
VIII. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia

ID: 223, Status: completed
Exhibition period:
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1909
Organizing Bodies:
Città di Venezia
L (Italian Lira)
Ticket Price:
15 [multiple entry], 10 [additional family member]
Catalogue Entries: 1780
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 582, other medium: 560, unknown: 638
Artists: 418
Gender: female: 18, male: 399
Nationalities: 17
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Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1910 IX. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 208 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1905 VI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 141 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1912 X. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 138 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 134 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 113 artists
Spring 1905 Tavaszi nemzetközi kiállítás [International Spring Exhibition 1905] Budapest Műcsarnok 68 artists
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 147 artists
Apr 13‒Jul 1912 Stedelijke Internationale Tentoonstelling Van Kunstwerken Van Levende Meesters Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 105 artists
Jul 1‒Nov 1906 Mostra Nazionale di Belle Arti Milan Esposizione internazionale di Milano (1906) 96 artists
May 2‒Jun 30, 1910 Fourteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 50 artists
Apr 25‒Jun 30, 1912 Sixteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 52 artists
Apr 30‒Jun 30, 1914 Eighteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 53 artists
Apr 24‒Jun 30, 1913 Seventeenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 52 artists
Nov 1908‒1909 Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] Budapest Műcsarnok 46 artists
May 1‒Oct 20, 1907 Internationale Kunstausstellung Mannheim Mannheim Kunsthalle Mannheim 49 artists
Feb 9‒Mar 24, 1909 Akvarellek, pasztellek és grafikai művek nemzetközi kiállitása [International Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels and Graphics] Budapest Műcsarnok 53 artists
Apr 27‒Jun 30, 1911 Fifteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 45 artists
Mar‒Jun 1913 Prima Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 41 artists
Jun 1906 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 34 artists
01/061907 - end/10/1907 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 33 artists
15/05/1908 - end/10/1908 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 32 artists
Jan‒Feb 1907 XXVIII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. Münchner Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 29 artists
Feb‒Jun 1908 LXXVIII. Esposizione internazionale di Belle Arti della Società Amatori e Cultori di Belle Arti in Roma Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 41 artists
Apr 1‒May 15, 1906 Tavaszi kiállítás [Spring Exhibition] Budapest Műcsarnok 33 artists
May 18‒Oct 31, 1910 Internationale Kunstausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 29 artists
May 16‒Oct 31, 1911 Internationale Kunstausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 30 artists
Nov 2, 1905‒Jan 1, 1906 Tenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 34 artists
Apr 27, 1907 Tavaszi kiállitás [Spring Exhibition] Budapest Műcsarnok 27 artists
May 23‒Oct 31, 1914 Kunstausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 28 artists
May 15‒Oct 31, 1912 Kunstausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 26 artists
Nov 14, 1906‒1907 Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] Budapest Műcsarnok 31 artists
Feb 17‒Apr 15, 1906 Internationale Kunstausstellung Bremen Bremen Kunsthalle Bremen 29 artists
1912 Sommaire des Peintures et Sculptures de l'École Contemporaine exposées dans les Galeries du Musée National du Luxembourg Paris Musée National du Luxembourg 39 artists
Jun 30‒Oct 31, 1915 Kunstausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 24 artists
Mar 1‒Apr 20, 1910 Frühjahr-Ausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 23 artists
1906 Munich Fine Art Exhibition London Grafton Galleries 23 artists
Feb‒Jun 1914 Seconda Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte "della Secessione". Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 24 artists
Feb 29‒Apr 20, 1908 Frühjahr-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 20 artists
Apr 27‒Jun 19, 1910 Nemzetközi Impresszionista kiállítás [International Impressionist Exhibition] Budapest Művészház 19 artists
Oct‒Nov 1908 The Society of 25 Painters. Fourth London Exhibition London Goupil Gallery 17 artists
1913 Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Gand en 1913: Groupe II. Beaux-Arts: Œuvres modernes. Ghent Exposition universelle de Gand 44 artists
May 9‒Nov 2, 1914 Exposition Générale des Beaux-Arts / Salon Triennale Brussels Palais du Cinquantenaire 32 artists
01/03/1907 - end/04/1907 Frühjahr-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 19 artists
Mar 2‒May 10, 1909 Frühjahr-Ausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 19 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 1, 1908 Ausstellung Belgischer Kunst Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 19 artists
Mar 1907 A Nemzeti Szalon. Első csoportkiállítás [The First Group Exhibition Of The National Salon] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 16 artists
Nov‒Dec 1907 The Society of 25 Painters. Third London Exhibition London Goupil Gallery 16 artists
Feb 5‒Mar 3, 1910 Ausstellung Ungarischer Maler Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 16 artists
Feb‒Jun 1915 Terza esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 20 artists
