
[Vy'stavka sto let franczuzskoj zhivopisi (1812-1912) : Exhibition 100 Years of French Painting (1812-1912)]

Выставка сто лет французской живописи (1812-1912)

Exposition Centennale de l'Art Français
ID: 411, Status: proof read
Exhibition period:
Catalogue Entries: 948
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 700, other medium: 240, unknown: 8
Artists: 199
Gender: female: 7, male: 180
Nationalities: 7
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Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
May 9‒12, 1914 Collection Roger Marx. Tableaux, Pastels, Dessins, Aquarelles, Sculptures Paris Galerie Manzi, Joyant 40 artists
Jul 18‒Sep 30, 1912 Die klassische Malerei Frankreichs im 19. Jahrhundert Frankfurt am Main Gebäude des Frankfurter Kunstvereins 36 artists
Dec 16, 1907‒Jan 4, 1908 Portraits d'Hommes Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 42 artists
1907 Collection Moreau (Tableaux, Dessins, Aquarelles et Pastels) Paris Palais du Louvre - Pavillon de Marsan 31 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 1, 1908 VIII. Serie Französische Impressionisten Zurich Zurich (exact location unknown) 32 artists
Sep 1913 A XIX. század nagy francia mesterei [The Great French Masters of the XIX. Century] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 29 artists
Mar 19‒22, 1907 Collection de M. George Viau (Deuxième Vente) Paris Galeries Durand-Ruel 32 artists
Oct‒Nov 1910 Ausstellung französischer Kunst des 18., 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts Leipzig Museum der bildenden Künste 35 artists
Dec 19‒30, 1910 La Faune Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 27 artists
Apr 18‒30, 1910 D'après les maîtres Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 27 artists
Jun 26‒Jul 13, 1911 L'Eau Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 26 artists
Oct‒Nov 1907 Třiadvacátá výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze 1907. Francouzští impressionisté [Twenty-third Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague 1907. French Impressionists] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 26 artists
Mar 12‒Apr 17, 1910 La Libre Esthétique. L'Évolution du Paysage Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 26 artists
Nov 14‒30, 1907 Fleurs et Natures Mortes Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 23 artists
Apr 27‒Jun 19, 1910 Nemzetközi Impresszionista kiállítás [International Impressionist Exhibition] Budapest Művészház 26 artists
May 15‒16, 1908 Tableaux Modernes. Aquarelles, Dessins et Pastels Paris Hôtel Drouot 21 artists
May 17‒28, 1910 Nus Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 22 artists
Dec 10‒31, 1907 Exposition de Cent Vingt Tableautins, Peintures, Aquarelles, Pastels et Dessins Paris Galerie Eug. Blot 23 artists
Nov 8, 1910‒Jan 15, 1911 Manet and the Post-Impressionists London Grafton Galleries 20 artists
Mar 2‒4, 1907 Collection de M. George Viau Paris Galeries Durand-Ruel 18 artists
Nov 22‒23, 1910 Collection de M. Albert Bernier Paris Hôtel Drouot 19 artists
Mar 2‒Apr 2, 1907 L'Exposition d'Art Français Contemporain au Chateau Des Rohan Strasbourg Chateau des Rohan 24 artists
Mar 1‒Apr 5, 1908 La Libre Esthétique, Salon Jubilaire Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 21 artists
Feb 17‒Mar 15, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] New York Armory of the 69th Infantry 37 artists
1912 Sommaire des Peintures et Sculptures de l'École Contemporaine exposées dans les Galeries du Musée National du Luxembourg Paris Musée National du Luxembourg 51 artists
ca/04/1911 - 14/05/1911 XIII. Jahrgang. Winter 1910/1911. X. Ausstellung. [Sammlung Maurice Masson, Paris] Berlin Paul Cassirer 17 artists
1908 Exposition Permanente Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 17 artists
Mar 8‒Apr 13, 1913 Interprétations du Midi Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 18 artists
May 1‒31, 1907 Ausstellung französischer Kunstwerke Stuttgart Museum der bildenden Künste 22 artists
May 1‒15, 1912 Salon de Mai 1912, Première Exposition Marseille Ateliers du Quai Rive-Neuve 17 artists
Jan 1914 Moderne Franzosen Vienna Galerie Arnot 16 artists
Mar 15‒16, 1911 Tableaux Modernes. Aquarelles - Pastels - Dessins Paris Hôtel Drouot 19 artists
Apr 28‒May 19, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Boston Copley Hall 18 artists
Mar 5‒22, 1908 X. Jahrgang. 1907/1908. VII. Ausstellung. [Kollektion Vincent van Gogh] Berlin Paul Cassirer 15 artists
May 20‒22, 1911 Vente au bénéfice du Monument Cézanne Paris Hôtel Drouot 15 artists
Mar‒Apr 1913 Kollektion Moderner Franzosen Vienna Galerie Arnot 15 artists
Oct 24‒Dec 2, 1912 XV. Jahrgang. 1912-13. Erste Ausstellung. [Galerie-Ausstellung] Berlin Paul Cassirer 16 artists
Mar 24‒Apr 16, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago 24 artists
Feb 1913 Iványi-Grünwald Béla festményeinek és magyar műgyüjtemények bemutatása. I. Dr. Sonnenfeld Zsigmond gyüjteménye [Exhibition of the Paintings of Béla Iványi-Grünwald and the Presentation of Hungarian Art Collections. I. Zsigmond Sonnenfeld] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 15 artists
Dec 1913‒Jan 18, 1914 Französische Meister Vienna Galerie Miethke 14 artists
Jul 20‒Aug 5, 1911 La Montagne Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 14 artists
Mar‒Jun 1913 Prima Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 25 artists
Jun 8‒16, 1914 Le Paysage du Midi Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 14 artists
