth M. Brebner 5
Vereker Monteith Hamilton 1856 1931 GB 5
Helena Darmesteter 1854 1923 FR 5
Robert Fowler 1853 1926 GB 3
Anna Airy 1882 1964 GB 3
Omar Khayyam 2
Guy Bevan Alexander 1882 1942 GB 4
I. Eva Johnston 5
Arthur White 1865 1953 GB 3
Margaret E. Wheeler 1875 GB 4
Edward Charles Loveland Cock GB 5
Paul Greville Hudson 1876 1960 GB 5
Thomas Charles Larbalestier 1861 1930 GB 4
Norma Labouchere 1871 1940 GB 4
John Chapman Wallis 5
Alfred J. Hulme GB 5
Henry Eugene Compton GB 5
Josephine H. J. White 1823 GB 5
Grace Marion Collcutt 1875 1954 GB 5
Hans Schleger 1898 1976 GB 4
Sylvia Frances Milman 1878 1957 GB 5
Frederick Howard Michael 1865 1936 GB 3
Henry Mowbray Howard 1873 1953 US 2
Thomas Martine Ronaldson 1881 1942 GB 5
Edith Amy Hope 1870 1942 AU 2
Harriet Halhed 1850 1933 GB 5
Maurice Halay 1864 1934 FR 5
Josephine Preston 5
Violet Newton 3
George Charles Francis 1860 1940 GB 3
Amy J. Drucker 1873 1951 GB 3
Thomas W. Holgate 1869 1953 GB 2
Hope Joseph 1878 1953 GB 5
Frederick James Hackman 1873 1965 5
George James Coates 1869 1930 AU 5
Effie W. Smith 3
Albert Daniel Rutherston 1881 1953 GB 5
George William Russell 1867 1935 IE 5
Walter James 5
Middleton Jameson 1851 1919 GB 9
Effie A. Jardine 1913 5
John Percy Cooke 1870 GB 2
Alexander Jamieson 1873 1937 GB 4
Kenneth J. M. Teesdale 1883 GB 5
Algernon Talmage 1871 1939 GB 1
Charles Smith GB 1
Susan J. Bentley 2
George Cameron Douglas 1856 1915 GB 5
Maud Hogarth Clay 1880 1930 GB 4
Mabel S. Luck 3
Gabriel Thompson 1861 1935 GB 5
William, II Luker 1867 1947 GB 5
Mary McCrossan 1854 1934 GB 5
Alphaeus Philemon Cole 1876 1988 US 4
Katharine Townsend Newton 5
Théodore Roussel 1847 1926 GB 5
George Thomson 1860 1939 GB 3
Herbert F. Royle 1870 1958 GB 5
Emily Beatrice Bland 1864 1951 GB 3
Charlotte Mary Thompson 5
Helena Gleichen 1873 1947 GB 5
Evelyn McClellan 2
Joseph Longhurst 1874 1922 GB 5
William Alister MacDonald 1861 1948 GB 2
J. Alfonso Toft 1871 1964 GB 5
Byron Cooper 1850 1933 GB 5
William Joseph Warren 1853 1931 GB 5
Percy Morton Teasdale 1870 1961 GB 3
Charles Lambert Colijn Thomson 1873 1926 GB 5
Marcel Philippe Roll 1881 FR 4
Philip Connard 1875 1958 GB 5
Philip Wilson Steer 1860 1942 GB 3
Antonio Mancini 1852 1930 IT 4
Helen G. Tabor 5
Somerled Macdonald 1868 1948 GB 3
René Olivier 1874 1962 FR 5
Vere Donnithorne 3
M. Maimon 1
Marian Dawson 4
Edith Grace Wheatley 1888 1970 GB 5
Arthur Ellis 1856 1918 GB 5
Alfred Aaron Wolmark 1877 1961 GB 5
Jane Inglis 1859 1916 GB 2
Reginald Edward Higgins 1877 1933 GB 4
George Leon Little 1862 1941 GB 2
Guy Lipscombe 1881 1952 GB 5
Alfred, II Priest 1874 1929 GB 7
Mary Creighton 4
Thomas Barrett 1845 1924 GB 5
Arthur Watson Hyde-Pinion 1878 1961 GB 5
Dalziel McKay 1865 1947 GB 5
Winnie MacEwan 5
Albert Henry Fullwood 1863 1930 AU 2
Julius Robinson 4
Marmaduke C. William Flower 1849 1910 IE 5