Mar 1906 Frühjahr-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens "Sezession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 18 artists
Jan 1908 M.I.É.N.K. [1] [M.I.É.N.K. [1]] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 15 artists
Mar 3‒Apr 20, 1911 Frühjahr-Ausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 19 artists
Mar 1905 Frühjahr-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens "Sezession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 17 artists
Jan 1909 Exhibition of Contemporary German Art New York Metropolitan Museum of Art 15 artists
13/03/1913 - end/05/1913 Frühjahr-Ausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 18 artists
Feb 16‒Apr 20, 1908 Deutsche Kunstausstellung Bremen Bremen Kunsthalle Bremen 19 artists
May 2‒Oct 6, 1905 2. Deutsche Künstlerbund Ausstellung Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 15 artists
Feb‒Mar 1909 M.I.É.N.K. második kiállitása [Second Exhibition of M.I.É.N.K.] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 12 artists
Oct‒Dec 1913 The Goupil Gallery Salon London Goupil Gallery 15 artists
Dec 2, 1913‒Feb 1, 1914 Winter-Ausstellung. Zeichnungen-Graphik-Aquarelle-Pastelle [Münchener Secession] Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 14 artists
May‒Oct 1913 LIA. Leipziger Jahresausstellung 1913 Leipzig Gelände der Internationalen Baufach-Ausstellung 18 artists
Mar 16‒Apr 1910 A Művészház bibliai kiállítása és Jacobey Károly művészi hagyatéka [Biblical Art Exhibition and the Estate of Károly Jacobey in the Művészház] Budapest Művészház 11 artists
May 4‒Sep 30, 1913 Ausstellung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes 1913 Mannheim Kunsthalle Mannheim 15 artists
Jan‒Feb 1910 M.I.É.N.K. III-ik kiállítás [Third Exhibition of M.I.É.N.K] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 10 artists
1906 Dritte Ausstellung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes Weimar Großherzogliches Museum für Kunst und Kunstgewerbe 13 artists
1910 Katalog-Auszug eines Teiles der im Besitze der Modernen Galerie befindlichen Werke Munich Moderne Galerie (Heinrich Thannhauser) 11 artists
Jan 23‒Feb 1913 A Művészház palotafelavató kiállítása [The Palace Inauguration Exhibition of the Művészház] Budapest Művészház 11 artists
Mar 2‒Apr 20, 1912 Frühjahr-Ausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 14 artists
Apr 26‒Jul 1915 Exhibition of Work by Modern Belgian Artists Brighton Public Art Galleries 10 artists
May 12‒Oct 16, 1910 Ausstellung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes Darmstadt Darmstadt Städtisches Ausstellungsgebäude auf der Mathildenhöhe 13 artists
Feb 21‒Mar 23, 1905 La Libre Esthétique. La douzième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 9 artists
Jul‒Sep 1907 Salon des Beaux-Arts d'Ostende Ostend Casino Kursaal Oostende 9 artists
Jul‒Aug 8, 1908 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year London Royal Albert Hall 21 artists
Mar 1‒Apr 5, 1908 La Libre Esthétique, Salon Jubilaire Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 9 artists
Apr 1909 Achtzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 10 artists
Mar 3‒Apr 19, 1914 Frühjahr-Ausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 11 artists
Nov 1909 Eröffnungs-Ausstellung November 1909. Moderne Galerie München Munich Moderne Galerie (Heinrich Thannhauser) 8 artists
Apr‒May 1913 73. výroční výstava Krasoumné jednoty pro Čechy [73. Annual Exhibition of the Art Union for Bohemia] Prague Rudolfinum 9 artists
winter/1909 Forty-Second Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 9 artists
1906 Elfte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 9 artists
Feb 15‒Mar 1914 A Művészház nagy kiállitása [The Great Exhibition of the Művészház] Budapest Művészház 8 artists
Feb 17‒Mar 15, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] New York Armory of the 69th Infantry 11 artists
Mar 3‒Apr 3, 1907 La Libre Esthétique. Quatorzième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 7 artists
Winter 1910 Forty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Pictures by the New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 9 artists
Jun 1, 1912 Porträt-Ausstellung (Werke zeitgenössischer Deutscher Maler) Cologne Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 7 artists
Jan 1913 1888-1913. Kunstsalon Fritz Gurlitt Berlin Fritz Gurlitt 7 artists
May 15‒Oct 3, 1909 Grosse Kunstausstellung [Düsseldorf] Dusseldorf Städtischer Kunstpalast 9 artists
Dec 1907 Modern francia nagymesterek tárlata. Magyar müvészek karácsonyi művásárja és az Éremkedvelők Egyesületének kiállitása [Exhibition ot the Great French Masters. Christmas Artfair of the Hungarian Artists and the Exhibition of the Medal Appreciation Association] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 7 artists
Feb 1‒Mar 31, 1912 Deutscher Künstlerbund. Grosse Ausstellung Bremen Kunsthalle Bremen 8 artists
May 22, 1909 Forty-First Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 7 artists
Mar 1914 Sonderausstellung der Belgischen Kunstvereinigung L'Art Contemporain Cologne Gemäldegalerie des Kölnischen Kunstvereins 6 artists
Mar 7‒Apr 12, 1909 La Libre Esthétique. Seizième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 6 artists
Apr 1910 Zwanzigste Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 7 artists
Oct 4‒27, 1913 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art Xme Salon Annuel Brussels Hedendaagsche Museum - Musée Moderne 6 artists
1911 XXII. Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 7 artists
Nov‒Dec 1905 XXIV. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 6 artists
spring/1908 Fortieth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 6 artists