Oct 21‒Nov 20, 1905 Exposition de Peintures Paris Galerie B. Weill 14 artists
Mar 7‒Apr 12, 1909 La Libre Esthétique. Seizième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 15 artists
Jun 10‒13, 1908 Collection Thadée Natanson Paris Hôtel Drouot 13 artists
Mar 1, 1913 Französische Impressionisten Vienna Galerie Miethke 13 artists
Oct 15‒Nov 8, 1908 XI. Jahrgang. Winter 1908/09. II. Ausstellung. [Kollektion Lovis Corinth. Ausstellung "Stilleben"] Berlin Paul Cassirer 13 artists
Nov 1909 Eröffnungs-Ausstellung November 1909. Moderne Galerie München Munich Moderne Galerie (Heinrich Thannhauser) 14 artists
Feb 1‒Mar 31, 1914 Internationale Ausstellung in der Kunsthalle Bremen Bremen Kunsthalle Bremen 21 artists
Jun 7‒8, 1911 Collection Henry Bernstein Paris Hôtel Drouot 12 artists
Jul 3‒20, 1908 Exposition De Tableaux Modernes Paris Galerie Druet 12 artists
Oct‒Nov 1912 Sammlungen Richard Muther, Ludwig Hevesi Vienna Galerie Miethke 13 artists
Dec 1912 Ausstellung von Werken Moderner Franzosen Vienna Galerie Arnot 11 artists
16/03/1906 - mid/06/1906 [VIII. Jahrgang. VII. Ausstellung. Französische Meister] Berlin Paul Cassirer 11 artists
Nov 1909 Impressionisten - Ausstellung Munich Moderne Galerie (Heinrich Thannhauser) 11 artists
1912 Exposition d'Art Moderne Paris Galerie Manzi, Joyant & Cie. 11 artists
Jan 8‒Feb 6, 1910 [XII. Jahrgang, V. Ausstellung]. Die Sammlung Eduard Behrens zu Hamburg Berlin Paul Cassirer 12 artists
Oct 12, 1913‒Jan 16, 1914 Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition London Doré Gallery 13 artists
07/1913 - end/09/1913 [XV. Jahrgang. 1912/13. Zehnte Ausstellung. Sommerausstellung] Berlin Paul Cassirer 11 artists
Dec 17, 1909‒Feb 6, 1910 (Dec 4, 1909‒Jan 24, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и рисунков [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i risunkov : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Odessa Vladimir Izdebsky 16 artists
Dec 1907 Modern francia nagymesterek tárlata. Magyar müvészek karácsonyi művásárja és az Éremkedvelők Egyesületének kiállitása [Exhibition ot the Great French Masters. Christmas Artfair of the Hungarian Artists and the Exhibition of the Medal Appreciation Association] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 14 artists
Oct 18‒Nov 25, 1905 Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 32 artists
1910 Katalog-Auszug eines Teiles der im Besitze der Modernen Galerie befindlichen Werke Munich Moderne Galerie (Heinrich Thannhauser) 13 artists
Nov 13‒Dec 4, 1909 Natures Mortes et Fleurs (Peintures) Paris Galerie Eug. Blot 11 artists
Jul 16‒Oct 9, 1910 Ausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler Dusseldorf Städtischer Kunstpalast 12 artists
Feb 26‒Mar 27, 1910 (Feb 13‒Mar 14, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выстака картин, скульптуры, гравюры и рисунков [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'staka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i risunkov : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Kiev Vladimir Izdebsky 16 artists
Jun 25‒Jul 20, 1910 (Jun 12‒Jul 7, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Riga Vladimir Izdebsky 15 artists
May 2‒Jun 7, 1910 (Apr 19‒May 25, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Saint Petersburg Vladimir Izdebsky 14 artists
Apr 12‒Sep 30, 1914 Erste Ausstellung der Freien Secession Berlin Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 15 artists
Jan 9‒Feb 1913 Die Neue Kunst Vienna Galerie Miethke 10 artists
1913 Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Gand en 1913: Groupe II. Beaux-Arts: Œuvres modernes. Ghent Exposition universelle de Gand 39 artists
Oct 6‒Nov 15, 1906 Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 26 artists
Feb‒Mar 1910 XXXI. výstava S. V. U. Manes. Les indépendants [XXXI. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes. Les Indépendants] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 9 artists
May‒Oct 1909 Internationale Kunstschau Wien Vienna Gebäude der Kunstschau Wien 12 artists
May 25‒Sep 30, 1912 Internationale Kunstausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler zu Cöln Cologne Städtische Ausstellungshalle am Aachener Tor 14 artists
May 1‒Oct 20, 1907 Internationale Kunstausstellung Mannheim Mannheim Kunsthalle Mannheim 18 artists
beg/01/1913 - 20/01/1913 XV. Jahrgang. 1912-13. Dritte Ausstellung. [Sammlung Gottlieb Friedrich Reber, Barmen] Berlin Paul Cassirer 9 artists
1913 XXVI. Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 11 artists
Jan 1913 1888-1913. Kunstsalon Fritz Gurlitt Berlin Fritz Gurlitt 10 artists
Feb 17‒Apr 15, 1906 Internationale Kunstausstellung Bremen Bremen Kunsthalle Bremen 17 artists
19/01/1912 - end/02/1912 Französische Meister Vienna Galerie Miethke 8 artists
Nov 1‒Dec 7, 1913 [XVI. Jahrgang. 1913/14. Zweite Ausstellung]. Degas / Cézanne Berlin Paul Cassirer 8 artists
Jan 1913 Francia Impresszionisták (Manet) és Herman Lipót gyüjteményes kiállítása [Exhibition of the French Impressionists (Manet) and the Collected Works of Lipót Herman] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 8 artists
Mar‒Apr 1913 The "John Balli" Collection London Goupil Gallery 8 artists
Oct‒Nov 1913 Eröffnungsausstellung. Kölnischer Kunstverein Cologne Gemäldegalerie des Kölnischen Kunstvereins 9 artists
Oct 5‒Dec 31, 1912 Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition. British, French and Russian Artists London Grafton Galleries 9 artists