James Thomas Watts 1853 1930 GB 5
Cuthbert William Lewes Dashwood 1874 1960 GB 5
Arthur Warton Henley 1908 5
Carline Isabel Robertine Heriot 1869 1962 GB 5
Edith Maud Ellis 3
Edith E. Harmar 5
Walter Bayes 1869 1956 GB 5
Ethel Quixano Henriques 1868 1936 GB 5
E. Grace Mitchell Henry 1868 1953 GB 5
Edward Louis Lawrenson 1868 1940 GB 2
Harry W. Robinson 1934 3
William James Laidlay 1846 1912 GB 4
Gertrude Leese 1870 1963 GB 4
Alfred Thomas Porter 1854 1937 3
Sigmund Schloss 2
Lota Bowen 1872 1935 GB 5
Elizabeth Magill 5
Thomas Frederick Mason Sheard 1866 1921 GB 4
Walter Richard Sickert 1860 1942 GB 5
Roderic O'Conor 1860 1940 IE 5
Frederick Hall 1860 1948 GB 1
Amy E. Krauss GB 5
Kate Shepherd 5
John Prendergast 1815 US 5
Grace Joel 1865 1924 NZ 5
Sydney Lee 1866 1949 GB 1
Francis Petrus Paulus 1862 1933 US 5
James H. Donaldson 1853 1922 GB 5
Thomas Alexander Harrison 1853 1930 US 5
Anna Simmons 1
Andrée Karpeles 1885 1956 FR 5
Betty Maud Christian Fagan 1875 1932 GB 5
Geoffrey Buckingham Pocock 1879 1960 GB 5
Elliot Seabrooke 1886 1950 GB 5
Frederick Francis Foottet 1850 1935 GB 2
Leslie Robert Poole-Smith 5
George Pontin 1872 1949 GB 5
Elise Thompson 5
A. Wilkie Kilgour 1868 1930 GB 2
Ethel Fanny Everett 1877 1951 GB 5
Augustus Koopman 1869 1914 US 5
Robert Fellowes Chisholm 1840 1915 GB 4
Marie Elizabeth Brockbank 1882 1949 GB 5
Fernande Olivier 1881 1966 FR 5
David Neave 1876 GB 3
Charles Greville Morris 1861 1922 GB 5
F. H. S. Shepherd 1877 1948 GB 5
Joseph Alfred Terry 1872 1949 GB 5
Gennaro Favai 1879 1958 IT 5
Marian Frances Horn 2
Muriel Isabella Baker 6
Edith Alexander 3
Miriam Isabel Davis 1856 1927 GB 5
Catherine R. Walton GB 5
Elsie Chapman 5
Renée Finch 1876 1954 GB 6
Anne Marks GB 6
Hilda Fearon 1878 1917 GB 4
Hubert Lindsay Wellington 1879 1967 GB 4
Richard J. Askew 3
Janet Fisher 1867 1926 GB 3
James Eadie Reid 1856 1928 GB 3
Alfred Joseph Pazolt 1872 1956 US 2
Alan W. B. Hamilton 1
John Duncan Fergusson 1874 1961 GB 5
Mary Peachey 5
Henry Briscoe-Ironside GB 1
Alfred Palmer 1877 1951 GB 5
James Filby GB 5
W. B. C. Burnet GB 5
F. Denner Smith 5
Bethea Emma Louisa Shore 5
Richard Goldie Crawford 1871 1941 GB 2
Douglas J. Constable 5
Constance F. D'Oyly GB 5
André Chapuy 1879 1941 FR 5
Ada Matilda Shrimpton 1858 1925 GB 4
Louis Augustus Sargent 1881 1965 GB 5
Florence A. Saltmer 1842 GB 4
Percival William Burgess GB 2
Alfred Hayward 1875 1971 GB 5
Eric George 1881 1961 GB 5
Amy Hanbury Frere 1878 1961 GB 5
Victor Olivier Gilsoul 1867 1939 BE 5
Frederick James Porter 1883 1944 NZ 5
James Wilson Morrice 1865 1924 CA 4
Francis C. Benwell 3
William Kay Blacklock 1872 1922 GB 5
Emily J. Harrington GB 5
Theodore Earl Butler 1860 1936 US 3
Annie Cape Colthurst 1850 1930 IE 5
Ida Lees 1928 GB 5
James Pryde 1866 1941 GB 1
Ada C. Puzey 2
Alfred Hazledine 1876 1957 BE 5
Cecil Wilson 1860 GB 4