Oct 1911 Kunst unserer Zeit in Cölner Privatbesitz Cologne Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 6 artists
May 1907 Tavaszi kiállitás. Gauguin, Cézanne stb. művei [Spring Exhibition. Works of Gauguin, Cézanne etc.] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 6 artists
Mar 24‒Apr 16, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago 7 artists
Dec 15, 1909‒Jan 8, 1910 Esposizione Annuale d'Arte della Famiglia Artistica Milan Famiglia Artistica 6 artists
Dec 1913 Első csoportkiállitás [First Group Exhibition] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 5 artists
1915 Magyar mesterek második csoportkiállitása [Second Group Exhibition of Hungarian Masters] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 5 artists
Summer 1912 Forty-seventh Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 6 artists
1907 Dreizehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 6 artists
May 11‒Sep 29, 1907 Deutsch-Nationale Kunst-Ausstellung Dusseldorf Städtischer Kunstpalast 7 artists
1908 Fünfzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 6 artists
summer/1910 Forty-Third Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 6 artists
May 8‒Jun 20, 1914 Twentieth Century Art. A Review of Modern Movements London Whitechapel Art Gallery 6 artists
Apr‒May 1905 Thirty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club Liverpool Royal Institution 5 artists
Oct‒Nov 1905 Thirty-fifth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Alpine Club 5 artists
May 25‒Sep 30, 1912 Internationale Kunstausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler zu Cöln Cologne Städtische Ausstellungshalle am Aachener Tor 6 artists
autumn/1907 Thirty-Ninth Exhibition of Modern Pictures by the New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 5 artists
Nov‒Dec 1906 Thirty-Seventh Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 5 artists
May‒Jun 1907 Thirty-eighth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 5 artists
Sep 7, 1907 Stedelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters [Urban Exhibition of Works of Art of Living Masters] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 8 artists
Nov‒Dec 1910 XXXVII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 6 artists
Feb 1‒Mar 31, 1914 Internationale Ausstellung in der Kunsthalle Bremen Bremen Kunsthalle Bremen 6 artists
winter/1912 Forty-eighth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 5 artists
1910 Esposizione Retrospettiva di Pittura e Scultura Florence Via della Colonna N. 27-29 5 artists
Jul‒Aug 7, 1911 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. Fourth Year London Royal Albert Hall 8 artists
1908 Ausstellung Belgischer Kunst unter den Auspicien der Gesellschaft L'Art Contemporain d'Anvers Vienna Galerie Arnot 4 artists
Jan 9‒Feb 10, 1910 A Művészház második csoportos kiállítása és a Magyar Grafikusok Egyesülete kiállítása [The Second Group Exhibition of the Művészház and the Exhibition of the Association of Hungarian Graphic Artists] Budapest Művészház 4 artists
Jan 25‒Feb 27, 1908 Pour l'Art. XVIe Exposition Annuelle Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 4 artists
Feb 1913 Iványi-Grünwald Béla festményeinek és magyar műgyüjtemények bemutatása. I. Dr. Sonnenfeld Zsigmond gyüjteménye [Exhibition of the Paintings of Béla Iványi-Grünwald and the Presentation of Hungarian Art Collections. I. Zsigmond Sonnenfeld] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 4 artists
Nov 1908‒Jan 1909 Hagenbund. XXVII. Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 4 artists
Jun‒Jul 1906 Thirty-Sixth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries in Dering Yard 4 artists
Jan 1914 Januar-Kunstausstellung Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 4 artists
Feb 8‒Mar 9, 1908 Exposition inaugurale de la Salle des Fêtes de la Ville, sous les auspices de l'Administration Communale. [Inhuldigingstentoonstelling der Stadsfeestzaal, met de ondersteuning van het Gemeentebestuur.] Antwerp [Salle des Fêtes de la Ville Anvers] 5 artists
Oct 18‒Nov 25, 1905 Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 7 artists
Jun 13‒Jul 2, 1911 Kunstausstellung aus Essener Privatbesitz Essen Kunstmuseum 4 artists
Nov‒Dec 1911 Exposition Internationale de l'Art Chrétien Moderne / Organisée par la Société de Saint-Jean Paris Palais du Louvre - Pavillon de Marsan 4 artists
Summer 1911 Forty-fifth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 4 artists
summer/1913 Forty-ninth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 4 artists
28/12/1907 - beg/02/1908 Winter-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 3 artists
Apr 12‒Sep 30, 1914 Erste Ausstellung der Freien Secession Berlin Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 4 artists
Oct 3, 1912 Exhibition of Pictures by S. J. Peploe, J. D. Fergusson, Joseph Simpson, Anne E. Rice, Jessie Dismorr, Georges Banks, Ethel Wright, C. King, L. Atkinson, Fred. F. Foottet London Stafford Gallery 3 artists
Jan 1913 Francia Impresszionisták (Manet) és Herman Lipót gyüjteményes kiállítása [Exhibition of the French Impressionists (Manet) and the Collected Works of Lipót Herman] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 3 artists
Mar 18‒Apr 23, 1911 La Libre Esthétique, dix-huitième Exposition à Bruxelles Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Feb 22‒Mar 25, 1906 La Libre Esthétique. La treizième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
march-june 1905 Hagenbund. XV. Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 3 artists