Oct 1911 Kunst unserer Zeit in Cölner Privatbesitz Cologne Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 10 artists
Oct 6‒Nov 5, 1911 Internationale Tentoonstelling van Moderne Kunst. Moderne Kunst Kring Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 8 artists
May‒Jun 1914 46. výstava S.V.U. Manes v Praze (členská) [46. (Member's) Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 8 artists
Feb‒Jun 1915 Terza esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 12 artists
May 3‒15, 1909 Aquarelles & Pastels de Cézanne, H.-E. Cross, Degas, Jongkind, Camille Pissarro, K.-X. Roussel, Paul Signac, Vuillard Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 7 artists
Aug‒Sep 1913 Neue Kunst. II.Gesamtausstellung Munich Hans Goltz 9 artists
Dec 4‒17, 1910 Exposition Annuelle, 1er Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 7 artists
mid/05/1912 - 09/1912 XIV. Jahrgang. Winter 1911/1912. IX. Ausstellung. [Sommerausstellung] Berlin Paul Cassirer 7 artists
Dec 3, 1905‒Jan 1, 1906 Exhibition of Paintings by Contemporary French Artists Cincinnati Cincinnati Museum 7 artists
Oct‒Nov 1913 Erste Ausstellung Berlin Neue Galerie 7 artists
Apr 25‒Jun 30, 1912 Sixteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 14 artists
Apr‒May 1913 XXXXIII. výstava. S. V. U. Manes. Členská [XXXXIII. Exhibition. Union of Fine Artists Manes. Member's] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 7 artists
Mar 14‒Apr 22, 1906 Exposition d'Art Français Basel Kunsthalle Bâle 9 artists
Jun 3‒15, 1907 Exposition des Oeuvres (Peinture et Sculpture) de MM. Bonnard, Maurice Denis, Hermann-Paul, Lacombe, Aristide Maillol, Ranson, K-X. Roussel, Sérusier, Vallotton et Vuillard Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 6 artists
Apr 20‒May 15, 1910 Prima Mostra italiana dell'Impressionismo, opere di Paul Cézanne, Edgar Degas, Jean-Louis Forain, Paul Gauguin, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Medardo Rosso, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Vincent Van Gogh Florence Lyceum Club 6 artists
Nov 25‒Dec 7, 1912 Exposition Annuelle, 1er Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 6 artists
Nov 27‒Dec 9, 1911 Exposition Annuelle, 1er Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 6 artists
Feb 22‒25, 1910 Collection Jean Dolent. Tableaux Modernes & Anciens Paris Hôtel Drouot 7 artists
Nov‒Dec 1911 Exposition Internationale de l'Art Chrétien Moderne / Organisée par la Société de Saint-Jean Paris Palais du Louvre - Pavillon de Marsan 8 artists
May 2‒Jun 30, 1910 Fourteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 11 artists
ca. 10/07/1914 - 11/10/1914 XVI. Jahrgang. 1914. Sommer-Ausstellung Berlin Paul Cassirer 6 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1905 VI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 16 artists
Mar 18‒Apr 23, 1911 La Libre Esthétique, dix-huitième Exposition à Bruxelles Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 6 artists
Mar 3‒Apr 3, 1907 La Libre Esthétique. Quatorzième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 6 artists
1908 Fünfzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 8 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 8, 1908 Salon d'Automne. 6e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 10 artists
May 1907 Tavaszi kiállitás. Gauguin, Cézanne stb. művei [Spring Exhibition. Works of Gauguin, Cézanne etc.] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 7 artists
Oct‒Nov 1911 Französische Impressionisten Vienna Galerie Arnot 5 artists
Nov 27, 1909‒Jan 9, 1910 Neunzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession. Zeichnende Künste Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 7 artists
May 16‒Oct 31, 1911 Internationale Kunstausstellung der Münchener Secession Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 8 artists
1906 Elfte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 8 artists
1911 XXII. Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 8 artists
May 14‒16, 1914 Collection de M. Herbert Kullmann (de Manchester) Paris Hôtel Drouot 5 artists
May 1‒15, 1913 XV. Jahrgang. 1912-13. Achte Ausstellung Berlin Paul Cassirer 5 artists
May 9‒Jun 3, 1908 X. Jahrgang. 1907/1908. X. Ausstellung. Francisco de Goya Berlin Paul Cassirer 5 artists
Nov 17‒29, 1913 Exposition Annuelle, 1er Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 5 artists
Mar 15‒Apr 28, 1907 Paul Gauguin [und französische Postimpressionisten] Vienna Galerie Miethke 5 artists
Feb 20‒Mar 14, 1906 [VIII. Jahrgang. VI. Ausstellung. Kollektionen von Lovis Corinth] Berlin Paul Cassirer 5 artists
Oct 1912 Neue Kunst. Erste Gesamt-Ausstellung Munich Hans Goltz 6 artists
Spring 1905 Tavaszi nemzetközi kiállítás [International Spring Exhibition 1905] Budapest Műcsarnok 10 artists
Apr 13‒Jul 1912 Stedelijke Internationale Tentoonstelling Van Kunstwerken Van Levende Meesters Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 22 artists
Nov 1910‒Jan 1911 Einundzwanzigste Ausstellung der Berliner Secession. Zeichnende Künste Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 7 artists
Dec 6, 1907‒Jan 5, 1908 Vierzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession, Zeichnende Künste Berlin Paul Cassirer 6 artists
Oct 6‒Nov 7, 1912 Moderne Kunst Kring (Cercle de l'art moderne). Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Dessin, Gravure Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 5 artists