Charles Dunlop Tracy 1870 1948 GB 5
Ethel Willoughby 4
Claude Francis Barry 1883 1970 GB 3
Carlos Lescano 1870 1929 ES 1
Emil Fuchs 1866 1929 AT 1
I. I. Alsop 5
Joseph Lépine Aug 23, 1867 Jul 23, 1943 FR 5
Ivan Lindhe 1875 1965 SE 6
Percy Curall Pace 1871 1945 GB 4
Anna M. Richardson 5
Anna Gardiner GB 5
Mary Evelina Kindon 1849 1919 GB 5
John Chase 2
Felix Stone Moscheles 1833 1917 GB 5
Edith Cheesman 1877 1964 GB 4
Ann St. John Partridge 1861 1936 GB 4
Edward Francis Wells 1876 1952 GB 5
Bernard Wallis 1
Harold Septimus Power 1878 1951 AU 5
Ephraim Strellet GB 3
James Swan 1864 1940 GB 5
James Lynn Pitt 1875 1922 GB 2
Joseph Simpson 1879 1939 GB 3
Carlos Schwabe Jul 21, 1866 Jan 22, 1926 CH 5
Dora Erichsen 1943 DK 2
William Mainwaring Palin 1862 1947 GB 1
Charles H. H. Burleigh 1875 1956 GB 5
Alfred John Billinghurst 1880 1963 GB 5
Claude Marks 1869 1945 GB 5
Helen E. Brooke 5
Charles Henry Collins Baker 1880 1959 GB 4
Clare Atwood 1866 1962 GB 5
Martin Gwilt Jolley 1859 1916 GB 5
George Davidson 5
Gerald Festus Kelly 1879 1972 GB 5
Dora Boughton-Leigh GB 5
Ethel Maud Raeburn 1867 1953 GB 4
Louis Ginnett 1875 1946 GB 4
Yolande G. Sandilands 2
Isabel Berkeley 5
Emily Maude Waraker 5
Edward Renard 1854 1915 GB 4
T. Frederick Catchpole 1867 Nov 13, 1946 GB 5
Georges Marie Julien Girardot 1856 1914 FR 4
Glyn Warren Philpot 1884 1937 GB 5
Joseph Langsdale Pickering 1845 1912 GB 1
Lucien Pissarro 1863 1944 FR 5
James M. C. Gibbon 1865 GB 4
Philip Tennyson Cole 1862 1939 GB 4
Isabel Smaile Wightman 5
James Amory Sullivan 1875 US 1
Frank W. Carter 1870 1933 5
James Henderson 1871 1951 GB 5
Harold Gilman 1876 1919 GB 5
Robert Polhill Bevan 1865 1925 GB 5
Albert Pinot 1875 1962 BE 5
Giuseppe Giusti 1872 IT 4
Edith D. Haynes GB 5
Frances C. Fairman 1836 1923 GB 4
Wynford Dewhurst 1864 1941 GB 5
Margaret Moscheles 1871 1924 GB 5
Edward Frederick Ertz 1862 1954 US 1
Clive Bell 1881 1964 GB 1
Hannah Myers 5
Agnes Goodsir 1864 1939 AU 5
William Carter 1863 1939 GB 2
Charles Frederick Goldie 1870 1947 NZ 5
Beatrice Ley 5
Christopher William Strange GB 3
Mary Elizabeth Atkins GB 4
William Shackleton 1872 1933 GB 4
Lily Defries GB 5
Georgina McKay 5
Alice Price King 3
Jacobus Cornelis Wyand Cossaar 1874 1966 NL 5
Edith H. Pinder 5
Walton Stanley Pierpoint 1876 1960 GB 1
Louis De Breze 3
Ellen Annie Scott 1855 1909 GB 4
P. Pilichowski 2
Paul Vera 1882 1957 FR 2
C. Maresco Pearce 1874 1964 GB 8
Bernard Sickert 1862 1932 DE 5
John Beresford GB 4
Philip Homan Miller 1845 1928 IE 5
Vivian Burton 4
Florence May Campbell 4
James Bell Anderson 1886 1938 GB 3
Herbert George GB 5
Elizabeth M. Chettle GB 3
William Kneen 1862 1921 GB 4
Samuel Reid 1854 1919 GB 5
Frederick Colin Tilney 1870 1951 GB 3
Ernest Pile Bucknall 1861 1935 GB 4
Harry Becker 1865 1928 GB 4
Fred Chambers 4
Lily Christie 1861 1948 SE 5
Rupert Bunny 1864 1947 AU 5