Jun 6‒28, 1908 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art. Ve Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Jul 2‒25, 1910 Les Indépendants. Cercle d'Art. VIIe Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Mar 8‒Apr 13, 1913 Interprétations du Midi Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Jun 1‒23, 1912 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art / IX. Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Mar 12‒Apr 17, 1910 La Libre Esthétique. L'Évolution du Paysage Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Mar‒Jul 1912 XLI. Ausstellung der Vereinigung bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 3 artists
Jul 1909 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association: 2nd year London Royal Albert Hall 5 artists
Oct 6‒Nov 15, 1906 Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 5 artists
Dec 16, 1907‒Jan 4, 1908 Portraits d'Hommes Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 3 artists
May‒Nov 1906 Deutsche Kunstausstellung in der "Flora" Cologne Ausstellungsgelände Botanischer Garten Flora 4 artists
Mar 14‒Apr 22, 1906 Exposition d'Art Français Basel Kunsthalle Bâle 3 artists
Mar 2‒Apr 2, 1907 L'Exposition d'Art Français Contemporain au Chateau Des Rohan Strasbourg Chateau des Rohan 3 artists
Winter 1914 Fifty-second Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 3 artists
spring/1915 Fifty-Third Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 3 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 8, 1908 Salon d'Automne. 6e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 3 artists
Nov 25‒Dec 17, 1911 Kernstock Károly retrospekív kiállítás [Retrospective Exhibition of Károly Kernstock] Budapest Művészház 2 artists
May 1912 Szinyei Merse Pál gyűjteményes kiállitása [Exhibition of the Collected Works of Pál Szinyei Merse] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 2 artists
Dec 1907 Hagenbund. Zügel. Wrba. Zanetti. XXIV. Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artists
Dec 28, 1906‒Feb 3, 1907 Winter-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 2 artists
1909 XXXV. Ausstellung der Vereinigung bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
Apr‒May 1911 "Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 2 artists
Feb 3‒15, 1908 Exhibition of Paintings New York Macbeth Galleries 2 artists
mid/09/1908 - 13/10/1908 XI. Jahrgang. Winter 1908/09. I. Ausstellung. [Kollektionen Ulrich Hübner, Georges Mosson, Emil Pottner] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Sep‒Oct 1909 Körösfői Kriesch Aladár, Nagy Sándorék és a Gödöllőiek Kiállitása [Exhibition of Aladár Körösfői Kriesch, the Group of Sándor Nagy and the Artists of Gödöllő] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 2 artists
Sep 1‒Oct 15, 1907 Salon des Peintres Divisionnistes Italiens organisé par la Galerie d'Art A. Grubicy, de Milan Paris Serres de la Ville de Paris (Cours-la-Reine) 2 artists
Feb 1909 The New Association of Artists. Second Exhibition London Goupil Gallery 2 artists
Feb 10‒25, 1905 Première exposition d'Ensemble d'Intimistes (Peintres d'Intérieurs) Paris Galeries Henry Graves and Co Ltd. 2 artists
Feb 1908 The New Association of Artists. First Exhibition London Goupil Gallery 2 artists
Mar‒Apr 1913 Kollektion Moderner Franzosen Vienna Galerie Arnot 2 artists
Dec 3, 1905‒Jan 1, 1906 Exhibition of Paintings by Contemporary French Artists Cincinnati Cincinnati Museum 2 artists
Jan 20‒Feb 1906 Hagenbund. XVIII. Ausstellung sächsischer Künstler Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artists
Frühling 1907 Hagenbund. Zweiundzwanzigste Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artists
Mar 16‒Jun 1906 Hagenbund. Neunzehnte Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artists
Feb 6‒Mar 1908 Ausstellung der Vereinigung Polnischer Künstler "Sztuka" Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artists
Dec 15, 1911‒Feb 4, 1912 Winter-Ausstellung. Wiener Secession und Gedächtnis-Ausstellung Hubert von Heyden ✝ Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 2 artists
Sep 1913 A XIX. század nagy francia mesterei [The Great French Masters of the XIX. Century] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 2 artists
Mar 7‒Apr 13, 1914 La Libre Esthétique. Hommage à Dario de Regoyos Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Oct‒Nov 1913 Eröffnungsausstellung. Kölnischer Kunstverein Cologne Gemäldegalerie des Kölnischen Kunstvereins 2 artists
Jun 12‒Jul 4, 1909 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art / VIe Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Oct‒Nov 1912 Sammlungen Richard Muther, Ludwig Hevesi Vienna Galerie Miethke 2 artists
Mar‒Jul 1914 XLVII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
Jun 10‒Jul 3, 1911 Les Indépendants Cercle d'Art / VIIIme Salon annuel Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
May 4‒Jun 25, 1913 A Művészház nemzetközi Postimpresszionista kiállitása [International Post-Impressionist Exhibition in the Művészház] Budapest Művészház 2 artists
Mar‒Aug 1911 Hagenbund. Frühjahrs-Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artists
Mar‒Jul 1913 XLIV. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
Nov 27‒Dec 27, 1910 A Művészház téli kiállítása [ellenszalon] [Winter Exhibition of the Művészház [Anti-Salon]] Budapest Művészház 2 artists
Oct‒Dec 1915 27. Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Neues Secessionshaus 2 artists
May 30‒Oct 1, 1914 Neue Münchener Secession. Erste Ausstellung Munich Galerienstraße 26 2 artists
May 9‒12, 1914 Collection Roger Marx. Tableaux, Pastels, Dessins, Aquarelles, Sculptures Paris Galerie Manzi, Joyant 2 artists
Apr‒Jul 1910 XXXVI. Ausstellung der Vereinigung bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
May‒Sep 1910 Svájci művészek (Société des Peintres Sculpteurs et Architectes Suisses) kiállítása [Exhibition of Swiss Artists (Société des Peintres Sculpteurs et Architectes Suisses)] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 2 artists