Apr 1909 Achtzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 7 artists
Nov 20‒Dec 16, 1911 Exposition d'Art Contemporain / Société Normande de Peinture Moderne 2me exposition Paris Galerie d'Art Ancien & d'Art Contemporain 5 artists
May 30‒31, 1910 Collection Particulière de M. Charles Boutet de Monvel Paris Hôtel Drouot 5 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 13 artists
Mar 1911 XIII. Jahrgang. Winter 1910/1911. VIII. Ausstellung. [Kollektionen von Paul Cézanne, Ferdinand Hodler, Leopold von Kalckreuth, Fritz von Uhde, Maurice H. Sterne] Berlin Paul Cassirer 4 artists
Apr 14‒26, 1913 Exposition Annuelle. 3e Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 4 artists
Apr 24‒May 6, 1911 Exposition Annuelle, IIIme Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 4 artists
Apr 29‒May 11, 1912 Exposition Annuelle, IIIe Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 4 artists
Mar 13‒25, 1911 Exposition Annuelle. 2me Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 4 artists
Feb 5‒17, 1912 Exposition Annuelle, 2me Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 4 artists
Mar 4‒25, 1913 XV. Jahrgang. 1912-13. Sechste Ausstellung Berlin Paul Cassirer 4 artists
Apr 20‒May 2, 1914 Exposition Annuelle, 3eme Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 4 artists
Apr 24‒Jun 30, 1913 Seventeenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 9 artists
Feb 1913 Privatsammlung Dr. Oskar Reichel. Wien Vienna Galerie Miethke 4 artists
Feb 10‒25, 1905 Première exposition d'Ensemble d'Intimistes (Peintres d'Intérieurs) Paris Galeries Henry Graves and Co Ltd. 4 artists
Apr 27‒Jun 30, 1911 Fifteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 8 artists
Mar 12‒Apr 10, 1912 Der Sturm. Erste Ausstellung. Der Blaue Reiter. Franz Flaum. Oskar Kokoschka. Expressionisten Berlin Gilka-Villa 4 artists
Oct 25‒Nov 10, 1905 Société des Peintres du Paris Moderne.Troisième Exposition Paris Galerie des Artistes Modernes 4 artists
Feb 22‒Mar 25, 1906 La Libre Esthétique. La treizième Exposition Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 4 artists
Oct 10‒30, 1912 Salon de la "Section d'Or" Paris Galerie La Boëtie 4 artists
1912 XXIV. Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 6 artists
Apr 1910 Zwanzigste Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 5 artists
Jan 6‒17, 1914 Exposition Cézanne Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 3 artists
Feb‒Mar 1, 1911 Corot, Delacroix, Courbet Vienna Galerie Miethke 3 artists
Sep 1910 Utställnig af Utländsk Modern Grafisk Konst Stockholm Sveriges Allmänna Konstförening 3 artists
Feb 17‒Mar 1, 1913 Exposition Annuelle, 2me Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 3 artists
Mar‒Apr 15, 1908 Van Gogh. Gauguin. Munich Kunstsalon W. Zimmermann 3 artists
Feb 9‒21, 1914 Exposition Annuelle, 2me Groupe Paris Galerie Druet 3 artists
Jan 12‒Feb 10, 1906 Peintures & Aquarelles Paris Galerie B. Weill 3 artists
Apr 29‒Jun 1905 VII. Jahrgang. Frühjahr 1905. VII. Ausstellung. [Collectionen Vincent van Gogh, Félix Vallotton] Berlin Paul Cassirer 3 artists
May 29‒30, 1906 Vente Aux Enchères Publiques Des Tableaux, Études, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins, Eaux-Fortes, Gravures, Sculpture, Objets D'Art Paris Hôtel Drouot 5 artists
Apr 1911 XIII. Jahrgang. Winter 1910/1911. IX. Ausstellung. [Kollektionen Walter Bondy, Rudolf Levy, Julius Pascin, Hans Purrmann] Berlin Paul Cassirer 3 artists
Jan 1914 The Grafton Group. Vanessa Bell, Roger Fry, Duncan Grant. Second Exhibition London Galleries of the Alpine Club 3 artists
15/05/1908 - end/10/1908 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 4 artists
Jun 1906 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 4 artists
Mar 9‒Apr 14, 1912 La Libre Esthétique. La dix-neuvième Exposition à Bruxelles Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Jan‒Feb 1914 Ausstellung Preis-Konkurrenz C.R. [Carl Reininghaus]. Werke der Malerei Vienna Kunstsalon Pisko 3 artists
Jun 15‒Jul 15, 1912 Société Normande de Peinture Moderne Rouen Grand Skating Rouennais 3 artists
Feb‒Mar 1914 45. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Moderní umění [45. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague. Modern Art] Prague [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] 3 artists
1913 Бубновый валет [Bubnovy'j valet : Jack of Diamonds] Saint Petersburg [Dom Shvedskoj Czerkvi] 3 artists
May 9‒Nov 2, 1914 Exposition Générale des Beaux-Arts / Salon Triennale Brussels Palais du Cinquantenaire 8 artists
Jul‒Sep 1907 Salon des Beaux-Arts d'Ostende Ostend Casino Kursaal Oostende 3 artists
Nov‒Dec 1906 XXVII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 3 artists
Nov‒Dec 1905 XXIV. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 3 artists
Apr 30‒Jun 30, 1914 Eighteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 5 artists
Feb 29‒Apr 20, 1908 Frühjahr-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 3 artists
Nov 23, 1911 Exhibition of Pictures by Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) and Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) London Stafford Gallery 2 artists
Jun 19‒Jul 3, 1911 Exposition de peintures & d'aquarelles de Henri Edmond Cross & Paul Signac Paris Galerie Druet 2 artists
Dec 2‒14, 1907 L'Atelier de Sisley Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
May 6‒Jun 18, 1910 Manet. Monet Vienna Galerie Miethke 2 artists