Charles Cutts Elmhirst 1872 1937 GB 3
Ernest George Beach 1865 1943 GB 1
Idonea La Primaudaye 5
Ulisse Caputo 1872 1948 IT 5
Clarence Montfort Gihon 1871 1929 US 3
Max Bohm 1868 1923 US 2
Gerard Chowne 1875 1917 GB 5
Nicolaes van der Waay 1855 1936 NL 4
Louis Abel-Truchet 1857 1918 FR 5
Hilda Trevelyan 1878 1958 GB 5
Stanisława Karłowska 1876 1952 GB 5
Ethel Carrick Fox 1872 1952 AU 2
Grace Canedy 1869 1965 US 5
George Robert Leftwich 1846 1929 GB 5
Rose - J. Leigh 1853 1920 BE 4
Monsha Bastian 4
William Wilfred Cave 1879 1962 GB 4
Caroline Armstrong GB 4
Jean Arnavielle 1881 1961 FR 5
Frank Brooks 1854 1937 GB 5
Louis Kronberg 1872 1965 US 1
Hubert Schröder 1867 1940 GB 5
Théodore Jacques Ralli 1852 1909 FR 5
Bertha Newcombe 1857 1947 GB 5
Horace van Ruith 1840 1923 RU 5
Charles J. Stockoe 3
F. W. S. Lemaistre 1859 1940 5
Richard Stone 5
Rose Aspinall Syers 1850 1932 GB 5
Ignacy Pieńkowski 1877 1948 PL 3
Anna Hope Hudson 1869 1957 US 5
James Wallace 1872 1911 GB 5
Mary Hector GB 3
Marion Gemmell 2
John Kelt Edwards 1875 1934 GB 4
Charles Daniel Ward 1872 1938 GB 5
Maud D. Hurst GB 5
Willem Christiaan Constant Bleckmann 1853 1942 NL 4
Mary Swanzy 1882 1978 GB 4
L. Block 5
Elise Gherloff Laidlaw 4
Edward Slocombe 1850 1915 GB 4
Esther Sutro 1840 1950 GB 1
Vera Randolph 2
Margaret Bassford GB 4
Agnes Gilmore GB 4
Elizabeth Helen Buchanan 2
Henry Strachey 1863 1940 GB 5
Ethel Sands 1873 1962 GB 5
Kate Ruskin Coughtrie 1870 1964 GB 5
Biddy MacDonald 1871 1952 GB 5
Walter Follen Bishop 1856 1936 GB 1
John Hodgson Lobley 1878 1954 GB 3
George E. Hendry 1916 GB 1
Roderick D. MacKenzie 1865 1941 US 4
Wilfred Walter 1882 1958 GB 2
Giraldo Eduardo Lobo De Moura 1867 1959 GB 5
Arthur Paine Garrat 1873 1955 GB 1
Byam Shaw 1872 1919 GB 5
Walter Crane 1845 1915 GB 3
Robert Little 1854 1944 GB 1
John Cameron 1830 1876 US 2
Caroline Emily Gray Hill 1843 1924 GB 5
Alfred William Strutt 1856 1924 GB 2
Theodosia Mary Wells 1861 1926 GB 4
Ethel Walker 1861 1951 GB 6
Winifred Chambers 9
Betia Schebsman 5
A. H. Hannay 5
Fernand-Marie-Eugéne Legout-Gérard 1856 1924 FR 3
Reginald Grenville Eves 1876 1941 GB 1
Hans Andreas Dahl Sep 1, 1881 Mar 27, 1919 NO 4
William Strutt 1825 1915 GB 2
George Edmund Butler 1872 1936 GB 4
James Leon Williams 1852 1932 US 4
Aby Altson 1866 1948 GB 5
Percy Francis Gethin 1874 1916 IE 2
William Banks Fortescue 1855 1924 GB 3
Alfred Henry Maurer 1868 1932 US 5
Charles Ginner 1878 1952 GB 5
Millicent Beveridge 1871 1955 GB 5
Eva Winans 5
Lewis Pinhorn Wood 1848 1918 GB 4
Alice Mary Wilway 5
Mrs. Phillip Champion de Crespigny 1859 1935 GB 5
William Todd-Brown 1875 1952 GB 5
Emily Mary Cutfield GB 4
William Craigmile 3
Miriam Deane 1855 GB 5
Patrick Lewis Forbes 1860 1939 GB 5
John Copley 1875 1950 GB 5
Robert Douglas Wells 1875 1963 GB 5
Sylvia Drew GB 5
Thea Proctor 1879 1966 AU 5