Mar 1909 XXXIII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung bildender Künstler Österreichs Wien Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
May‒Oct 1909 Internationale Kunstschau Wien Vienna Gebäude der Kunstschau Wien 2 artists
Sep 11‒Oct 2, 1910 A Művészház zsűrimentes kiállítása [Exhibition Without a Jury in the Művészház] Budapest Művészház 2 artists
May 1‒31, 1907 Ausstellung französischer Kunstwerke Stuttgart Museum der bildenden Künste 2 artists
Oct‒Nov 1910 Ausstellung französischer Kunst des 18., 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts Leipzig Museum der bildenden Künste 2 artists
Dec 1915 Fifty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 2 artists
winter/1913 Fiftieth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 2 artists
Dec 1908 Sechzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession. Zeichnende Künste Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 2 artists
Winter 1911 Forty-Sixth Exhibition of Modern Pictures by the New English Art Club London Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists 2 artists
Nov‒Dec 1911 Dreiundzwanzigste Ausstellung der Berliner Secession. Zeichnende Künste Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 2 artists
May 29‒30, 1906 Vente Aux Enchères Publiques Des Tableaux, Études, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins, Eaux-Fortes, Gravures, Sculpture, Objets D'Art Paris Hôtel Drouot 2 artists
May 14‒Jul 1, 1905 15e Jaarlijksche Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken [15th Yearly Exhibition of Works of Art] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artists
Organizing Committee
„Presidenza E Amministrazione dell’Esposizione

Conte Filippo Grimani, Sindaco di Venezia, Presidente;
Prof. Antonio Fradaletto, Deputato al Parlamento, Segretario Generale;
Rag. Romolo Bazzoni, Administrator Capo.“ p. 9
Ottava Esposizione d’Arte della Città di Venezia. Catalogo Illustrato. Venezia Terza Edizione1909.
Printed by: Premiato Stabilimento Carlo Ferrari, Venice, nr. of pages: 234 + 112.
Holding Institutions: Biblioteca Umanistica, Università degli Studi di Firenze, online: archive.org
Catalogue Structure
"Presidenza e Amministrazione dell’Esposizione; Abbonamenti“, p. 9 -10
"Regolamento Generale“, p. 11-15
"Giuria D’Accetazione: Mandato e Verdetto“,p. 16 - 18
"Elenco Artist Ammessi dalli Giuria“, p. 19-20
"Pianta del Palazzo dell’Esposzione“, n. p.
"Catalogo delle Opere“, p. 25 - 234
“2. – Sala Della Cupola“, p. 25-27
“3. - Salone centrale”, p. 28-29
- “Scultura”, cat. no. 1, p. 29
“4. – Sala Internazionale”, p. 30-35
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1- 38, p. 30-34
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 39- 49, p. 34-35
- Bianco e Nero”, cat. no. 50, p. 35
“5. Sala Internazionale”, p. 35- 39
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1-27, p. 35-38
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 28-35, p. 38-39
“6. Artisti Americani Residenti a Parigi”, p. 39-40
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1-28 , p. 39-40
“7. Mostra Individuale di Ettore Tito”, p. 41-43
- Cat. no. 1-45, p. 42-42
- “Scultura”, cat. no. 46, p. 43
“8. Mostra Individuale di Paul Albert Besnard”, p. 44- 48
- Cat. no. 1- 53, p. 46-48
“9. Mostra Individuale di Anders Zorn”, p. 48 – 55
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1- 33, p. 52-53
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 34-37, p. 53
- “Bianco e Nero”, cat. no. 38- 76
“10-11. – Mostra Individuale di Franz Stuck”, p. 55- 59
- cat. no. 1- 31, p. 58-59
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 32 – 35, p. 59
“12. - 13. – Mostra Individuale di Peter Severin Kroyer”, p. 60-63
- cat. no. 1-43, p. 62-63
“14. – Saletta di Bianco-Nero”, p. 64-65
- cat. no. 1- 23, p. 64 - 65
“15. – Sala Internazionale”, p. 65-67
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1-2
- “Sculture”, cat. n. 3-14, p. 65-67
“16. – Saletta D´Arte Decorativa”, p. 67
“17. – Sala degli Stati Uniti D´America”, p. 67 - 76
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1- 46, p. 68 – 73
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 47-101, p. 73- 75
“18. – Sala Internazionale”, p. 76 – 79
- “Bianco e Nero”, cat. no. 1-42, p. 76-79
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 43, p. 79
“20. Mostra Individuale di Camillo Innocenti”, p- 79-84
- Ugo Ojettti, [Preface – No Title], p. 80-83
- cat. no. 1- 20, p. 81-83
- “Altri artisti romani”, cat. no. 21 – 32, p. 83 - 84
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 33 – 35, p. 84
“21. – Sala del Piemonte”, p. 85- 86
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1-13, p. 85-86
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 14 – 15, p. 86
“22. – Mostra Individuale di Alberto Pasini (†)”, p. 86 – 95
- G. Lavini [Preface, no title], p. 86-91
- cat. no. 1-101, p. 91 – 95
“23. – Mostra Individuale di Pellizza da Volpedo (†)”, p. 96 – 99
- Ugo Ojetti, [Preface –No Title], p. 96 - 98
- Cat. no. 1 – 27, p. 99
“24. - Mostra Individuale di Francesco Jerace “
- A. F., [Preface, no title], 100 – 101
“25. – Sala Inter-Regionale” p. 102 - 104
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1 – 16, p. 102 -103
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 17 – 18, p. 104
“26. - Mostra Individuale Guglielmo Ciardi”, p. 104
- Attilio Centelli [Preface, no title], p.104 – 107
- cat. no. 1- 57, p. 107 – 109
“27. – Sala Del Veneto”, p. 109 – 111
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1 – 20, p. 109-111
- “Sculture” cat. no. 21 – 22, p. 111
“28. – Mostra Individuale di Marius De Maria”, p. 111-117
- Diego Angeli [Preface, no title], p. 111- 115
- Cat. no. 1 – 34, p. 115-116