Oct 24‒Nov 10, 1907 Exposition de sculptures nouvelles par Camille Claudel et de peintures par Manguin, Marquet, Puy Paris Galerie Eug. Blot 2 artists
Jul‒Aug 1905 Tentoonstelling van Schilderijen en Teekeningen door Vincent Van Gogh [Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Vincent van Gogh] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artists
23/01/1913 - mid/02/1913 XV. Jahrgang. 1912-13. Vierte Ausstellung Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Sep 22‒Oct 28, 1906 [IX. Jahrgang. I. Ausstellung. Manet-Monet-Ausstellung] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Feb 25‒Mar 25, 1905 Exposition de Dessins, Aquarelles & Peintures Paris Galerie B. Weill 2 artists
May 12‒Jun 10, 1905 Exposition de Peintures, Pastels par MM. Bouche (Georges), Paris Galerie B. Weill 2 artists
Apr 6‒29, 1905 Exposition de Peintures, Pastels & Sculptures Paris Galerie B. Weill 2 artists
ca. 22/01/1909 - 22/02/1909 XI. Jahrgang. Winter 1908/1909. VI. Ausstellung. [Kollektionen Claude Monet, Heinrich Hübner, Philipp Franck] [[Werke von Courbet, Julie Wolfthorn. Plastiken von Hermann Haller]] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Feb 4‒23, 1908 X. Jahrgang. 1907/1908. VI. Ausstellung. [Kollektionen v. Brockhusen, Engel, Jawlensky, Liebermann, Slevogt] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
mid/09/1908 - 13/10/1908 XI. Jahrgang. Winter 1908/09. I. Ausstellung. [Kollektionen Ulrich Hübner, Georges Mosson, Emil Pottner] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Oct 19‒Nov 3, 1907 X. Jahrgang. 1907/1908. II. Ausstellung. [Kollektionen Philipp Franck, Ferdinand Hodler, Walter Leistikow, Karl Walser] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Dec 4‒30, 1906 Exposition de Peintures Paris Galerie B. Weill 2 artists
Oct 1‒Nov 10, 1905 [VIII. Jahrgang. I. Ausstellung. Kollektion Claude Monet] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
May 1912 [Der Sturm]. Dritte Ausstellung. Graphik Berlin Der Sturm [venues] 2 artists
Jan 5‒16, 1911 XIII. Jahrgang. Winter 1910/11. V. Ausstellung. [Corinth "Golgatha"] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Feb 9‒Mar 24, 1909 Akvarellek, pasztellek és grafikai művek nemzetközi kiállitása [International Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels and Graphics] Budapest Műcsarnok 5 artists
Dec 21, 1908‒Jan 15, 1909 Catalogue des Œuvres Exposées Paris Galerie Notre-Dame-des-Champs 2 artists
Nov‒Dec 1912 Fünfundzwanzigste Ausstellung der Berliner Secession. Zeichnende Künste Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 3 artists
Nov 2, 1905‒Jan 1, 1906 Tenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 4 artists
Dec 3‒17, 1911 I. Ausstellung des Modernen Bundes Luzern Grand Hotel du Lac 2 artists
Sep‒Nov 1912 II. výstava Skupiny výtvarných umělců [II. Exhibition of the Skupina výtvarných umělců] Prague Obecní dům 2 artists
Jan 21‒Feb 2, 1911 XIII. Jahrgang. Winter 1910/11. VI. Ausstellung. Neue Künstler-Vereinigung München Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Sep 3‒25, 1905 Cercle Vrije Kunst. VIIe Exposition Annuelle Brussels Hedendaagsche Museum - Musée Moderne 2 artists
Sep 1‒14, 1910 Neue Künstlervereinigung München E.V., Turnus 1910-1911. [II. Ausstellung] Munich Moderne Galerie (Heinrich Thannhauser) 2 artists
Jan‒Feb 1914 Выставка Картин Общества Художников "Бубновый Валет" [Vy'stavka Kartin Obshhestva Khudozhnikov "Bubnovy'j Valet" : Exhibition of Paintings of the "Jack of Diamonds Association"] Moscow [Dom Levisson : Levisson House] 2 artists
Nov 7‒Dec 8, 1913 Moderne Kunst Kring (Cercle de l'Art Moderne) Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artists
1915 Sammlung Walden. Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Plastiken Berlin Der Sturm [venues] 2 artists
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 12 artists
Jan 23‒Feb 26, 1912 Выставка Картин Общества Художников "Бубновый Валет" [Vy'stavka Kartin Obshhestva Khudozhnikov "Bubnovy'j Valet" : Exhibition of Paintings by "Jack of Diamonds Association of Artists"] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Mar 24‒Apr 30, 1905 21e Exposition de la Société des Artistes Indépendants Paris Serres de la Ville de Paris (Cours-la-Reine) 2 artists
Nov‒Dec 1910 XXXVII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 3 artists
Feb‒Jun 1914 Seconda Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte "della Secessione". Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 3 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 5 artists
Nov‒Dec 1911 Dreiundzwanzigste Ausstellung der Berliner Secession. Zeichnende Künste Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 2 artists
1907 Union Internationale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres. Deuxième Congrès. Le musée du Peuple Angers Angers, Centre d'Art 2 artists
Nov 1908‒1909 Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] Budapest Műcsarnok 2 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1912 X. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 3 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1910 IX. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 3 artists
Sep 7, 1907 Stedelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters [Urban Exhibition of Works of Art of Living Masters] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artists
Organizing Committee
Président d᾿Honneur: S. A. I. le Grand-Duc Nicolas Mikhaïlowitch.