Leonard Marlborough Powell 1856 1939 GB 3
Murray Nora Robertson 2
Frederic Cayley Robinson 1862 1927 GB 5
Agnes Pringle 1853 1934 GB 5
Buddig Anwylini Pughe 1857 1939 GB 5
Thurston Laidlaw Shoosmith 1865 1933 GB 5
Henry Simpson 1853 1921 GB 4
Inglis Sheldon-Williams 1870 1940 GB 4
Hilda Goffey Atkinson 1869 1933 GB 5
Maud Gonne 1865 1953 IE 5
Frances Drummond GB 4
Alice B. Ellis 1876 1916 GB 5
Florence Payne Etheridge 1857 1935 GB 5
Nancy Fairbanks GB 5
William Giles 1872 1939 GB 4
Francis Browne Tighe 1865 1936 GB 1
William J. Perry 1830 GB 5
Annie E. Spong 1870 1957 GB 5
Max Sprinkmann 1876 1944 DE 4
Henrietta Corkran Mar 17, 1911 GB 5
Henry Sylvester Stannard 1870 1951 GB 2
Yvonne Ripa De Roveredo 1882 1976 FR 5
Essil R. Elmslie 1880 1952 GB 5
Ernest Sanders 5
Laurie Frere 1867 1939 GB 3
Rosamund Watson 5
Anna Mary Wickes GB 5
Ruth Hawke 4
Arthur Stanley Gair Wilkinson 1852 1957 GB 5
Sarah Hemphill-Vaughan 5
Madeline Marrable 1833 1916 GB 5
Ethel Kirkpatrick 1869 1966 GB 7
Alfred Bowyer The Rev., M. A. Sharpe 5
M. Constance Lloyd GB 5
C. Lillian Sheppard 5
Diana White 1868 1950 GB 19
W. Turner Lord 1846 1924 GB 3
Leslie A. Collins 5
Mary-Sophie Ludlow 1869 1951 GB 5
Herbert MacNair 1868 1955 GB 5
Elinor Proby Adams 1885 1945 GB 5
Frances Macdonald 1874 1921 GB 5
Alma Burlton Cull 1880 1931 GB 3
Mary Williams 5
Maud Burge 1865 1957 NZ 5
Garnet Ruskin Wolseley 1884 1967 GB 5
James Dickson Innes 1887 1914 GB 4
John R. Fothergill 1876 1957 GB 4
Lawson Wood 1878 1957 GB 5
Antoine Auguste Ernest Hébert 1817 1908 FR 6
Jas B. Coughtrie 1836 1919 GB 5
Maud Henderson 5
Henry Lamb 1883 1960 GB 5
Edith Hemming 1849 1931 CA 2
Grace H. Hastie 1839 1926 GB 2
Frederica Amelia Hartshorne 1934 GB 5
Frances Emily Brown GB 5
Lily Allport 1860 1949 AU 3
Edith Margaret Harms 1868 1943 GB 3
George Owen Wynne Apperley 1884 1960 GB 5
Joseph William Hammick 3
Elizabeth Jane Barrett 5
Emily Mary Bibbens Warren 1869 1956 GB 5
Gwendolen Gibbon GB 4
Lena M. Chamier GB 4
Winifred George GB 5
Jessie Margaret Walker 5
Gerald Goddard Jackson 1878 1941 GB 5
Jeannette E. James 3
Jessie Louise George GB 5
Mary McEvoy 1870 1941 GB 4
Ethel Caroline Hughes Galer 4
James Towers 1853 GB 3
William Biscombe Gardner 1847 1919 GB 5
Agnes M. Cohen 1864 1940 GB 5
Frances Garnett GB 1
William Wiehe Collins 1862 1951 GB 8
Oswald Garside 1879 1942 GB 5
George H. Chalmers 5
Kate Tipping GB 5
Ina Sheldon-Williams 1876 1956 GB 3
Hanslip Fletcher 1874 1955 GB 5
Nico Wilhelm Jungmann 1872 1935 NL 6
G. Lady Watson 5
Alessandro Zezzos 1848 1914 IT 2
Ada Watson GB 5
Averil Mary Burleigh 1883 1949 GB 5
Clarence Arthur Bird GB 6
Ambrose McEvoy 1878 1927 GB 3
Henry Boddington 5
Amy Eliza Wheeler GB 3
Arderne Clarence 1880 1966 GB 3
Paul Henry 1876 1958 IE 5
Vernon Blake 1875 1930 GB 4
George Edward Alexander 1865 1931 GB 5
Winifred Percy Biddle 1878 1968 GB 3