- “Altri artisti emiliani”, cat. no. 35 -41, p. 117
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 42-43, p. 117
“29. –‘Luoghi Reconditi d´Italia’ di Girolamo Cairati”, p. 118- 120
- A. F., [Preface, no title], 118-119
- cat. no. 1-30. P. 119-120
“30. – ‘Armonie Fiorentine’ di Francesco Gioli”, p. 121-124
- Ugo Ojetti, [Preface –no title], p. 121 -123
- cat. no. 1- 14, p. 123 -124
“31. - Veranda “, p.124-125
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 1-17
- “Arte Decorativa”, cat. no. 18
“32. - Mostra Individuale di Cesare Tallone”
- Giovanni Borelli, [Preface, no title], p. 126- 128
- cat. no. 1- 14, p. 128
- “Altri artisti lombardi”, p. 15-32, p. 129-130
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 33-38 p. 130
“33. – Mostre Individuali di T. Signorini (†) e G. Fattori (†)”
- Vittorio Pica, “Telemaco Signorini”, p. 131 – 133
- cat. no. 1-17, p. 133- 134
- Ugo Ojetti, “Giovanni Fattori”, p. 134 -137
- cat. no. 18- 31
- “Altri artisti toscani”, cat. no. 32-36 p. 137-138
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 37 -38
“34. – ‘Bellezze della Sicilia’ di Ettore Maria Bergler”, p. 138 – 140
- cat. no. 1- 26, p. 139-140
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 27, p. 140
“35. – Napoli e Altre Regioni”, p. 141- 144
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 1-21, p. 141-142
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 22 -29, p. 143
- “Bianco e Nero”, cat. no. 30-38, p. 143-144
“36. 37. – Sale Internazionali”, p. 144- 152
- “Sculture – Collezione di Paolo Troubetzkoy”, cat. no. 1-10, p. 144
- “Bianco e Nero”, cat. no. 11- 122, p. 145 – 152

“Padiglioni Stranieri”
- “Pianta Topografica dei Padiglioni Stranieri”, n. p.

- “Padiglione del Belgio”, p. 155-164
o “Vestibolo”, p. 155-156
- “Sculture”, cat. no. 1 – 4, p. 155-1556
o “Sala II. Impressioni di Venezia”, p. 156-157
- cat. no. 5 – 28, p.156 – 157
o “Sala III.”, p. 157-158
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 29-40, p. 157-158
o “Sala IV”, p. 159 – 161
- “Pitture”, cat. no. 41- 54, p. 159-160
-“Sculture”, cat. no. 55-69, p. 160 -161
o “Sala V. – Pittori della ‘Lys’” p. 161-162
- Cat. no. 70 -92, p. 161-162
- “Bianco e Nero”, cat. no. 93-122, p. 163-164
- “Padiglione dell´Ungheria”, p. 165 - 178
o “Pitture”, cat. no. 1-81, p. 165-171
o “Sculture”, cat. no. 82-96, p. 172 -173
o “Bianco e Nero”, cat. no. 97 -145, p. 173- 177
o “Arte Decorativa”, p. 177-178

- “Padiglione della Gran Bretagna”, p. 179 -192
o “Comitato, Sottocomitato artistico per l´VIII Esposizione”, p. 179
o “Pitture a Olio”, cat. no. 1-59, p. 180-185
o “Acquerelli”, cat. no. 60-94, p. 185-188
o “Acqueforti, Disegni, Stampe, Ecc.”, cat. no. 95-116, p. 188-190
o “Sculture”, cat. no. 117-127, p. 190
o “Arte Decorativa”, cat. no. 128-152, p. 191-192

- “Padiglione della Baviera”, p. 193-200
o “Pitture”, cat. no. 1-75, p. 193-198
o “Scuture”, cat. no. 76-91, p. 198-199
o “Bianco e Nero”, cat. no. 92-115, p. 199-200
o “Arte Decorativa”, p. 200
- “Indice Alfabetico degli Artisti”, p. 203 – 223
- “Indice delle Illustrazioni”, p. 229 - 234
"Illustrazioni", p. 1-112
[Advertisment], n. p.
Additional Information
Catalogue Structure altered
Other Mediums listed
„2. – Sala della Cupola – Decorazione pittorica di Galileo Chini“, p. 25
“ 3. – Salone Centrale – Decorazione pittorica di Aristide Sartorio”, p. 28
“ 4. – Sala Internazionale – Tutte le opere esposte in questa Sala e nella successiva (5) furono ammesse dalla Giuria, meno i quadri di Graziosi”, p. 30

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
Ambrogio Antonio Alciati 1878 1929 IT 1
Stefano Bersani 1872 1914 IT 1
Cesare Bertolotti 1854 1932 IT 1
Giuseppe Biasi 1885 1945 IT 1
Ulisse Caputo 1872 1948 IT 1
Henry Caro-Delvaille 1876 1928 FR 2
Augusto Carutti 1875 1956 IT 1
Felice Castegnaro 1872 1958 IT 1
Romeo Costetti 1871 1957 IT 1
Alberto Falchetti 1878 1951 IT 1
Gennaro Favai 1879 1958 IT 1
Ugo Flumiani 1876 1938 IT 1
Antonietta Fragiacomo 1859 1942 IT 1
Giulio Genovese 1928 IT 1
Giuseppe Giusti 1872 IT 1
Giuseppe Graziosi 1879 1942 IT 2
Wladyslaw Jarocki 1879 1965 PL 1
Friedrich Klein-Chevalier 1862 1938 DE 1
Llewelyn Lloyd 1879 1949 IT 1
Guglielmo Amedeo Lori 1866 1913 IT 1
Henri Luyten 1859 1945 BE 1
Umberto Martina 1880 1945 IT 1
Giuseppe Mascarini 1877 1954 IT 1
Eugenio G. Olivari 1862 1917 IT 1
Matteo Olivero 1879 1932 IT 1
Karl O'Lynch Von Town 1869 1942 AT 1
Sylvius D. Paoletti 1864 1921 IT 1
Fryderyk Pautsch 1877 1950 PL 1
Mario Reviglione 1883 1965 IT 1
Giovanni Salviati 1881 1950 IT 1
Ercole Sibellato 1878 1963 IT 2
Adele Slocovich-Salmona 1
Gugliemo Talamini 1868 1917 IT 1
Cesare Vianello 1803 1894 IT 1
Giovanni Vianello 1873 1926 IT 1
Guido Zuccaro 1876 1944 IT 1
Gennaro Befani 1866 1937 IT 1
Pilade Bertieri 1874 1965 IT 1
Agostino Bosia 1886 1962 IT 1
Luigi Brunello 1883 1977 IT 1
Glauco Cambon 1875 1930 IT 1
Spartaco Carlini 1884 1949 IT 1
Felice Casorati 1883 1963 IT 2
Vittorio Agostino Castagneto 1875 1958 IT 1
Zaccaria Dal Bo' 1872 1935 IT 1
Augustus Koopman 1869 1914 US 1
Duilio Corompai 1876 1952 IT 1
Pietro Lucano 1878 1972 IT 1
Alberto Magnelli 1888 1971 IT 1
Guido Marussig 1885 1938 IT 2
Adolfo Mattielli 1883 1966 IT 1
Umberto Moggioli 1886 1919 IT 1
Charles J. Palmie 1863 1911 DE 1
Antonio Piatti 1875 1962 IT 1
Alfredo Protti 1882 1949 IT 1
Camillo Rho 1872 1946 IT 1
Leonhard Sandrock 1867 1945 DE 1
Arturo Tosi 1871 1956 IT 1
Maria Vinca 1878 1939 IT 1
Enrico Vio 1874 1960 IT 1
Frederick Carl Frieseke 1874 1939 US 17
Richard Emile Miller 1875 1943 US 11
Ettore Tito 1859 1941 IT 45
Albert Besnard 1849 1934 FR 53
Anders Zorn 1860 1920 SE 33
Franz von Stuck 1863 1928 DE 31
Peder Severin Krøyer 1851 1909 DK 43
Plinio Nomellini 1866 1943 IT 2
Vincenzo Cadorin 1854 1925 IT 1
Cecilia Beaux 1855 1942 US 1
George Wesley Bellows 1882 1925 US 1