Luis Réau, Professeur á l᾿Universitè de Nancy, Directeur de l᾿Institut Français de Saint-Pétersbourg
François Monod, Attaché aux Musées Nationaux et Victor de Goloubev, Délégués généraux de l᾿Exposition á Paris
René Jean, Conservateur de la Bibliotéque d᾿Art et d᾿Archéologie
Valerian Tschoudowsky, Secrétaire, Saint-Pétersbourg
Аргутинский, князь Владимир Николаевич [Argutinskij, Count Vladimir Nikolaevich]. Бенуа, Александр Николаевич [Benua, Aleksandr Nikolaevich]. Вейнер, Петр Петрович [Vejner, Petr Petrovich]. Верещагин, Василий Андреевич [Vereshhagin, Vasilij Andreevich]. Волков, Евгений Николаевич [Volkov, Evgenij Nikolaevich]. Волконский, князь Сергей Михаилович [Volkonskij, Duke Sergej Mikhailovich]. Голубев, Виктор Викторович [Golubev, Viktor Viktorovich]. Горчаков, св. кн. Михаил Константинович [Gorchakov, His Serene Highness Mikhail Konstantinovich]. Зубов, граф Валентин Платонович [Zubov, Count Valentin Platonovich]. Извольский, Александр Петрович [Izvol'skij Aleksandr Petrovich]. Олив, Михаил Сергеевич [Oliv, Mikhail Sergeevich]. Сазонов, Сергей Дмитриевич [Sazonov, Sergej Dmitrievich]. Сумароков-Эльстон, граф Феликс Феликсович [Sumarokov-E'l'ston, Count Feliks Feliksovich]. Толстой, граф Дмитрий Иванович [Tolstoj, Count Dmitrij Ivanovich]. Трубиков, Александр Александрович [Trubikov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich]. Ушков, Михаил Константинович [Ushkov, Mikhail Konstantinovich]. Шиллинг, Василий Васильевич [Shilling, Vasilij Vasil'evich]. Щербатов, князь Сергей Александрович [Shherbatov, Duke Sergej Aleksandrovich].
Архитектор выставки: Георгий Крескентович Лукомский [Exhibition Architect: Georgij Kreskentovich Lukomskij].
Exposition Centennale de l’ Art Français. Типография Сириус 1912.

Holding Institution: [Rossijskaya gosudarstvennaya biblioteka]
Барон Врангель, Н./ Маковский, Сергей Выставка [Baron Vrangel, N./ Makovsky Sergey]: [no title], p. 11-12
"Выставка 'Сто лет французской живописи' - первая вне пределах Франции на которой представлено развитие французскаго искусства за прошлый век. Устраивая ее, мы имели в виду, главным образом, ознакомить русскую публику с образцами вдохновлявшими лучших европейских мастеров и являющимися как бы первоисточниками всей живописи XIX столетия. По-этому наше внимание было направлено не не оффициальных академических или же салонных живописцев, имеющих зачастую незаслуженную известность в России, но – на художников-вожаков, на художников, которые в свое время открывали новые пути и, вместе с тем, умели беречь старыя прекрасныя традиции французской школы. От Пуссена до Сезанна около трех столетий французское искусство было преемственно. Одна из задач выставки – показать эту преемственность и связь современных течений со славным прошлым французской живописи, с заветами ея великих учителей: Давида, Энгра, Делакруа, Жерико, Коро, Домье, Курбэ, Манэ, Дегá, Милле, Ренуара, Моне, Гогена, Сезанна. Этим мастерам уделили мы особое внимание. Наряду с ними мы представили отдельными работами других художников, наиболее ярко выразивших различныя течения, чередовавшияся в минувшем веке: классиков, романтиков, барбизонцев, реалистов, импрессионистов и, наконец, современных мастеров... Но вледствие того, что цель выставки – дать итоги французской живописи за XIX столетие, мы намеренно отказались от новых художников, творчество которых принадлежит XX веку. Исключены также некоторые мастера, хотя и работавшие во Франции, однако, не только по рожднию, но и по характеру живописи не принадлежащие к французской школе, напр., Стевенс, Ван-Гог, Пикассо и др. [p. 11.]
Осуществлению нашей задачи любезно спостобствовали французский посоль в С.-Петербурге г. Georges Louis, директор Institut Français de St. Pétersbourg – г. Louis Réau, многие художественные деятели Парижа, правительственные музеи Франции и в особенности – коллекционеры, откликнувшиеся на наш призыв. Между последними мы считаем своим приятным долгом назвать г. г. Theo Behrens, Auguste Beurdeley, Henri Lapauze, baron Vitta. Кроме того, ценную помощь оказали нам Meyer-Graefe, хранитель музея Arts Décoratifs – Louis Metman, председатель «О-ва Друзей Лувра» - г. Koechlin, хранитель Люксембургскаго музея – Leonce Bénédite хранитель музея Лувра – Paul Vitry, Loys Delteil, собравший для выставки отдел французской гравюры, и др.
Всем этим лицам мы приносим нашу горячую благодарность." [p. 12]

"The exhibition „100 years of French Painting“ is the first one outside France, which presents the development of French Art in the past century. In organizing it, primarily we wanted to familiarize the Russian public with the inspiring role models – with the best European masters, who are the primary source of all painting in the 19th century. Therefore, we did not pay attention to the official, academic or even salon painters, who often enjoy gratuitous popularity in Russia, but to the artists-leaders, to the artists who opened new paths at their times and also had the ability to conserve the old wonderful tradition of the French school. From Poussin to Cezanne, the French art was successive for almost 300 years. One of the objectives of the exhibition is to show this continuity and the connection of the contemporary styles with the glorious past of the French painting and the legacies of their great master: David, Ingres, Delacroix, Gericault, Corot, Daumier, Courbet, Manet, Degas, Millet, Renoir, Monet, Gaugin, Cezanne. We paid special attention to this artists. Along with them, we presented the works of other artists, who most clearly expressed different styles, which alternated in the past century: classicists, romanticists, Barbizonians, realists, impressionists, and, finally, the contemporary artists… Due to the aim of the exhibition – to give a summary of the French painting over the 19th century – we purposely refused the new artists, who’s creating belongs to the 20th century. We also excluded a few artists, who, although they work in France, by nationality and painting character do not belong to the French school, for example, Stevens, Van Gogh, Picasso and others.