Walter Charles Horsley 1855 1934 GB 5
Eveleen Bloomfield GB 5
Walter Bothams 1850 1915 GB 4
Winifred L. Rynd 5
A. Porter-Bowmar 7
Olive Branson 1885 1929 GB 5
Marguerite Henriette Tedeschi 1879 1970 FR 5
Maud Brindley 1866 1939 GB 5
Mabel Harrison 5
William Eden Apr 4, 1849 Feb 21, 1915 GB 5
Anna Brown Wood 1863 1920 5
Oliver Ormerid Harrison GB 4
Cora Josephine Gordon 1879 1950 GB 5
Hilda Mary Sides 1871 GB 3
William Edward Tyler 5
Enid Ursula Jackson 1874 1914 GB 5
Dorothéa George 4
Florence A. von Gruisen 5
Walter G. Johnson GB 5
Kathleen Pilcher 5
Lena Jameson 5
Estelle Nathan 1871 1949 GB 5
Hannah Mayor 1871 1947 GB 5
John Angell James Brindley 1859 1937 GB 5
Isabella Lee Jay 1841 1919 GB 5
Gordon Frederick Browne 1858 1932 GB 5
Wilfrid J. Lineham 1858 1919 GB 5
Bessie M. Dibblee 4
Sydney Manooch 3
Jessie Ogston Douglas 1856 GB 5
Mary Mason 1886 1964 US 5
Max Scull 5
Jamini Prakash Gangooly 1876 1953 IN 4
Harrison Frederick Mayo 8
Adelaide Ross GB 5
Jessey Rosetta Mitchell 5
George Henry Leonard 1869 1928 US 4
Catherine E. Hughes GB 9
Jessie E. Muntz 2
Mima Nixon 1861 1939 IE 5
Edith C. Paull 5
Johanna Beadon 5
Cecily Bridget Martin 4
William Edmund Benger 1841 1915 GB 3
Emily M. Peyton 5
Charles L. Bentley 3
Margaret Fletcher Leadbitter 1878 GB 5
Elias Bancroft 1846 1924 GB 4
Richard H. Rahilly 5
Earey Kingham Reeves 5
Edith J. Rosenberg 2
Randall H. Pye 3
William Frederick Mayor 1865 1916 GB 5
Lettice A. MacMunn GB 5
Helen Emmeline Bacon 5
Percival Landon GB 5
William Henry Grove 5
Claude Allin Shepperson 1867 1921 GB 3
E. Hart Dyke GB 2
Edith Boyle Mitchell 1871 1962 GB 5
Katherine Taylor US 5
Otto J. E. Jacob 5
Lena Pilichowska 1884 1947 PL 5
Benjamin Arthur Sulman 1
Alfred Elias 1851 1941 GB 4
Frank Mura 1861 US 5
Hugh de Twenebrokes Glazebrook 1870 1935 GB 5
Grace Indja Thomson 1950 GB 5
Emily Elias 1849 1999 GB 1
Henry Holiday 1839 1927 GB 12
Jessie Mothersole 1874 1958 GB 5
William Glasby 1863 1941 GB 2
Nelson Dawson 1859 1941 GB 4
Edna Clarke Hall 1879 1979 GB 5
Andrew Colley 1859 1910 GB 4
Wilfrid-Gabriel De Glehn 1870 1951 GB 5
Grosvenor Thomas 1856 1923 AU 2
Jane Emmet De Glehn 1873 1961 US 5
Robert Buchan Nisbet 1857 1942 GB 5
Margaret Dempster 1863 1935 GB 3
Moffat Peter Lindner 1852 1949 GB 5
Florence Canning GB 5
Alfred Praga 1867 1940 GB 5
Mary Barton 4
Blanche Gottschalk 5
Harry Morley 1881 1943 GB 5
Gertrude R. Prideaux-Brune 1855 1945 GB 5
Charles Wooll Fairfield 5
Jean-François Raffaëlli 1850 1924 FR 2
James Hamilton Hay 1874 1916 GB 5
Enid Rutherford Hay Jan 23, 1880 Jun 13, 1911 GB 2
Ivan Bilibin 1876 1942 RU 44
Vladimir Pokrovsky 1871 1931 RU 15
Constantin, Baron Rausch de Traubenberg 1871 1935 RU 1
Nicholas Roerich 1874 1947 RU 111
Recommended Citation: "The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jan 28, 2025. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/174