Frank Weston Benson 1862 1951 US 1
Ralph Albert Blakelock 1847 1919 US 1
George de Forest Brush 1855 1941 US 1
William Gedney Bunce 1840 1916 US 1
Emil Carlsen 1853 1932 US 1
William Anderson Coffin 1855 1925 US 1
Kenyon Cox 1856 1919 US 1
Elliott Daingerfield 1859 1932 US 1
Arthur Bowen Davies 1862 1928 US 1
Charles Harold Davis 1856 1933 US 1
Joseph Rodefer De Camp 1858 1923 US 1
Thomas Wilmer Dewing 1851 1938 US 1
Paul Dougherty 1877 1947 US 1
Ben Foster 1852 1926 US 1
Lillian Genth 1876 1953 US 1
Albert Lorey Groll 1866 1952 US 1
John McLure Hamilton 1853 1936 US 2
Birge Harrison 1854 1929 US 1
Childe Hassam 1859 1935 US 1
Charles Hawthorne 1872 1930 US 1
William J., Jr. Hays 1872 1934 US 1
Robert Henri 1865 1929 US 1
William Sergeant Kendall 1869 1938 US 1
Louis Loeb 1866 1909 US 1
Will Hicok Low 1853 1932 US 1
Homer Dodge Martin 1836 1897 US 1
Hermann Dudley Murphy 1867 1945 US 1
Walter Nettleton 1861 1936 US 1
Leonard Ochtman 1854 1934 US 1
Henry Ward Ranger 1858 1916 US 1
Edward Willis Redfield 1869 1965 US 1
John Singer Sargent 1856 1925 US 1
Walter Elmer Schofield 1867 1944 US 1
Henry Bayley Snell 1858 1943 US 1
Allen Butler Talcott 1867 1908 US 1
Edmund Charles Tarbell 1862 1938 US 1
John Henry Twachtman 1853 1902 US 1
Alexander Theobald van Laer 1857 1920 US 1
Julian Alden Weir 1852 1919 US 1
Irving Ramsay Wiles 1861 1948 US 1
Frederick Ballard Williams 1871 1956 US 1
Charles Herbert Woodbury 1864 1940 US 1
Alexander Helwig Wyant 1836 1892 US 1
Elizabeth Shippen Green 1871 1954 US 1
Vittorio Guaccimanni 1859 1938 IT 2
Alberto Martini 1876 1954 IT 10
Henry Wolf 1852 1916 US 6
Camillo Innocenti 1871 1961 IT 20
Alessandro Battaglia 1870 1940 IT 1
Onorato Carlandi 1848 1939 IT 1
Enrico Coleman 1846 1911 GB 2
Adolfo De Carolis 1874 1928 IT 1
Antonio Mancini 1852 1930 IT 2
Arturo Noci 1874 1953 IT 1
Dante Ricci 1879 1957 IT 2
Giulio Aristide Sartorio 1860 1932 IT 2
Felice Carena 1879 1966 IT 2
Vittorio Cavalleri 1860 1938 IT 2
Lorenzo Delleani 1840 1908 IT 2
Giovanni Giani 1866 1936 IT 2
Giacomo Grosso 1860 1938 IT 2
Cesare Maggi 1881 1962 IT 2
Alberto Pasini 1826 1899 IT 101
Andrea Tavernier 1858 1932 IT 1
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo 1868 1907 IT 27
Francesco Jerace 1854 1937 IT 6
Leonardo Bazzaro 1853 1937 IT 2
Bartolomeo Bezzi 1851 1923 IT 2
Pietro Chiesa 1876 1959 CH 1
Beppe Ciardi 1875 1932 IT 2
Giovanni Battista Costantini 1872 1947 IT 2
Baldassare Longoni 1876 1956 IT 1
Emo Mazzetti 1870 1955 IT 2
Pietro Mentessi IT 1
Alessandro Milesi 1856 1945 IT 1
Antonio Rizzi 1869 1940 IT 2
Luigi Selvatico 1873 1938 IT 2
Guglielmo Ciardi 1842 1917 IT 57
Traiano Chitarin 1864 1935 IT 2
Emma Ciardi 1879 1933 IT 2
Eugen von Blaas 1843 1931 IT 2
Vincenzo de Stefani 1859 1937 IT 2
Pietro Fragiacomo 1856 1922 IT 2
Cesare Laurenti 1854 1936 IT 1
Luigi Nono 1850 1918 IT 2
Ferruccio Scattola 1873 1950 IT 1
Lino Selvatico 1872 1924 IT 2
Vettore Zanetti-Zilla 1864 1946 IT 2
Mario De Maria 1852 1924 IT 34
Carlo Donati 1874 1949 IT 2
Augusto Majani 1867 1959 IT 1
Giuseppe Zanetti-Miti 1859 1929 IT 2
Gaetano Previati 1852 1920 IT 1
Augusto Sezanne 1856 1935 IT 1
Gerolamo Cairati 1860 1943 IT 30
Francesco Gioli 1846 1922 IT 14
Cesare Tallone 1853 1919 IT 14
Giorgio Belloni 1861 1944 IT 2
Emilio Borsa 1857 1931 IT 1
Filippo Carcano 1840 1914 IT 2
Giuseppe Carozzi 1864 1938 IT 2
Lodovico Cavaleri 1867 1942 IT 2
Emilio Gola 1851 1923 IT 2
Vittore Grubicy de Dragon 1851 1920 IT 3
Emilio Longoni 1859 1933 IT 4
Telemaco Signorini 1835 1901 IT 17
Giovanni Fattori 1825 1908 IT 14
Luigi Gioli 1854 1947 IT 2
Salvino Tofanari 1881 1969 IT 1
Lodovico Tommasi 1866 1941 IT 2
Ettore de Maria-Bergler 1851 1938 IT 29
Lionello Balestrieri 1872 1958 IT 3
Alceste Campriani 1848 1933 IT 2
Giuseppe Casciaro 1863 1945 IT 2
Giuseppe de Sanctis 1858 1924 IT 1
Antonio Discovolo 1874 1956 IT 2
Enrico della Leonessa 1865 1921 IT 2
Francesco Lojacono 1841 1915 IT 2
Francesco Paolo Michetti 1851 1929 IT 2
Vincenzo Migliaro 1858 1938 IT 1
Domenico Morelli 1823 1901 IT 2
Attilio Pratella 1856 1949 IT 1
Domenico Quattrociocchi 1872 1941 IT 1
Raffaele Tafuri 1857 1929 IT 2
Vincenzo Gemito 1852 1929 IT 9
Andre Dauchez 1870 1948 FR 1
Alfred Hugh Fisher 1867 1945 GB 1
Akseli Gallen-Kallela 1865 1931 FI 1
Hubert von Herkomer 1849 1914 GB 1
Charles Holroyd 1861 1917 GB 2
Alexandre Lunois 1863 1916 FR 1
Henri Georges Jean Isidore Meunier 1873 1922 BE 1
Edward Millington Synge 1860 1913 GB 1
Gustav Heinrich Wolff 1886 1934 DE 1
Maurice Blieck 1876 1922 BE 2
Victor Olivier Gilsoul 1867 1939 BE 2
Richard Heintz 1871 1929 BE 3
Charles Houben 1871 1931 BE 2
Isidore Opsomer 1878 1967 BE 3
Walter Vaes 1882 1958 BE 15
James Ensor 1860 1949 BE 1
Ketty Gilsoul-Hoppe 1868 1939 BE 1
Camille Nicolas Lambert 1874 1964 BE 1
Jef Leempoels 1867 1935 BE 4
George Morren 1868 1941 BE 2
Maurice Niekerk 1871 1940 NL 1
Gustave-Max Stevens 1871 1946 BE 3
Richard Baseleer 1867 1951 BE 1
Fernand Khnopff 1858 1921 BE 1
Franz M. Melchers 1868 1944 DE 1
Constant Montald 1862 1944 BE 2
Auguste Oleffe 1867 1931 BE 1
Frans Smeers 1873 1960 BE 1
Jean van den Eeckhoudt 1875 1946 BE 1
Franz van Holder 1882 1919 BE 1
Edmond Verstraeten 1870 1957 BE 1
Emile Vloors 1871 1952 BE 1
Georges Leon Ernest Buysse 1864 1916 BE 3
Emile Claus 1849 1924 BE 8
Rodolphe de Saegher 1871 1941 BE 3
Gustave de Smet 1877 1943 BE 1
Léon de Smet 1881 1966 BE 2
Anna De Weert 1867 1950 BE 1
Modeste Huys 1874 1932 BE 1
Jenny Montigny 1875 1937 BE 3
Emmanuel Vierin 1869 1954 BE 1
Gyula Benczúr 1844 1920 HU 3
Sándor Bihari 1856 1906 HU 1
Ritta Boemm 1868 1948 HU 2
Andor Boruth 1873 1955 HU 1
Istvan Bosznay 1868 1944 HU 1
Miksa Bruck 1863 1920 HU 1
István Csók 1865 1961 HU 3
Béla Dery 1870 1932 HU 1
Sándor Endrey 1867 1940 HU 1
Károly Ferenczy 1862 1917 HU 3