The realization of our objective kindly supported the French ambassador in St. Petersburg, Mr. Georges Louis, the director of the Institut Français de St. Pétersbourg, Mr. Louis Réau, a lot of Parisian art professionals, the French State museums and especially, the collectors who responded to our call. Among them we especially want to mention Mr. Theo Behrens, Auguste Beurdeley, Henri Lapauze, baron Vitta. Furthermore, valuable support provided Meyer-Graefe, the curator of the museum Arts Décoratifs – Louis Metman, the president of the “Association of the Louvre Friends” – Mr. Koechlin, the curator of the Luxemburg Museum Leonce Bénédite, the curator of the Louvre – Paul Vitry, Loys Delteil, who created the section of French engraving for the exhibitions, and others.
All of them we want to convey our deep gratitude.

Baron N. Vrangel
Sergey Makovsky"]

Arsène, Alexandre: [no title], p. 13-37
Catalogue Structure
Каталог картин, рисунков и скульптуры [Catalogue of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture] cat. no. 1-672, p. 38-79
Каталог гравюр и литографий [Catalogue of Prints and Lithography] cat. no. 673-867, p. 80-90
Каталог картин французских художников работавших в России [Catalogue of French Artists who worked in Russia] cat. no. 868-897, p. 91-94
Каталог миниатюр [Catalogue of Miniatures] cat. no. 898-929, p. 95-98
Каталог предметов, украшающих выставку [Catalogue of Decorative Items for the Exhibition] cat. no. I-XXV, p. 99-100
Additional Information
Other Mediums listed

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
Théodore Caruelle d' Aligny 1798 1871 FR 1
Edmond Aman-Jean 1858 1936 FR 2
Baghetti 1
Albert André 1869 1954 FR 2
Frédéric Bazille 1841 1870 FR 2
Antoine-Louis Barye 1796 1875 FR 1
Henri Charles Antoine Baron 1816 1885 FR 1
Jules Bastien-Lepage 1848 1884 FR 1
Boileau 2
Jacques Beltrand 1874 1977 FR 3
Albert Besnard 1849 1934 FR 2
Antoine Béranger 1785 1867 FR 1
Jacques-Emile Blanche 1861 1942 FR 3
Paul Jacques Aimé Baudry 1828 1886 FR 1
François Bonvin 1817 1887 FR 5
Léon Bonnat 1833 1922 FR 1
Pierre Bonnard 1867 1947 FR 6
Eugène Bonington 1801 1828 3
Marie Bracquemond 1840 1916 FR 1
Jacques Raymond Brascassat 1804 1867 FR 1
Rodolphe Bresdin 1822 1885 FR 3
Louis Léopold Boilly 1761 1845 FR 8
William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1825 1905 FR 1
Eugène Boudin 1824 1898 FR 6
Bernard Boutet de Monvel 1881 1949 FR 1
Félix Vallotton 1865 1925 CH 6
Louis Valtat 1869 1952 FR 1
François Vernay 1821 1896 FR 1
Victor Vincelet 1839 1871 FR 1
Carles Vernet 1758 1836 FR 5
Victor Alfred Paul Vignon 1847 1909 FR 1
Antoine Vollon 1833 1900 FR 3
Edouard Vuillard 1868 1940 FR 4
Paul Gavarni 1804 1866 FR 6
Louise Galtier-Boissière 1866 1957 FR 1
Francois Gailliard 1861 1932 BE 1
Gardet 1
François-Joseph Heim 1787 1865 FR 1
Pierre Guérin 1774 1833 FR 3
Charles-François-Prosper Guérin 1875 1939 FR 2
Nicolas-Auguste Hesse 1795 1869 FR 1
Paul Camille Guigou 1834 1871 FR 2
Armand Guillaumin 1841 1927 FR 3
Paul Gauguin 1848 1903 FR 22
Henri Grevedon 1776 1860 FR 1
Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1725 1805 FR 1
Antoine-Jean Gros 1771 1835 FR 2
Constantin Guys 1802 1892 FR 13
Paul Huet 1803 1869 FR 12
Jacques-Louis David 1748 1825 FR 8
Jules Dalou 1838 1902 FR 2
Marcellin Desboutin 1823 1902 FR 1
Edgar Degas 1834 1917 FR 4
Louis Debucourt 1755 1832 FR 3
Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1803 1860 FR 7
Eugène Delacroix 1798 1863 FR 20
Marne, de 1744 1829 FR 2
Maurice Denis 1870 1943 FR 5
Alfred Dehodencq 1822 1882 FR 5
André Derain 1880 1954 FR 2
Johan Barthold Jongkind 1819 1891 NL 1
Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Peña 1807 1876 FR 9
Charles François Daubigny 1817 1878 FR 7
Honoré Daumier 1810 1879 FR 11
Alfred Dedreux 1810 1860 FR 2
Drolling 1
Guillaume Dubufe 1853 1909 FR 2
Jules Dupré 1811 1889 FR 3
Edouard Dufeu 1840 1900 FR 2
Georges Léon Dufrenoy 1870 1943 FR 1
Charles Émile Jacque 1813 1894 FR 2
Marguerite Gérard 1761 1837 FR 3
François, Baron Gérard 1770 1837 FR 7
Théodore Géricault 1791 1824 FR 7
Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson 1767 1824 FR 1
Jean Jongk'ng 1819 1891 1
Philippe Auguste Jeanron 1809 1877 FR 1
Jouve 3
Francis Jourdain 1876 1958 FR 2
Félix Ziem 1821 1911 FR 5
Jean-Baptiste Isabey 1767 1855 FR 9
Eugène Isabey 1803 1886 FR 6
Jean Charles Cazin 1841 1901 FR 3
Adolphe-Félix Cals 1810 1880 FR 4
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux 1827 1875 FR 1
Eugène Carrière 1849 1906 FR 3
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 1796 1875 FR 22
Charles Cottet 1863 1925 FR 4
Henri Edmond Cross 1856 1910 FR 1
Gustave Courbet 1819 1877 FR 23
Thomas Couture 1815 1879 FR 4
Eugène Louis Lami 1800 1890 FR 6
Pierre Laprade 1875 1931 FR 2
Gaston de Latouche 1854 1913 FR 1
Alcide-Marie Le Beau 1872 1943 FR 1
Albert-Charles Lebourg 1849 1928 FR 2
Alphonse Legros 1837 1911 FR 2
Louis Lejeune 1775 1848 FR 4
Stanislas Lépine 1835 1892 FR 2
Jacques Antoine Marie Lemoine 1751 1824 FR 1
Xavier Leprince 1799 1826 FR 3
Louis Le Poittevin 1847 1909 FR 1
Henry Lerolle 1848 1929 FR 1
Robert Lefèvre 1755 1830 FR 4
André Lhote 1885 1962 FR 2
Aristide Maillol 1861 1944 FR 1
Henri Charles Manguin 1874 1949 FR 2
Edouard Manet 1832 1883 FR 10
Albert Marquet 1875 1947 FR 7
Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier 1815 1891 FR 5
Jean-François Millet 1814 1875 FR 10
Ecole de Millet anonymous: 1
Georges Michel 1763 1843 FR 6
Claude Monet 1840 1926 FR 9
Henry Monnier 1799 1877 FR 5
Adolphe Monticelli 1824 1886 FR 5
Berthe Morisot 1841 1895 FR 4
Gustave Moreau 1826 1898 FR 6
anonymous 1
Charles Aubry 1811 1877 FR 2
Blanche Ory-Robin 1862 1942 FR 5
Isidore Pils 1813 1875 FR 1
Camille Pissarro 1831 1903 FR 4
René Piot 1869 1934 FR 3
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 1758 1823 FR 12
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1824 1898 FR 5
Jean-François Raffaëlli 1850 1924 FR 2
Auguste Raffet 1804 1860 FR 5
Odilon Redon 1840 1916 FR 3
Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841 1919 FR 23
Jean-Baptiste Regnault 1754 1829 FR 1
Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes 1884 1974 FR 2
Théodule Ribot 1823 1891 FR 1
Henri François Riesener 1767 1828 FR 5
Léon Riesener 1808 1878 FR 1
Gustave Ricard 1823 1873 FR 6
Auguste Rodin 1840 1917 FR 1
Ker-Xavier Roussel 1867 1944 FR 5
Théodore Rousseau 1812 1867 FR 15
Philippe Rousseau 1816 1887 FR 3
Paul Cézanne 1839 1906 FR 4
Georges Seurat 1859 1891 FR 2
Paul Sérusier 1864 1927 FR 2
Lucien Simon 1861 1945 FR 1
Paul Signac 1863 1935 FR 2
Alfred Sisley 1839 1899 FR 7
Octave Tassaert 1800 1874 FR 2
James Tissot 1836 1902 FR 1
Félix Elie Tobeen 1880 1938 FR 1
Nicolas Antoine Taunay 1755 1830 FR 2
Constantin Trovant 1
Constant Troyon 1810 1865 FR 3
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1864 1901 FR 3
Henri Fantin-Latour 1836 1904 FR 2
Maurice de Vlaminck 1876 1958 FR 1
Jules Leon Flandrin 1871 1947 FR 3
Camille Flers 1802 1868 FR 3
N. de Forbin-Janson 1771 FR 1
Jean Louis Forain 1852 1931 FR 9
Louis Français 1814 1897 FR 1
Othon Friesz 1879 1949 FR 1
Eugène Fromentin 1820 1876 FR 3
Auguste Herbin 1882 1960 FR 2
Louis Hersent 1777 1860 FR 1
Charles Chaplin 1825 1891 FR 1
Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet 1792 1845 FR 1
Théodore Chassériau 1819 1856 DO 2
Georges Chenard-Huché 1864 1937 FR 1
Jules Chéret 1836 1932 FR 1
Ary Scheffer 1795 1858 NL 1
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1780 1867 FR 12
Louis Adolphe Hervier 1818 1879 FR 2
Georges d' Espagnat 1870 1950 FR 3
Estachon 1
Andre Barbier 1883 1970 FR 3
Sébastien Bourdon 1616 1671 FR 1
Horace Vernet 1789 1863 FR 1
Ivan Petrovich Dalheim 1832 1896 1
Auguste Desarnod 1
Vincent Courteuil 2
Adolphe Ladurner 1798 1855 FR 13
Mitoire 1
Fontaine de Swebach 1769 1823 FR 5
Louis Marie Sicard 1746 1825 FR 1
Thomas de Thomon 1760 1813 FR 3
Adam 1786 1862 FR 1
Charles Guillaume Alexandre Bourgeois 1759 1845 FR 1
de Vivien 1790 RU 1
Elisabeth Louise Vigée-LeBrun 1755 1842 FR 2
Vodo 1
Jean Urbain Guérin 1760 1836 FR 2
Jules Dubois 1864 1957 BE 1
Nicolas François Dun 1764 1832 FR 1
François Lagrenée 1774 1832 FR 4
Martin 2
Holliet 1
Jean Antoine Pinchon 1772 1850 FR 1
Lizinka Aimée Zoe de Mirbel 1796 1849 FR 1
Saint 2
Recommended Citation: "[Vy'stavka sto let franczuzskoj zhivopisi (1812-1912) : Exhibition 100 Years of French Painting (1812-1912)]." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Oct 18, 2024. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/411