Adolf Fényes 1867 1945 HU 2
Gyula Glatter 1886 1927 HU 2
Ferenc Hatvany 1881 1958 HU 1
Laszlo Hegedus 1870 1911 HU 1
Béla Iványi-Grünwald 1867 1940 HU 1
Ödön Kacziány 1852 1933 HU 1
Nándor Katona 1864 1932 HU 3
Jeno Kemendy 1860 1925 HU 1
Károly Kernstok 1873 1940 HU 1
László Kézdi Kovács 1864 1942 HU 1
Imre Knopp 1867 1945 HU 1
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann 1868 1945 HU 2
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch 1863 1920 HU 3
Caesar Kunwald Jul 25, 1870 Nov 26, 1946 AT 1
Fülöp László 1869 1937 HU 3
Károly Lotz 1833 1904 HU 5
Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer 1859 1937 HU 3
Ödön Márffy 1878 1959 HU 1
Louis Mark 1867 1942 HU 2
László Mednyánszky 1852 1919 HU 2
Oscar Mendlick 1871 1963 HU 5
Daniel Mihalik 1869 1910 HU 2
Mihály Munkácsy 1844 1900 HU 4
Sandor Nyilasy 1873 1934 HU 1
Ferenc Olgyay 1872 1939 HU 1
László Paál 1846 1879 HU 2
Ferencz Paczka 1856 1925 HU 1
Janos Pentelei-Molnar 1878 1924 HU 2
Izsák Perlmutter 1866 1932 HU 2
József Rippl-Rónai 1861 1927 HU 3
Frigyes Strobentz 1856 1929 HU 3
Fülöp Szenes 1863 1944 HU 1
Pál Szinyei Merse 1845 1920 HU 2
Lajos Szlányi 1869 1949 HU 1
János Thorma 1870 1937 HU 1
Edmund Tull 1870 1911 HU 1
Géza Vastagh 1866 1919 HU 1
Tivadar Zemplényi 1864 1917 HU 3
Aladár Edvi Illés 1870 1958 HU 2
Berthold Garzó 1882 1959 HU 1
Oszkár Glatz 1872 1958 HU 1
Maurice Góth 1873 1939 HU 1
Gusztáv Keleti 1834 1902 HU 1
Jenő Major 1871 1945 HU 2
Viktor Olgyai 1870 1929 HU 1
Robert Nadler 1858 1938 HU 1
Hugó Poll 1867 1931 HU 1
Ervin Raáb 1874 1959 HU 1
Imre Károly Simay 1874 1955 HU 2
Andor Székely 1877 1945 HU 1
Árpád Vida 1884 1915 HU 1
Robert Wellmann 1866 1946 HU 1
Mihály Zichy 1827 1906 HU 1
Mary Elizabeth Atkins GB 1
Robert Anning Bell 1863 1933 GB 1
Thomas Austen Brown 1859 1924 GB 1
Robert Burns 1869 1941 GB 1
David Young Cameron 1865 1945 GB 1
Gerard Chowne 1875 1917 GB 1
Frank Cadogan Cowper 1877 1958 GB 1
Mary Davis 1866 1941 GB 1
Alfred East 1849 1913 GB 1
John Duncan Fergusson 1874 1961 GB 2
Samuel Melton Fisher 1856 1939 GB 1
J. H. Vignoles Fisher 1864 1945 GB 1
James Guthrie 1859 1930 GB 1
Constance Halford 1865 GB 1
Frederick Hall 1860 1948 GB 1
Oliver Hall 1869 1957 GB 1
James Whitelaw Hamilton 1860 1932 GB 1
George Henry 1858 1943 GB 1
Georges Houston 1869 1947 GB 1
Herbert Edwin Pelham Hughes-Stanton 1870 1937 GB 1
Robert Gemmell Hutchison 1855 1936 GB 1
Alexander Jamieson 1873 1937 GB 2
William Kennedy 1859 1918 GB 1
George Washington Lambert 1873 1930 AU 1
John Lavery 1856 1941 IE 3
Horace Mann Livens 1862 1936 GB 1
William Samuel Henry Llewellyn 1858 1941 GB 1
Albert, Jr. Ludovici 1852 1932 GB 1
Charles H. Mackie 1862 1920 GB 1
William, I MacTaggart 1835 1910 GB 1
Frank Mura 1861 US 1
William Nicholson 1872 1949 GB 1
William Orpen 1878 1931 GB 1
Stuart Park 1862 1933 GB 1
James Paterson 1854 1932 GB 2
Samuel John Peploe 1871 1935 GB 2
Arthur Douglas Peppercorn 1847 1926 GB 1
Joseph Langsdale Pickering 1845 1912 GB 1
Bertram Priestman 1868 1951 GB 1
James Pryde 1866 1941 GB 1
Edyth Rackham 1867 1941 GB 1
Cecil William Rea 1860 1935 GB 1
Alexander Roche 1861 1921 GB 1
William Rothenstein 1872 1945 GB 1
Mark Senior 1864 1927 GB 1
Charles Haslewood Shannon 1863 1937 GB 1
Leonard Campbell Taylor 1874 1969 GB 1
Grosvenor Thomas 1856 1923 AU 2
Henry Scott Tuke 1858 1929 GB 1
William Walls 1860 1942 GB 2
Ernest Albert Waterlow 1850 1919 GB 1
Terrick Williams 1860 1936 GB 2
Alfred Withers 1856 1932 GB 1
Isabella A. Dods-Withers 1876 1939 GB 1
Charles William Bartlett 1860 1940 GB 1
Samuel John Lamorna Birch 1869 1955 GB 1
Alexander Kellock Brown 1849 1922 GB 2
Katharine Cameron 1874 1965 GB 1
Robert McGown Coventry 1855 1914 GB 2
A. Romilly Fedden 1875 1939 GB 1
William Russell Flint 1880 1969 GB 1
Albert Goodwin 1845 1932 GB 2
William Lee Hankey 1869 1952 GB 2
Peter Alexander Hay 1866 1952 GB 1
Cecil Arthur Hunt 1873 1965 GB 1
Biddy MacDonald 1871 1952 GB 1
James Garden Laing 1852 1915 GB 2
William Frederick Mayor 1865 1916 GB 1
Robert Buchan Nisbet 1857 1942 GB 1
Hugh L. Norris 1863 1942 GB 1
Arthur Rackham 1867 1939 GB 2
Alexander Wallace Rimington 1854 1918 GB 1
I. L. Shoosmith 1
Frank Short 1857 1945 GB 2
Frederick Stratton 1898 1932 GB 2
E. A. Walton 1860 1922 GB 1
Frank Brangwyn 1867 1956 GB 4
Frederick Vango Burridge 1869 1945 GB 2
Axel Herman Haig 1835 1921 SE 1
Joseph Simpson 1879 1939 GB 1
Charles John Watson 1846 1927 GB 2
Hans Borchardt 1865 1917 DE 3
Paul Eduard Crodel 1862 1928 DE 1
Julius Diez 1870 1954 DE 1
Hermann Eichfeld 1845 1917 DE 1
Theodor Esser Jul 30, 1868 Feb 10, 1937 DE 2
Max Feldbauer 1869 1948 DE 2
Hermann Groeber 1865 1935 DE 3
Hugo von Habermann 1849 1929 DE 4
Hans von Hayek 1869 1940 AT 2
Emanuel Hegenbarth 1868 1923 DE 1
Hubert von Heyden 1860 1911 DE 1
Otto Hierl-Deronco 1859 1935 DE 1
Theodor Hummel 1864 1939 DE 2
Richard Kaiser 1868 1941 DE 1
Albert von Keller 1844 1920 DE 5
Philipp Klein 1871 1907 DE 1
Heinrich Knirr 1862 1944 DE 1
Gotthardt Kuehl 1850 1915 DE 1
Josef, II Kühn 1872 Jul 27, 1933 DE 1
Christian Adam Landenberger 1862 1927 DE 2
Wilhelm Ludwig Lehmann 1861 1932 CH 1
Carl Theodor Meyer-Basel 1860 1932 CH 1
Karl Johann Nikolaus Piepho 1869 1920 DE 2
Richard Pietzsch 1872 1960 DE 3
Carl Reiser 1877 1950 DE 1
Leo Samberger 1861 1949 DE 3
Rudolf Schramm-Zittau 1874 1929 DE 3
Eugen Spiro 1874 1972 DE 1
Adolf Thomann 1874 1961 CH 2
Charles Tooby 1863 Oct 13, 1913 GB 2
Fritz von Uhde 1848 1911 DE 3
Albert Weisgerber 1878 1915 DE 2
Hans Beatus Wieland 1867 1945 CH 1
Eugen Wolff 1873 1937 DE 1
Heinrich von Zügel 1850 1941 DE 2
Otto Greiner 1869 1916 DE 7
Eugen Kirchner 1865 1938 DE 2
Recommended Citation: "VIII. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Mar 9, 2025. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/223